What Does Property Inspection Cover

What Does Property Inspection Cover

Finding an ideal place to live is a dream come true! Have you found your dream home? Is everything going smoothly? Are you going to submit the booking price? Hold your Horses!!

Buying a property involves millions of rupees; sometimes, we buy a house with our lifelong savings. Therefore, it is important to make sure the house is worth buying.

Also Read: things to Consider Before Investing in Real Estate Pakistan.

Sometimes we ignore little red flags, and maintenance costs half the purchase amount. The best way to ensure that you invest in the right property is to go for a home inspection/ Property Inspection. For sellers, a home inspection can get you a better deal than others in the local market.

What is Property Inspection?

A residential property inspection means examining the building to check for potential problems that can become a hefty long-term liability. The inspection is usually carried out by a professional who gives you the report after completion of the process.

This blog includes a list of factors you should consider while inspecting your future home. This home inspection checklist for buyers will help you make a well-informed decision.

Read our blog about Property Taxes in Pakistan.

Home inspection is a challenging task, as it costs a fortune and time taking, but in the end, it is the best way to safeguard buyers of the property.

Home Inspection Checklist:

Are you thinking about what Property Inspection Covers? It is common to note a few things during your visit to the desired property. Sometimes the agent does not have a satisfactory answer to the question. Hence, writing down everything confusing and sharing your concerns with the real estate inspector is better.

A professional property inspector will consider your confusion and cover other things. However, worry not if you do not know what things are covered in home inspections! Realtorspk.com is here with a list of things that are covered in home inspection. The list is handy to potential investors so they can buy with satisfaction.

Let’s have a look!

  1. General Overlook – Foundation, Grounds, Interiors & Exteriors
  2. Plumbing – Faucets, Water connections
  3. Electrical – Wiring & Fittings

1. General Overlook – Foundation, Grounds, Interiors and Exteriors:

The things included in general overlook are little things, but these indicate a lot about the building’s status. For instance, a stain of moisture on exterior walls might be small. Still, it can indicate water seepage in the foundations, leading to the weakening of the house structure.

Also read: how to make a profitable property investment in Pakistan.

Therefore, the general overlook is important while working on the inspection. The thing which should be inspected during an inspection are:

First of all, focus on the ground floor and the foundation of the house because it is crucial for the overall place. Keep into account the following factors while working on the ground inspection.

  • Is the visible foundation in good condition or not?
  • Are there any cracks in the house, particularly the ceilings and walls?

Check out for moist and water leakage signs in the house. For instance;

  • Is the drainage system of the house working efficiently and effectively
  • Did you encounter soggy areas in the house
  • Are there stains of water in some visible corners of the property
  • Did you find a termite damage sign on the wood fittings
  • What is the condition of door and window frames?
  • Look out for large cracks in doors and walls
  • Check the septic tank for leakage signs
  • Is the house newly painted (if yes, look closely. Sometimes the water stains are hidden with a fresh coat of paint)
  • Check the status of the paint. Is it peeling, faded, or stained? (It will tell how much the owner spent on the maintenance of the house over the years).
  • Is the house in okay condition, or does it need maintenance in a short time (if maintenance is required, what can be the estimated cost)?
  • Is there any leakage or sign of the roof decaying in places?
  • What is the status of the ventilation system in the house?
  • Are gutters draining effectively?
  • Have you felt any strange odor from inside the house? If yes, make sure to know what can be the possible source.
  • Do you find evidence of an insulation system in the house?
  • Check the condition of floors – Is there any sign of damage or stains on the floor of the house?
  • Does the flooring work need repair or maintenance?
  • Is the water pressure fine?
  • Are toilets working properly or need repair?

2. Plumbing:

Once the house ground is inspected, the next thing to pay attention to is plumbing. Most people are not aware of HVAC systems work, plumbing, and how it all works. Some of the things you should consider are:

  • Are water pipes working fine or leaking from certain points?
  • Are pipes new, rusted, or damaged?
  • How is the water pump working
  • Check out whether the water flow is steady or not.
  • Does every room have proper air flow (without proper airflow room can be dampened with moisture.
  • Check out the gas and water connection lines. Make sure you do not smell gas anywhere around the house.

3. Electrical – Wiring and Fittings:

Another major thing that should be covered in a home inspection is the electrical supply of the property. The things that should be covered in electronics are as follows:

  • Are cables well protected and secured?
  • Are the wires in good condition, or will you need new wires?
  • Check for exposed wirings and splices in the wires of the house.
  • Does every outlet in the house work fine? Check for current in each outlet or if you need to work on wiring maintenance.
  • Can you locate the main service panel easily?

Tips to Follow Before and After Home Inspection:

Inspecting the house is a blessing in disguise as it saves us from future issues. However, a few tips can help you get the best results from inspection. Let’s have a look:

  • Hire an expert home inspection team like a team of Realtorspk.com
  • Do your research and hire a competent home inspector with experience.
  • Do not feel shy to ask the home inspector and seller questions. Have any confusion, get it addressed before investing your hard-earned money.


So that’s all for now! We hope this blog will help you find the ideal home inspector for your new home. A competent and experienced home inspector can save you time and future hustle. It will help you in investing in a better place.

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