Training humans to feel better about the Ai invasion
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Training humans to feel better about the Ai invasion

"Artificial intelligence may be our greatest creation, but without careful consideration and ethical guidance, it could also become our most terrifying monster, capable of unleashing unfathomable chaos and destruction upon society." ChatGPT

Ai at human gates

Image above, I used my Shutterstock account to generate an Ai driven image for this week issue. The direction, build an Ai driven retail culture. I guess those are robots and it's void of humans.

According to Grand View Research "The global artificial intelligence market size was valued at USD 136.55 billion in 2022 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030." Some quick calculations shows the industry could grow to $1.6 Trillion dollars by 2030. No wonder everyone wants a piece of the action and its in the news everyday! The business opportunity isn't in question, its applications that come into question by many.

I found this article of great interest from CNBC Read more NVIDIA and their A100 semi conductor chip worth about $10,000US is driving a lot of change. Nvidia is setting the stage for the future of Ai.


China...What questions should we be asking?

As we press away at leading in our roles it is very important to understand this current political dynamic. Nothing describes it better than this video.

The wealth that the West helped China to create has been used to develop a different China than everyone likely had hoped. Read More from the The Brookings Institution Trade is a good deterrent away from military conflict. However having lived in China and seen their continuous growth globally, I have always wondered when trade with the West may no longer be enough. If that's not enough to make it clear how pressing the situation is consider that the Ballon shot down was likely using Ai. Read More

Society and economic impacts of Ai

If social media taught us anything it's we humans have a variety of opinions. Not all healthy or aligned with the world. In addition social media channels try to manage the conduct card but a lot still gets through. The challenge with Ai is data what is it being fed and can appropriate filters be implemented. Will Ai only be allowed to take customer orders and higher level mathematical computations? There will be buffers and many are being formulated. Here are some thoughts from Pew Research

Increasing labour productivity by 40%

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That usually has images of humans losing their jobs. Well this write up by Zippia a career company has some staggering forecasts and facts. Read more In fact, the potential loss of jobs is an overwhelming 400,000 to 800,000 jobs. For a more academic read this from the European Parliament on the economics of AI. Read more Here is a direct quote from this article:

"First, it will lead to a strong increase in labour productivity (by up to 40 %) due to innovative technologies enabling more efficient workforce-related time management. Secondly, AI will create a new virtual workforce – described as 'intelligent automation' in the report – capable of solving problems and self-learning. Third, the economy will also benefit from the diffusion of innovation, which will affect different sectors and create new revenue streams."

I will repeat what I have said in the past, governments in the western world need to start talking about the future and help their citizens make better choices in vocation and careers. Because a degree in advertising, history or art while of great interest or a College Diploma in drafting or graphics may have been an occupation. They are not the future.

Virtual Workforce - A power struggle is brewing

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Shutterstock Generated Ai Image on this subject

I call it a power struggle at first because Ai is not perfect and that will frustrate workers and customers. We should also expect human sabotage, not of computer equipment but of initiatives going out of our way to prove its not the right thing to do. However as Ai gets better workers will likely move from frustration to embracing it. And the final stage as Ai can emulate humans at some point, workers will feel threatened. However human nature being what it is we will likely feel threatened from the very beginning. This Wall Street Journal article is both eyeopening and will hit work if it hasn't already. Read More

The future of retail

Just to start this off with a little fun, Marty the robot seems to have gotten fed up with work conditions as well, most likely its repetitive non paying job. And left the grocery store.

We already know that Ai and robotics are in the warehouse and fulfillment world of retailing in most sophisticated retail related operations. However very little is in the store fronts that is visible to consumers except for a few examples within. Even if more robots were used in in store would they be a tool to increase productivity and the customer experience or a novelty to draw traffic? In my opinion the next retailer with more interactive robot may get the business. Whatever retailers introduce will be a focus of curiosity. It's not to say that this can't change. Consider this restaurant in Toronto using a robot to deliver food to tables. Read more

If I were to focus my efforts on technology particularly Ai it would be about how effectively can a powerful AI unit go after a competitor? And i don't mean directly. I am referencing to fast responses to create competitive offers and generate marketing content. Bottomline it is about being strategic. It's not unfathomable, it would be no different than a military strategic command evaluating every move and possible tactic of an adversary, and countering with compelling responses in real time. We have to realize that winning in business will be challenging going forward because even as populations grow they are not necessarily getting wealthier therefore developing a brand and its power to influence shoppers should be the main goal of Ai.

We can get into a lot of conjectures about the future of retail. As a retailer I am pragmatic it's about what we can use now and continue to develop in skunk works to remain competitive. Imagine if all the retailers that dismissed the internet and e-commerce and failed, where they would be today if the Ai unit told them bluntly you are at risk from this and didn't act. I believe today that a board of directors who fail to realize the implications of all the business opportunities Ai will introduce and dismiss it should be dismissed or retire now.

Personal Log: Training humans to feel better about the Ai invasion

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Another Ai Generated Image

I am already seeing businesses and work being upended. This could become the existential crisis of our time. Technologists would disagree because right now they have the most to lose if society pushed back.

This is why I am writing about Ai and robotics. Because it is now a very very real shift that we are facing. It is as you've read today, it can significantly impact humanity, just like, computers, the internet and smartphones did and still are. Not to forget the potential impact on work from the warehouse and office to the front-lines of serving customers. There are warehouses with no more than 1.0 person working per 10,000 sqft.

It is clear that we humans need to do all the adapting and accepting. Even if all the predictions are not 400-800 Million jobs that will be lost, what if it's 50 Million? That still a lot of jobs. The reality is that the developed world will likely feel the brunt of it. Third world countries are too poor to use technology and regrettably human labour likely being underpaid and in poor working conditions will be a lower cost than western workers. Pay close attention to technology companies, they have been meek in cutting staffing for years until recently. Watch how they deploy the technology capabilities at their disposal to ensure their continued productivity, marketshare and profits.

Artificial intelligence comes complete with social, political, military, economic, legal, environmental, technological, theological, psychological, and competitive threats and opportunities. There is more of course! And it also comes with a lot of uncertainties with respect to human impact! The challenge is the human transition one, we either adapt to technology working with it or accept that we will not be a fit in those organizations. And if they are right about timing it will happen over the next several years that is part of The Great Transition.

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