Unleash Your Team's Potential: How Working Genius Can Fuel Development

Unleash Your Team's Potential: How Working Genius Can Fuel Development

Do you ever feel like your team is a collection of talented individuals who struggle to function as a cohesive unit? You're not alone. Many teams fall short of their potential because they fail to leverage the unique strengths of each member. This is where the Working Genius model comes in and why I decided to become certified in the Working Genius.

Developed by Patrick Lencioni, Working Genius identifies six fundamental types of natural gifts:

  • Wonder: Seeing potential and opportunity.
  • Invention: Generating new ideas and solutions.
  • Discernment: Evaluating ideas and making sound judgments.
  • Galvanizing: Inspiring and motivating others to act.
  • Enablement: Removing obstacles and helping others get things done.
  • Tenacity: Driving ideas to completion and ensuring follow-through.

How Working Genius Benefits Development in Your Team and the Organization

By understanding the Working Geniuses of your team members, you can unlock a new level of development:

  • Individual Growth: People thrive when they work in areas that align with their natural gifts. Working Genius helps individuals identify their strengths and find ways to use them more effectively.
  • Teamwork: When you understand how each person's genius contributes to the whole, you can foster better collaboration. Team members can learn to appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses, leading to a more supportive and productive environment.
  • Strategic Allocation: Assigning tasks based on Working Genius ensures you're putting the right people on the right jobs. Imagine a brainstorming session with a "Wonder" and an "Inventor" working together, or a "Discernment" type paired with an "Enabler" to refine a plan.

Putting Working Genius into Action

Interested in learning more or putting this in actions…reach out to me.  I can assist you to:

  1. Take the Assessment: The Working Genius assessment helps individuals identify their primary and secondary Working Geniuses. Encourage your team to take the assessment and discuss the results openly.
  2. Team Mapping: Hold a team meeting where everyone shares their Working Geniuses. Discuss how each person's strengths contribute to different stages of a project.
  3. Role Awareness: Help team members understand how their Working Genius can be used to support others. For example, a "Wonder" type can help the team see the big picture, while a "Tenacity" type can ensure deadlines are met.
  4. Strengths-Based Delegation: Assign tasks and projects based on Working Geniuses. This doesn't mean people only do tasks aligned with their primary genius, but it ensures they have opportunities to utilize their strengths.

Utilizing the Working Genius is a journey, not a destination. By fostering a culture that values individual strengths and encourages collaboration, you can unlock the full potential of your team and achieve remarkable results.


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