Trust & adoption of technical solution in reducing tomato post-harvest losses, Nigeria

How simulating social behaviour can help reduce post-harvest losses

A pilot project by Wageningen University & Research in collaboration with Agrofair in 2017 and 2018 found that Nigerian tomato farmers can reduce their post-harvest losses in terms of both quality and quantity when using plastic crates rather than traditional raffia baskets to transport their crops to the urban centres of Lagos and Ibadan. The project was based on five informal value chains including farmers, transporters, wholesalers and retailers.

The longer-term success of such an intervention depends on all the participants in the tomato value chain accepting and correctly using the crates. The Value Chain Laboratory (VC-Lab) method was used as a way of assessing this and building an understanding of the influence of social factors such as trust, attitudes to risk, and social norms regarding the acceptance of plastic crates. This method uses quantitative analyses, qualitative games and models to simulate future scenarios.

Based on these simulations, researchers were able to recommend creating financial incentives for farmers, develop mechanisms to reduce risks for individual farmers, and strengthen social norms for supply chain actors. See:

Dr. Melle Leenstra

Chief Knowledge and Inspiration Officer Africa


Great to see the collaboration fostered between IFDC/2Scale and WUR after our scoping mission in June last year with Thompson Ogunsanmi and Thom Achterbosch. Real research in development.

Hi Christiene happy to explore collaboration.

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