This Week, In Recruiting - Issue 41
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Open Kitchen: What Happened in Recruiting in 2021, Pt4
This is Pt4 of our mini-series reviewing the major themes in recruitment in 2022. For the whole series, check out Pt1, Pt2 and Pt3 here.
16. New Challenges to DE&I of the Shift to Remote
Image: Reshuffling the Deck - New DE&I challenges in a Remote First World
The shift to remote offered a tremendous opportunity to solve legacy issues in building an inclusive workforce. Turns out, that turning up to an office 5 days a week, 9-5 was a system optimised for a single adult, with single owner occupation with no extraneous responsibilities for care giving. The shift to remote - especially for parents with school age children - offered the flexibility which all employees are now vocally campaigning to retain.
However, remote working produces its own DE&I challenges, particularly for those who do not control or do not feel safe in their home environments. Younger people who are with family or flat share with their cohorts are amongst those most affected by any widespread shift to remote. Chances are, you will not be able to perform your job at optimal level if you do not control you remote work environment.
Is this something recruiters for remote only employers will need to assess for?
Informally, remote first employers pre-covid always did, making sure job candidates had 'already configured' their home lives to remote working. Important new DE&I considerations began to emerge in 2021, as remote lost its halo effect and the practicalities of hiring and working with remote employees began to produce these new challenges, which I am calling 'New DE&I' - the DEI challenges for those who can't or don't want to remote work.
17. Acceleration of Reverse Agglomeration Effect
Image: US Census Bureau 2021
The idea that people are going to leave 'superstar' cities (remember those?) due to the shift to remote seems to be bearing out for the second straight year. Data from the US with previously high demand location likes San Francisco, New York and Chicago losing out to cheaper, more affordable locations in Texas, Florida and elsewhere
Love to know how global this phenomenon is, but I would image that all metropolitan centres whose attractiveness depended upon the density of opportunity as a result of the density of population, will be experiencing similar population decline, as repeated lockdowns accelerate the shift to remote, and the shift to remote rendering physical proximity an anachronism of the before times.
For employers, the question will be, where do we set up location? Of course critical for those who continue to operate offices, and strangely, it may also be important for those who choose to operate fully remote.....
18. Rise of Destination Branding
Image: Tulsa Remote
....because workers have to be somewhere, the physical location is not irrelevant. Far from it, as organisations - particularly local and national governments hungry for tax revenue and consumer spending - ironically end up competing to attract the remote worker - showcasing local amenities, superior standard of living, relocation support and even cash incentives. Tulsa Remote is one of the most impressive examples of this, offering $10,000 to any eligible worker who relocates in order to work remotely in the next 12 months.
There are going to be winners and losers in this new game of competing for talent; ex-holiday destinations, needing to pivot their entire economies away from tourism, may end up being able to offer the most compelling option for workers who want more space, more sun, better life and not have to compromise on compensation.
How does this impact recruiters? We will likely have to get better at 'destination branding', maybe even think about setting up 'remote hubs' in popular locations where the destination itself is an important contributor to the job offer. Can't hire a recruiter? What if brainfood sets up a remote hub in Zakynthos and hire recruiters to relo to paradise island? Recruiters might end up being travel agents of a kind, selling the life style as much as the job opportunity.
19. Repurposing of AI from Candidate Assessor to Recruiter's Assistant
2021 was the heel turn for AI in recruitment. Significant legislative proposals from EU, US and even China to mitigate against the use of AI in hiring, underscore the general sense of discomfort we have with the very idea that humans might be subject to non-human judgement. This has led to vendors quickly pivoting away from the 'AI will tell you which candidate to hire' to the 'AI will help your hiring managers / recruiters make better decisions' use case. Applying the technology to the employer rather than the candidate is one of the most subtle shifts we have seen in 2021, and perhaps one of the most welcome. Great opportunity too for new vendors looking to attack this space of 'recruiter enablement and optimisation'
20. RPA - Recruiter Process Automation
Speaking of recruiter optimisation, where exactly are we in terms of getting rid of the mundane, routine tasks which soak up so much of the work of the recruiter?
In a world where we have an acute shortage of recruiters to do the job, employers will need to make sure the recruiters they do have are spending their time on high value activities which are difficult to automate or outsource. Remember that the shift to remote is also a shift of the previously analogue to the digital, which consequently creates the surface area for the greater application of technology to do the heavy lifting. I don't know how much automation we've done in 2021 but I hope it's a lot. Spending time on the red and not the green is probably not going to be too healthy for our future marketability. The What Do Recruiters Want? survey missed this component of the work - maybe this will be one of the projects for 2022, - to break down recruiting work into time-over-tasks and measure what we need to do more or less of. Sounds like it might something useful for us to monitor, in order to stay 'career healthy' in 2022.
That's the end of the series of what happened in Recruitment in 2021. It was far from comprehensive and I'm sure I've missed a ton, so if you have any ideas of what needs to in there but wasn't please to comment below, and let me know.
Out of the kitchen, onto the lounge 👇
What's in the News?
Talent Protocol raise £1.5 million to bring blockchain to HR
Super exciting product coming out of Portugal (spoiler alert: I am investor), Talent Protocol is launching with a unique vision - to enable people and organisations to directly invest in the potential of others. Led by my good buddy and brainfood advocate Pedro Oliveira, this is blockchain in HR. Join the waitlist here and read more about the raise here
So LinkedIn can breathe easy now 🤣.
It turns out, its super hard to do jobs properly, even though I think Facebook never really gave this a good enough try. Still, it looks like Zuckerberg's shift to the Metaverse is going to put a lot of undercooked product ideas into the waste bins. Changes will take place in Feb 2022, everywhere outside Canada and US. The following summary, for an at-a-glance changes relevant to you:
Read more about it on Meta's Business Help Centre page here
Final pulse report of the year from our friends at Recruitment & Employment Confederation, tells a story we all intuitively knew - business confidence in hiring has dropped in the final quarter of the year, following on uncertainty brought about by Omicron variant, the now expected lack of direction from UK government and the continued tensions with Brexit and future relations with the EU. PR here
If you are a recruitment service provider or technology business and have any news to share, comment below, this is your application to get into next week's addition of This Week, In Recruiting. Make sure to @ mention me so that I see it
What's On Offer?
So no offers this week, which is no surprise as I'm sure all of us have rightly checked out of work related stuff until the new year. I'm going to keep promoting this segment, even though it has not worked as well I would've liked. Worst case, nothing happens other than fugly photo of me up there, best case there will be something the community can get for free or at massive discount. Lets look forward to better gifts and offers in 2022!
If you are a recruitment service provider or recruitment technology vendor have any exclusive offer for the community, comment below with your offer in order to be included in next week's edition of This Week, In Recruiting. Make sure to @ mention me so that I see it.
What's Going On?
Brainfood Live On Air - Ep138 - Recruitment Forecast 2022 - Friday 7th January, 10am ET / 2pm GMT
We're kicking off the year with a forecast for the year and we're bringing in recruitment luminaries to discuss what we think will be happening in the agency world, HR tech and corporate hiring. We're with Neil Carberry, MD, (Recruitment & Employment Confederation) Madeline Laurano, Founder (Aptitude Research), Sue Marks, CEO (Cielo) & George Laroque, Founder (Worktech). Must watch folks, even if you do it on replay. Register here
Founder's Focus - Ep13 - Up close and personal with Dean Sadler & Dan Kirkland, Co-founders, Tribepad - Wednesday 12th January, 12.00pm
Season 2 of Founder's Focus kicks off and I'm excited to finally be able to speak to Dan Kirkland and Dean Sadler, co-founders of Tribepad. Both ex-engineers, Dan and Dean have manned the ship at ATS provide Tribepad for a decade or more - what have learned about building worktech in that time? Get to know the product via personal interviews with the founding team. Register here
Recommended by LinkedIn
Brainfood Live On Air - Ep139 - Selling Talent Acquisition Transformation to the Business, Friday 14th, January 2.00pm GMT / 10.00 ET
No doubt all of us are going to be launching some sort of plan to improve TA and recruiting capacity for our organisations in 2022. Question is - how do we get 'buy-in' from the business? Crucial part of TA Leadership which we are rarely ever trained on or supported on. We're with TA leads who have been there, done it, or actually about to do it. Essential watch folks - with Maury Hanigan, CEO (SparcStart), Ben Gledhill, VP Global Talent Acquisition (WorldRemit), Robert Quinn, Head of Talent (Cognizant) & Allyn Bailey, Founder (Transformation Tapas). Register here
Founder's Focus - Ep14 - Up close and personal with Sergei Mak, APAC CEO, Daxtra - Wednesday 19th January, 9am GMT / 5pm HKT
One for the Asia-Pac friends - we're going to get this going early in UK with a FF with Daxtra APAC CEO, Sergei Mak. The man has a fascinating journey from Kazahkstan, Russia, UK and now Hong Kong. What has he learned about leadership in this time, and through these places? Must watch for anyone interested in global career path and cross cultural leadership. Register here
Brainfood Live On Air - Ep140 - Setting Salaries For Remote Teams, Friday 21st January, 2.00pm GMT
One of the secondary challenges of a shift to remote, is compensation. How exactly are we meant to pay our staff when we offer 'remote anywhere'? How does this chime with the concurrent demand for salary transparency? It is tenable to universalise pay grade, irrespective of location? Would it even be fair to do so? We're with Rachel Gibbs, Global Compensation & Benefits Advisor (Independent) & Andrew Gadomski, Founder (Aspen Analytics). Register here
Brainfood Live On Air - Ep141 - Recruiter Enablement: How to set up a RecOps function, Friday 28th January, 3.00pm GMT / 7.00am PT
Speak to any TA leader involved in 'hyper scale' and you won't get far without the term 'recruitment operations' getting mentioned. Increasingly common in rapid growth businesses, this specialist function is designed to enable other recruiters to perform even more efficiently. We speak to recruitment ops professionals to figure out how to set one up. w/ Daniel Martos, Recruitment Operations Lead (Preply), Stephanie Baysinger, Recruitment Strategy, Operations & Enablement (Marqueta) & hopefully (!) Ewa Zajac, Manager Recruiting Operations (Zendesk). Register here
If you have an event, webinar or podcast going on next week and want it featured on next week's newsletter, comment below with the link and event details. Don't forget to @ mention me so that I see it
Who's Hiring?
Sourcing Specialist, On Deck, Remote Global
Corporate Recruiter, On Deck, Remote Global
Tech Recruiter, On Deck, Remote Global
Executive Recruiter, On Deck, Remote Global
Senior Tech Recruiter, MesssageBird, Remote EU
Senior Product Recruiter, MessageBird, Remote EU
Commercial Recruiter, MesssageBird, Remote EU
Recruiting Lead EMEA, GoDaddy, Remote EU
Senior Tech Recruiter, mojo, Paris, France
Talent Acquisition Manager - Technology, Luno, London, UK
Talent Acquisition Partner, LendInvest, London, UK
Employer Branding Advisor, Frontiers, London, UK
Talent Acquisition Lead - Tech, Frontiers, London, UK
Talent Acquisition Specialist - Business Support, Frontiers, London, UK
Talent Acquisition Specialist - Publishing, Frontiers, London, UK
Talent Partner Team Lead, We Are Move, London, UK
Talent Partner, We Are Move, London, UK
Talent Acquisition Specialist - German Speaking, Tipico, St Julian / Valetta, Malta
Candidate Experience Coordinator, OLX Group, Lisbon, Portugal
Candidate Experience Coordinator, OLX Group, Warsaw or Poznan, Poland
Senior Tech Recruiter, OLX Group, Barcelona, Spain
Senior Tech Recruiter, OLX Group, Lisbon, Portugal
Senior Tech Recruiter, OLX Group, Warsaw or Poznan, Poland
Senior Tech Recruiter, OLX Group, Remote Romania
Senior Tech Recruiter, OLX Group, Berlin, Germany
Talent Acquisition Lead, Zinc, London, UK
If you want to get your job featured, post jobs on the Brainfood Jobs Job Board here
Who's Moving?
Gary Franklin joins SSP as Recruitment Coach. Few are better placed to provide coaching input than Gary, with a CV as impressive as you can. Previously leadership roles with G4S, Aviva, Nationwide, Wellcome Trust and more. Congratulations Gary and good luck for 2022!
Christina Gruettke joins Bolt as Engineering Recruiting Manager, after working at IC roles with Gusto and Netflix. Creating a unified check out experience in online shopping is a game changing innovation if you spend a moment to think about it, super exciting opportunity.
Ben Newnham joins Civeo Australia as Talent Acquisition Manager, after spending a year and half as Director of Operations at Evolve Talent.
Finally, congratulations for all the folks moving on up: Nadia Elkheir stepping up to Talent Acquisition Lead, UK & Europe at the Financial Times, Lindsey Nash who goes up to Program Director at Randstand Sourceright, Alina Rossignuolo promoted to Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor at Transurban and Amanda Pleasant who steps up into Director, Global Talent Sourcing at JLL.
Well done and good luck for 2022 everybody!
If you or your organisation has made a significant hire, let me know via comment below in order to featured in next week's edition
What Are You Doing?
Bill Boorman is looking for NEW voices to lead a conversation or 'track' at a Zoom Free TruLondon in Febuary. TruLondon is the original 'unconference' where there is no name badges or presentations and the gap between speaker and delegate is non-existent. This is ideal format for people who want to speak more on the conference scene (it's basically how I started). If you have a recruiting / HR topic you are particularly passionate to talk about, comment below and I'll put you in touch with Bill!
If you are doing something new, comment below with what it is and share a link to where you want people to go. Don't forget to @ mention me in it so that I see it
End Notes
So that really is it for 2021.
For folks who want a 'State of Brainfood 2021', check out yesterday's newsletter which is pretty much 100% about that. It covers all the initiatives, channels, apps and community spaces I've experimented with this year, including this one.
Thanks for reading along TWIR for 2021 - it was this years biggest experiment and I'm happy enough with it do it again next year. Wishing you good health, good fortune and great prosperity for 2022
Hung Lee is the curator of Recruiting Brainfood, and now This Week In Recruiting. Subscribe to both if you are into recruiting or HR or just interested in world of work.
HR Agile People & Culture - Recruiting Ops - Candidate Experience - Hiring & Onboarding - People Ops
3yLoved the Christmas Hat, Hung Lee! 😍🎅
Fractional CMO, Consultant & NED to Ambitious, Scaling Businesses
3yCheers Hung Lee for another year in the know! Your style, skill, love and passion for this space is truly an inspiration. Keep experimenting & hold us all up to always move forward! See you soon cx
🏆 Chief People Officer and Founder. Influencing the stat for women in leadership - Career pathways for : Biotech,Tech,Cyber,STEM. ProtoCyberhire supporting women in partnership with AWSN.
3yLital Zigelboim-Dvir Anthony Nardini
🏆 Chief People Officer and Founder. Influencing the stat for women in leadership - Career pathways for : Biotech,Tech,Cyber,STEM. ProtoCyberhire supporting women in partnership with AWSN.
3yLooking forward to the live sessions in 2022 starting back 7th Jan. Have a Happy New Year introduction to 2022 ya'll. Excited to see the title 'Recruitment Coach' for Gary Franklin - I would love to hear more about this as time progresses. Thanks for all that you do Hung to serve us content that matters and connections that really give the essence of community across here and all other modes of social collateral. 🙏 💝 Great to see the On Deck roles in this week's edition too.