Undertaking a program of work to test the proposed reforms to qualification design

Undertaking a program of work to test the proposed reforms to qualification design

Welcome to the July edition of The Journey.

We provide the industry with a strong, strategic voice to ensure Australia's VET sector delivers better outcomes for learners and employers.

Hear more about the AUSMASA projects from our CEO, Dr Gavin Lind.

Qualification Reform Design Group (QRDG)

We are undertaking a program of work to support the Qualification Reform Design Group (QRDG) as outlined in the Design Group March 2024 update. This work will road-test the proposed purpose-led qualification model. We are currently undertaking 2 projects to test the proposed reforms to qualification design.

Qualifications Reform Categorisation Project

Our Automotive Categorisation project will test a proposed new approach to qualification design with three proposed purposes for qualifications in the AUM — Automotive Manufacturing and AUR — Automotive Retail, Service and Repair training packages.

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Qualifications Reform Demonstration Project

Our Automotive Demonstration project will consult key stakeholders to test ‘Purpose 2’ of the proposed purpose-driven qualification model across the current Certificate II qualifications in the AUR— Automotive Retail, Service, and Repair training packages.

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Superseded Units Review

Review of AUM, AUR and RII (Mining) Training Packages for Superseded Units of Competency. Training provider feedback has revealed that at least one current and recently endorsed qualification in the Automotive Retail, Sales and Repair (AUR) training package lists a superseded unit of competency. 

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Low or No Enrolments Review

Review into VET training products with low and no enrolments across AUM, AUR and RII (mining). An initial analysis of enrolments at a qualification level using NCVER data, has identified that across the Automotive Manufacturing (AUM), Automotive Retail, Service and Repair (AUR) and Resources and Infrastructure (mining) training packages, several qualifications have less than 50 enrolments per year nationally.

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Automotive Industry Survey

If you work in the automotive industry, we want to hear from you.

As part of our Perceptions of Automotive Careers project, we have partnered with Fifth Quadrant, an accredited market research agency, to undertake independent research to understand and address skill shortages facing the Australian automotive industry. We are looking for insights from a broad range of industry workers, including women, First Nations people, individuals with disabilities, and Gen Z.

Share your thoughts with us! Our survey is open for feedback until Friday 19 July 2024.

Take the Survey Now

Want to go deeper? Phase 2 of the research involves in-depth interviews with industry insiders. Register your interest to participate in phase 2.

Register your interest

Industry Insights

Our 'Industry Insights' series aims to share valuable insights from industry stakeholders on the attraction and retention of talent in the mining and automotive industries.

Thank you to our Mining SWAP member, Zane Hughes from the Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies. Zane shares insights on becoming an 'all-rounder' miner and the importance of a fully legislated process in mining. Zane also highlights the risks and benefits of various training packages.

Stakeholder Engagement

We are excited and proud to be leading projects that support Qualifications Reform. Recently, we held a two-day workshop with our Project Steering Committee. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Our CEO, Dr Gavin Lind joined the fireside chat at the Future of Mining event in Perth. Jan Norberger and Justin Fromm held a roundtable on Strategies to tackle ongoing skills shortages in mining. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Our CEO, Dr Gavin Lind, shares insights on significant technological changes in the automotive sector. Check out the full episode on the Ticker News website.

Our Manager of Training Products, Donna Dejkovska, had a discussion with Claire Chakrabarti, the STEM Program Manager of Austmine, during the Copper to the World conference. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Open Consultations

National Skills Taxonomy (NST) discussion paper

Jobs and Skills Australia aims to develop a common skills taxonomy to create a cohesive approach to workforce development, improve occupational mobility, and align workforce capabilities with industry needs.

Submissions close 9 August 2024. MAKE A SUBMISSION

Post-Budget Implementation Consultation Papers

The Albanese Government has released 2 consultation papers on implementing significant structural reforms in the tertiary education sector. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments or feedback on the papers via email. AustralianUniversitiesAccord@education.gov.au

Please provide your feedback by 26 July 2024. PROVIDE YOUR FEEDBACK

Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)

The ABS had comprehensively reviewed the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders' needs. LEARN MORE

The National Code of Good Practice for Australian Apprenticeships

The department is seeking feedback to assist both parties in entering a Training Contract with a clear understanding of each other's obligations and expectations. Please provide your feedback by 31 July 2024. PROVIDE YOUR FEEDBACK

Nature Positive Plan

Consultation on National Environmental Laws is now open. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is working to fix Australia's environmental laws. HAVE YOUR SAY

Latest Industry Papers and Reports

Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System

The review examines the apprenticeship system and provides evidence-based recommendations to increase the completion rate. The review proposes a framework that will contribute to the reduction of skills shortages. Download the background paper.

Australia’s circular economy opportunity

The report 'Australia’s comparative and competitive advantages in transitioning to a circular economy' was commissioned through the National Science and Technology Council. Download the report.

Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme

The new proponent-led method development process has 5 main steps. Find out more about the interim proponent-led method development process. Read more.

STEM Career Pathways report

To help address Australia's current and future workforce challenges in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the National Science and Technology Council commissioned Science & Technology Australia (STA) to report on barriers to STEM careers. Download the report.

Upcoming Events

The AUSMASA team look forward to seeing you out and about at upcoming events.

July 2024

Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance (RESA) Skills Summit

Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing & Energy Council (TMEC) Annual Business Conference 2024

National Apprentice Employment Network (NAEN) National Conference 2024

August 2024

Victorian TAFE Association 'TAFECreates' 2024 State Conference

VET National Teaching & Learning Conference 2024 'From Competence to Excellence – Strive to Inspire'

National Skills Week 2024 'It's a Game Changer'

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