Two-Faced White Dwarf
This is the story of a White Dwarf that couldn't not make up his mind and choose between Helium (He) and Hidrogen (H).
And also, the next 60 seconds will tell you how Ilaria Caiazzo and her group discovered it (only if you actually click on the video)
Ilaria Caiazzo is an astrophysicist, a Burke Prize Fellow at the California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena. She's a theorist interested in stars, in their lives and in their afterlives. More on her site. And... she also produced a short film!
SAP expert (ABAP + SD + PI) - Scientific & Cultural
1yReal questions being: How can two masses of He and H be separated in a star? How long it will last the separation? They are separating or they will remain like that?