WAN Optimization Technology
FatPipe's WAN Optimization can give you 75 times faster connectivity. Network redundancy can also be enhanced.
Application delivery improves tremendously while you can exploit the full capacity of your WAN infrastructure, leading to yearly cost savings in the range of thousands of dollars that would otherwise be spent on extra hardware, software and bandwidth. FatPipe WAN Optimization's caching/compression techniques tap into the true potential of your WAN which in turn minimizes data replication across your networks. FatPipe provides both file and byte level caching.
Other benefits include making your WAN more redundant and resilient. Interactive applications respond faster. The speed of inter-site data transmissions also increases. With a microscopic level of visibility into the environment, your business can sharply minimize the amount of redundant data in the network which reduces de-duplicaton and retransmission efforts, leading to better WAN performance.
TCP/IP's innate constraints rule out the possibility of meeting rapidly growing network requirements by simply buying more bandwidth. In such a scenario, WAN Optimization becomes all the more crucial to take corporate connectivity to the next level.