We must fix prior authorization to protect our patients

We must fix prior authorization to protect our patients

The data speaks for itself.

Our new survey of 1,000 physicians found that more than 90% of doctors see how prior authorization hurts patients. We’re making considerable progress to fix prior auth, but there’s a lot more work to do.

By: Bruce Scott, MD , AMA President

Payers erect roadblocks allegedly designed to save money for the health system and protect their resources, but when patients and their doctors face care delays—or when they give up and abandon necessary care—the result can increase overall costs when worsening health conditions force patients to seek urgent or emergency treatment. Our patients are caught in the middle, twisting in the wind, while physicians fight for them, often with fax machines as our only available weapon.

The harm is not anecdotal. New survey data published by the AMA (PDF) this week bolsters our ongoing advocacy against onerous prior authorization processes that undermine the expertise of physicians by delaying or denying treatment plans, burden their practices with administrative hassles, and too often lead to avoidable health consequences for patients.

Nearly one in four physicians surveyed said prior authorization led to a serious adverse event for a patient in their care, according to the AMA’s survey of 1,000 physicians practicing in a broad range of settings nationwide. More than three-fourths of respondents said prior authorization can lead to patients abandoning treatment, while more than one-third reported that criteria used in making authorization decisions are rarely or never evidence-based.

Alarmingly, over nine in ten physicians reported that prior authorization negatively affects clinical outcomes for their patients. Additional consequences of prior authorization include greater physician burnout, reduced employee productivity, and significant costs incurred across the entire health care system.

Transparency, accountability needed

Members of the AMA House of Delegates are keenly aware of the need to reform prior authorization, and adopted new policies to bring greater prior authorization transparency and accountability on the part of payers during their Annual Meeting earlier this month. The new policies underpin AMA advocacy to ensure insurers provide detailed explanations to both physicians and patients whenever they issue a denial, and to secure increased legal accountability for health insurers when their prior authorization procedures harm patients by interfering with medically necessary care.

As an otolaryngologist—an ear, nose and throat physician—in private practice in Louisville, Kentucky, I know firsthand that the lack of transparency in the denial process is one of the most frustrating aspects of modern medicine. I sit down with a patient, listen to their history, do a thorough exam, review imaging studies and then together we decide on a treatment plan. But then I have to get approval from an insurance company representative who has never seen my patient and who typically isn’t even a physician. Never mind an otolaryngologist who could best understand the prescribed course of treatment; it’s rare the person on the other line can even pronounce otolaryngology.

Recently I saw a patient with a tumor growing in the sinus next to her eye. She understood she needed surgery to remove the tumor, but her insurance company denied authorization for the surgery because she had not tried an antibiotic and a nasal spray—neither of which was going to cure the tumor. After a phone call to the medical director, the surgery was approved, but imagine the stress for her, when she received a letter from her insurer saying that the surgery was “not medically necessary.” That’s just wrong, and our patients deserve better.

The fact that payers keep this process opaque and overly complex is no accident. A majority of physicians in the AMA survey said it is difficult to determine whether a particular prescription medication or medical service even requires prior authorization in the first place. Denials are issued without explanation or justification, without information on how the denial can be appealed, and with no guidance whatsoever on alternative treatment options. Physicians and their patients are left in the dark, with adverse outcomes too often the result. Causing such harm should bear a price. As a result of newly enacted policy, the AMA will support legal consequences for insurers when their prior authorization processes disrupt medically necessary care and lead to patient harms.

Reform measures advanced

The good news is that we are seeing measurable progress in our efforts to fix prior authorization.

⭐️ Read the full article ⭐️ to learn more about the work being done.

Fixing prior authorization

Prior authorization is costly, inefficient and responsible for patient care delays. The AMA stands up to insurance companies to eliminate care delays, patient harm and practice hassles. Become an AMA member.




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Thomas Glodek MD

Physician Advisor / Medical Director of Care Coordination / Director of Population Health - MLR, Key KPI’s, Utilization, HCC Coding, RAF Scoring, Closing Quality Gaps, Provider Engagement & Education


The AMA should use its vast resources to lobby congress to force CMS to implement meaningful changes to coding, billing, and payments and to effect meaningful rules for payors to adhere to admission criteria and related admission status. The current system is broke and the AMA should be leading the charge to fix it.

Dr. Erica Zelfand

Physician specializing in functional medicine & integrative mental health (including psychεdεlics).


Amen! Prior authorizations are also a huge time sink in a medical practice. They hurt both doctors and patients alike.


Yes. A mess. Prior authorization is just another tactic used by the medical insurance industry to recover their losses due to poor investment strategies in the 80's. They play, we pay. As a former health claims adjuster and past medical billing clerk in the hospital and clinic setting, I have personaly and literally watched them roll out their tactics since the 80's.


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