Think big, dream big, believe big, and the results will be big.
Visualize the possibilities
You dream big dreams and as you dream so you become. You nurture your dream.
You cherish your dream. And you know that the dream you live in the inside will soon be seen by all on the outside.
Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise.
Dream more than others think is practical.
Expect more than others think is possible.
Each and every one of us is capable of achieving greatness, yet only a few of us actually tap into our talents, passions, and dreams, that would allow us to do great and mighty things, far above and beyond our wildest dreams.
One of the most important characteristics that separate the successful people from the unsuccessful is their thinking.
Successful people always choose to think big. They dream big. They imagine themselves playing it big.
When you are looking for a job and you get the chance to work at Google and another small, not-so-famous company, which one will you go for?
For most people, they prefer to go for big companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. The reason is that these companies are known for their visions. They have big dreams of changing the world.
And people are literally attracted to big thinkers.
You’d rather watch a sports game in the final rather than the qualification match, right?
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …When you think big, you will start to make decisions and take action that brings you big results.
And life is short my friend, if you are going to make it, you might as well make it big.
Most people are conditioned to think small because of what they have been told and experienced in life.
They tried to go big but failed. They tried to pursue their big dreams, but their parents, teachers, and friends told them to be realistic.
Your thinking starts with your imagination. And since you are going to be thinking anyway, you might as well just think big.
Imagine and visualize the positive possibilities. Think about all the good things that can happen to you.
Stop letting your fear of success or the fear of failure to stop you. Instead, choose to dream about the possibilities that life can offer.
Another great way you can transform yourself into a big thinker is to read more.
We’re often confined by our own knowledge. For example, you have no idea how a place will look like until you have read about it, heard about it, or visited the place yourself.
And reading is one of the easiest methods that can transform your thinking.
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If you want to think big, you must 10X your thinking.
What is your income goal?
10X that goal. What kind of success are you looking for?
You need 10X the results you want.
Many people are living far below their expectations because they think small. They don’t have big dreams.
You see, when you have a big dream and you put in the action, you will be doing much better than most ordinary people who think small or who don’t even dare to dream.
The thing is that most people have been conditioned to play it safe and small. They have no idea that they are thinking small. And this is why when it comes to thinking, setting your goals, and achieving success, you must 10X them.
One thing you have to understand is that thinking 10 times bigger doesn’t mean that you will have to work 10 times harder.
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When you elevate your thinking and make your goal bigger, it means you will have to implement a different strategy. You need a more creative approach to achieve what you want.
For instance, the strategy to earning $10,000 a month is totally different from the strategy you need to earn $100,000 a month.
Plus, you also don’t want to set a goal that you don’t believe you can achieve. When you don’t believe that your goal is possible, you will self-sabotage and procrastinate on it.
Most people are chained by roadblocks such as they think that they don’t have the time, they don’t have the money, they don’t have the skills or knowledge, etc.
The problem is that what you want to achieve is in the future, but you are gauging your ability based on your current situation. And you must not think it this way.
Yes, you may be poor right now and you may not have many successes in your life now, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful.
Thus, don’t let these limitations stop you. Instead, choose to think beyond these limitations. After all, your limitations are just temporary.
If you think that you are poor and you don’t have the money, it doesn’t mean that you will stay poor forever. The situation is just temporary and you can change the situation.
If you think that you don’t have the skill or you are not good enough, you can always commit to learning and improving.
The key to thinking big is to not let your limitation stops your thinking.
If you want to know what kind of dream life you want to live, just ask yourself the 100 million dollars question:
“What will I do if I have $100 million dollars cash in the bank?”
When you think it this way, you take the restriction out of your thinking.
What will you do if you have all the money in the world?
What goal will you pursue if you can learn anything and become good at it?
What will you do if you have the time and money to achieve whatever you want?
When you take the limits out of your thinking, you will begin to think big.
People think small because they are thinking short-term. When you think short-term, you basically limit yourself of what you can achieve.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3ySuccess will never come to you overnight. You need to think long-term in order to think big. When you think long-term, you will outdo the competitor. Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon is truly someone who is obsessed with the future. And to help achieve his mission of fostering long-term thinking, Bezos started a project to build a 10,000 years clock.. You have to understand that every big success comes from small achievements. Every master was once a beginner. This is why to think big, you must go long-term. Long-termed thinking takes you out of your comfort zone. It attracts bigger opportunities and makes you grow. Dare to explore, dream and discover. You must always be curious to explore, discover, and dream. What if you have the potential to live your dream life but you choose to play it small all these while? You will never know what you are capable of until you do it. Your ability to think big and to stick to your thinking is one of the most important factors that will determine your success in life. People who choose to dream small and play it safe will never achieve great success in life. Hence, choose to think big, my friend. Choose to play it big.