Trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Having just completed the ninth, and final, of nine challenges for the year raising awareness and funds for You Raise Me Up , I have some personal reflections on this final challenge.

NB: £600 off my target, to donate please visit  

Trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, with Discover Adventure , was a challenge on a whole different level for me. After completing a half marathon, five 10KM races, a 15,000ft skydive and a fire walk, I thought I was prepared for the challenge. 

The Inca Trail trek to Machu Picchu is 45KM – 26M – over 4,200M – 13,776ft – of elevation. 

I run three times a week and train in karate three to four times a week, BUT... 

I felt the effects of altitude when we arrived, as I expected. Breathlessness after climbing a flight of stairs and a little light-headedness. However, I suffered badly with altitude sickness for the second half of the acclimatization day. I had severe nausea, headache and dizziness. 

Food and energy I could catch up on, sleep I couldn’t. So, on returning from the acclimatization trek, I collapsed into bed feeling incredibly nauseous, headachy, breathless and very unstable on my feet. 

I wasn’t packed for the next day at that point, but nothing was coming between me and the restorative sleep. My body needed rest. 

I did make the trip the following morning, feeling better, and the adventure had only just begun.  

I came face-to-face with many physical and mental challenges to overcome along the way. 

The first day was slow going. Already feeling the physical effects of the altitude, I decided, and was strongly encouraged, to pace it sensibly and to keep to the back and take it slowly, slowly. 

Anyone who knows me really well will know that I generally don’t do really well pacing myself to achieve my aims and goals – I tend to go too hard, too fast! This time I really, seriously needed to listen to advice and adjust my approach. 

That said, failure is also never an option for me. I am a strong believer that there will always be a way through, there will always be a way to achieve and succeed. Once underway, I am open to adaptation and adjustment – I receive feedback well if it is constructive. 

Determination, or if you prefer pig-headedness, is a strong trait in my personality.  I’ve learnt over the years to apply it appropriately because of making some bad choices. It took me a long time to realize which fights to pick and which ones to walk away from.  

Karma has served me some well-deserved life lessons along the way. Some of those lessons had to be repeated more than once! 

The first day was hard but by taking it slowly, I succeeded. Little did I know that more challenges were on their way over the next two days. 

Day two was the climb to the highest altitude point (4200 metres) with approximately six hours up and then six hours down over Dead Woman’s Pass and that is where it began to get interesting. 

It was an hour and a half to two hours after lunch to get to the pass and then another four or so hours to get to the next night’s camp.  

It started well but slow and steady. A lot of climbing, both small and large steps on an uneven surface. About 20 minutes from the top, the weather decided to descend. We had torrential rain, hail and wind (the wind was probably the kindest) which made the surface treacherous. 

The weather stayed that way for the remainder of the day. 

The group we had formed at the back stuck with each other and we were determined to make the pass together. This meant a bit of waiting for each other at various points with very little shelter whilst waiting. However, once you are truly wet through you are wet through and things can’t get any worse. 

Coming down from Dead Woman’s Pass was infinitely harder than going up. It was rocky, uneven and slippery - very slippery. 

Suffering again with the altitude, I was breathless, dizzy and unstable on my feet. Taking a couple of tumbles, I was forced to feed myself energy bars to keep the energy available.  After initially forgetting that I had glucose tabs, whoops, I was then force fed a couple of tabs.  

At this point I can remember all the falls, but I can’t clearly recall the last couple of hours of the descent or arriving at camp.  I do know I was wet and cold, but I had completed the day. 

The next morning it was time to tackle the last full day of trekking. There was more to come on day four that would take us to the Sun Gate and Machu Picchu, but the trekking would be done by lunch. 

Day three ended up being even tougher than day two despite better weather conditions. 

As with most things in life we had to go up before we could come down and again, at this moment in time, I don’t recall all of the day. I’m hoping that over time I do remember as I know it was an amazing experience. 

The back group (slow and steady) started off earlier than the main group in an attempt to try and make all the check points and Inca ruins together. 

In reality, that lasted one stop, but progress was pretty good to start with and we were within a reasonable time of the lead group. The reason for trying to stay within a reasonable time of each other was for the amazing porters to be able to serve dinner at a reasonable time for our last night’s camp. 

The porters trek the trail alongside us but carry EVERYTHING that is needed for the entirety of the journey. This includes our tents, their tents, the communal tents, our mountain packs, the chemical toilets, the kitchen and when I say kitchen, I mean kitchen - they cater for over 30 people each mealtime and carry snacks for us -, and an “ambulance” (a medical pack for the trip doctor). 

Completely unbelievable and I will forever remain in awe of the effort and resilience of these marvellous people. Such amazing individuals, who were always friendly, always welcoming, always smiling. Nothing was ever too much trouble. 

On the final day, the porters are only able to take two trains back to the start - at 6.30 am or 6.30 pm. We needed to make sure that as a group they were able to get the first train so they could complete their duties. 

Dinner for day three was initially scheduled for 6pm. However, my legs decided to differ. And it was moved out by half an hour so we could all eat together. 

After about 12 hours of trekking, my memory is sketchy at this point, my legs started to seize up. They felt heavy, really heavy. It was like trying to move iron legs through the thickest treacle ever. It reminds me of how, when you dream you are running from a threat, that they just will not move. 

The last hour was the hardest hour of the whole experience. Every step was painful, every step took every bit of energy that I had. Every step needed the effort of my last step, but I had to do that for an hour. 

I swore profusely and could not pay any attention to anything other than putting one foot in front of another. Stopping was not an option for two reasons. 

Number one, if I stopped at that point, I wasn’t going to get going again. My legs just didn’t have it in them.  

Number two, I would have needed the assistance of the support team as there is only one way off the Inca trail and that is on foot. Whilst they can do this, I didn’t want to be “the one”. 

I kept moving until camp where, when I stopped, I dropped to the ground completely exhausted and depleted of energy. 

Five minutes with my legs supported in the air brought unbelievable relief and gave me a renewed sense of amazement in the powers of the human body. Both in what it can achieve and how adept it is in recovery. 

I truly realised what it is to push yourself further than you think you can achieve.  

I have to say, if it wasn’t for the support of my teammates, the trek leader, the trek doctor, the local guide and Freddie the ambulance, I’m not sure how I would have coped.  Without their support for that last hour, I’m sure it would have been much harder. Support, encouragement and a nudge every now and again was needed – I apologise if I actually swore at anyone – I really don’t recall. 

After eating, the energy was necessary even if I wasn’t feeling hungry, we went to bed, but it took me a good couple of hours to decompress and I was struggling with restless legs. I was aware of a 3.30 am wakeup call so the porters could get their train. 

After a few hours of sleep, we were up, allowing the porters to pack away and we waited for the final part of the trail to open at 5.30am. 

The final day was incredible. Somehow my legs had recovered sufficiently that they didn’t bother me too much, surprisingly. 

We were still slow and steady at the back, but we kept a good pace with the main group. Probably the best pace we had had all week. There was one last surprise for us though. 

The Monkey Steps are so called due to the need for most people to have to climb them on all fours. A “nice” surprise after all the previous effort. 

When we finally made it to the Sun Gate we passed through for the iconic view of Machu Picchu (think MS Office screensaver). 

What I hadn’t appreciated was that only approximately 30% of trekkers on the Inca Trail get to see that view. Due to the altitude, low clouds and the early arrival at the Sun Gate apparently, it’s not easy to time this all correctly to get that view.  

I’m pleased to say that we did get that view. 

We then had another hour to two hours trek down to Machu Picchu itself, which was enjoyable, and we stopped for more history and stories along the way. 

This was followed with a couple of hours touring the Machu Picchu site with so much insightful information that it is going to be months of research and information gathering to be anywhere near informed and educated enough. 

The last half day was lunch in Machu Picchu town, a bit of sightseeing, the tourist train to KM82 and then bus back to Cusco. 

The last full day we had a free day to explore Cusco, which was an amazing overload on the senses. Having had four days of just nature and the team around me, real life was too much. I craved the tranquillity of the trail and could quite happily have opted out of the normal “western” rate race of phones, people, traffic, noise, hustle and bustle.  

Initially, reality was just too noisy, too bright, too hectic, too much! 

I will always now search for peace and tranquillity in a day, time and space to just “be”. 

It will take a while to digest and really appreciate everything that this trip has given me. 

It’s made me appreciate that I need to make some life choices. The pursuit of everything is not achievable or healthy, I need to make choices that are good and benefit those that are important to me. 

Those decisions will come in time. For the moment, I need to recover both physically and mentally and then I can consider what my future choices will be. 

For now, my lessons are know your priorities, hold your head high and know that you are capable of so much more than you think is possible. 


Well down Sarah, just awesome!

Dawn Harrison

VP/GM EWST and C2IUK at Ultra Intelligence and Communications Leadership Fellow of St. George’s House, Windsor Castle


It was fabulous meeting you on the trek and a pleasure having you as a ‘tent buddy’. You should be rightly proud of the determination, perseverance and accomplishment - all achieved with a smile (and a little bit of dancing at the end 😁)

Samantha Norgate

Corporate, Business and Community Fundraising Coordinator. Bringing colour to the lives of people with learning disabilities


Amazing achievement Sarah Pearce CMgr, MCMI and wonderful commitment to your cause

Dave Richardson

Corporate Fundraiser at Taylor Made Dreams


An amazing accomplishment- I really enjoyed reading your reflections on your trip, highlighting just how lucky the charity is to have you as a trustee. Superhuman effort you have made this year with your 2024 campaign, you should feel extremely proud of yourself Sarah. Many many congratulations on this final event for the year- please have a very well deserved rest! 👏

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