University of Michigan Team Awarded Gordon Bell Prize for Material Simulation with Quantum Accuracy – Q&A Overview
University of Michigan Professor Vikram Gavini and his group at the Supercomputing 2023 event.

University of Michigan Team Awarded Gordon Bell Prize for Material Simulation with Quantum Accuracy – Q&A Overview

One of TRI's first research initiatives was to support collaborations with numerous university researchers to advance the field of Accelerated Materials Design and Discovery. We launched this effort with a four-year, $35 million dollar research program in 2017 and renewed our commitment in 2021. Over the past seven years, Professor Vikram Gavini and his group at the University of Michigan have been one of our long-term and valued collaborators. 

Professor Gavini’s work is some of the most fundamental research we have supported at TRI. His research aims to revolutionize materials simulation at the smallest of scales through novel quantum mechanics-based simulations. Recently, Professor Gavini and his team were recognized by the Association for Computing Machinery through the Gordon Bell Prize, which is awarded to a single project each year for the top advance in supercomputing across all fields of science. We couldn’t be prouder of Professor Gavini and his team! 

The title of their award-winning submission was “Large-Scale Materials Modeling at Quantum Accuracy: Ab Initio Simulations of Quasicrystals and Interacting Extended Defects in Metallic Alloys.” In this interview, Brian Storey, Senior Director of Energy & Materials research at TRI, asks Professor Gavini to explain the advance and what that title really means.

Brian: Your work is aiming to revolutionize the way materials simulation is done. Your techniques are based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), which is currently our best theory for simulating the fundamental nature of solid materials. The theory itself dates back decades and won the Nobel Prize in 1998. How does your work differ from the existing simulation methods that are so widely used? 

Vikram: As you mentioned, DFT has been the workhorse for understanding materials’ properties from first-principles. Given the success of DFT, many DFT codes have been developed over the past 30 years. They are mostly based on either a plane-wave discretization (more popular for solid-state calculations) or atomic orbital basis (more popular for quantum chemistry calculations of molecular systems).

In our work, we have developed the framework and algorithms to solve DFT equations using finite-elements. While the finite-element method has been popular in engineering applications, it has not been adopted in DFT calculations due to the inability to achieve the same efficiency as traditional methods. In a decade-long effort, our group has developed an efficient and scalable implementation of finite-element-based DFT calculations using higher-order spectral elements in conjunction with algorithmic advances that can take advantage of GPU acceleration.

Our work has resulted in an open-source code DFT-FE ( that is capable of conducting fast and accurate large-scale DFT calculations involving many tens of thousands of electrons. Notably, systems comprising tens of thousands of electrons are difficult to tackle using other DFT codes.     

Brian: Traditionally, there is a tradeoff between calculation accuracy and simulation size.  We can simulate one atom quite accurately, but in an application, we need to simulate many, many atoms. The large number of atoms comes at the expense of accuracy. The work for which you won the Gordon Bell prize broke this tradeoff.  How did you achieve this? 

Vikram: The accuracy/system-size barrier was broken by bridging the highly accurate quantum many-body-based methods with DFT. While DFT is, in principle, an exact theory, it relies on something called the exchange-correlation energy that accounts for the quantum interactions between electrons. However, the form of this exchange-correlation energy function is unknown and has been the holy grail of DFT since the beginning. The widely used approximations for the exchange-correlation energy are far from the accuracy we desire.

In this work, we bridged the quantum many-body calculations with DFT using data-driven machine learning approaches to improve the exchange-correlation energy. We subsequently combined the exchange-correlation description with large-scale DFT-FE calculations to simultaneously address both the accuracy and system size limitations in DFT calculations.      

With previous methods (green line), as the accuracy increases then the accessible number of electrons (and atoms) that can be simulated decreases. This work breaks that tradeoff in a qualitatively different way.

Brian: DFT is routinely used within the R&D divisions of Toyota as well as many other industries to design and understand materials used in batteries, fuel cells, and other energy technologies. How might your advances lead to new discoveries or insights that are currently not possible?

Vikram: This work demonstrates new capabilities that enable DFT calculations on more complex systems, involving many thousands of atoms that routinely appear in real engineering and science problems that Toyota is trying to solve but have been out of reach. Further, the improved accuracy of DFT calculations will enhance the predictive capability, which allows computations to play a more important role in understanding materials properties and designing/discovering new materials. Thus, I anticipate that accurate large-scale DFT calculations can substantially accelerate the understanding of materials properties and materials discovery in many areas, including batteries, fuel cells, and catalysts, to name a few. 

This work was supported and funded in part by the Toyota Research Institute through the Accelerated Materials Design and Discovery program.

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