We Must Go Beyond Loan Manufacturing
By Dave Savage

We Must Go Beyond Loan Manufacturing

The mortgage industry is at a pivotal crossroads. Over 90% of lender technology budgets are consumed by loan manufacturing tech, with most of the technology spent on LOS, POS, PPE, and other technologies to manufacture loans. This underscores a significant industry-wide issue: professionals are not paying enough attention to essential processes that happen BEFORE loan manufacturing.

The Current State: Challenging Trends in the Mortgage Industry

  • Fact: According to the MBA quarterly performance report, IMBs have not been profitable for 7 consecutive quarters. 
  • Fact: Independent mortgage bankers have dramatically increased their tech spending—from $398M in 20216 when Quicken launched the Rocket in a Super Bowl commercial to $1.5B today. 
  • Fact: Despite these big investments over a decade, loan officer productivity has declined from 5 loans per LO in 2016 to 3.1 loans per LO last year. 

The Status Quo is not the path forward. Time to Think Different and Revolutionizing Mortgage Lending for the Modern Era

These challenges raise an important question: How can mortgage professionals evolve from transaction-focused to data-driven mortgage advisors who significantly enhance the borrower experience and improve business outcomes?

It’s time for lenders to rethink and evolve their leadership and technology investments. From the time they take an app, the focus is traditionally on compliance and the ability to sell the loan on the secondary market—which is definitely essential. But in this profit-crisis market, it’s critical to go beyond the transaction, helping the borrower reach their financial goals while achieving overall loan processing efficiency. 

I propose strategically reallocating leadership and tech resources to technology like Mortgage Coach and TrustEngine . These platforms allow loan officers to meet customers where they are and provide the best advice, transforming their focus from costs to coaching. 

A recent case study by Matt Clarke with Churchill Mortgage over the past year. This shows that turning loan officers into TrustEngine -powered Mortgage Coaches on a large scale significantly boosts profit. 

The Churchill case study, among many others, demonstrates how an enhanced focus on strategic tech increased gross margin by over 20 bps while improving the customer experience. It also helps Realtors by being a better conversion partner. It’s never been more important for lenders to achieve profitability and to help buyer agents during the NAR settlement changes. 

Embracing the Moment of Truth

In the lending process, presenting a fee worksheet versus leveraging advanced tech to be modern advisors represents a critical 'moment of truth.' Those who pivot to help customers achieve their financial goals will be profitable in bad and good markets and they will gain market share going forward. 

Industry leaders need to embrace these moments—these critical decision points—to redefine success in their field.

A Call to Bold Leadership

It's not enough to invest in technology for improving loan manufacturing. True leadership involves making strategic bets on innovations that extend beyond the transaction, enhancing customer experiences, partnerships, and operational efficiencies.

So here’s the key to going beyond the transaction with a strategic focus on profitability by improving customer experience:

  • Redefine your approach to technology and focus on the things that turn your sales experience with borrowers into tangible value and service. A perfect example is going beyond delivering a fee worksheet to delivering a Total Cost Analysis at the point of sale.
  • Evolve and upgrade your technology today–not just to survive the current challenges but to thrive in the evolving landscape.
  • Mortgage leaders need to elevate their strategies, focusing on both math and leadership to drive the industry forward. A perfect example is to start sharing the math on credit reports to loan conversion with all your loan officers.  

For those interested in a deeper dive into this, I’ve created a playlist in our YouTube channel called “Beyond Loan Manufacturing.” see the link below in comments and please share this with other mortgage executives and friends

Scott M. Davis

I am a Real Estate Entrepreneur with 30+ Years Experience, Offering Thoughtful and Smart Real Estate Advice - Senior Loan Originator NMLS 154062


Thank you Dave Savage and agreed! Mortgage Coach and TrustEngine are integral to both my customer experience and the value we provide. Knowledge isn’t Power —> “Applied” Knowledge is Power

Joshua Logan Mettle

Division President & Director of Physician Lending at NEO Home Loans


I could not agree with this more Dave, we have to invest in technology and education of our internal teams to really drive ADVICE over PRICE and help borrowers choose better mortgage strategies. Up to us to play the role of the challenger sales person.

John Brumund

Chief Production Officer - Company NMLS 3277 - NMLS 294776


Excellent article Dave Savage. Couldn’t agree more.

Cindy Ertman

Mortgage Success Coach | Helping Mortgage Professionals Achieve Seven-Figure Success Through Strategic Coaching and Personalized Guidance


Great advice Dave Savage! Status quo won’t win this race today. And I wouldn’t be where I am today without adopting the differentiating tool like Mortgage Coach many years ago. And today, it’s more critical than ever. The opportunities ahead are so strong for those that adapt and integrate technologies that support education and the advisory role of mortgage loan originators. And I’m truly honoring the IMB’s who understand the importance of investing in their loan originators success in a time when it’s critically needed! Well done! 👏

Craig Davis

🔥Founder | CEO | Executive Coach 💪 I help Professionals Lead with less Stress, Greater Clarity, and the right actions to Optimize Success. 🙌


Here's what I love about this article: 1) The critical nature of how important the experience is before loan manufacturing happens. This is now the tangible and critical value that must be provided or else risk losing that customer for life value if others will. 2) What got us here.....aint getting us there... How do we do it differently moving forward - how do we accept, adapt, and align to the 'new era'? How do we change our beliefs that we can adapt? 3) Churchill case study data highlights the results proving a positive revenue impact. Something that goes deeper than the organization, but also to the branches and LO's. Thanks Dave Savage for your continued industry leadership.

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