And when can India be free of caste based reservations?

And when can India be free of caste based reservations?

I believe, this problem will not be solved by any extreme measures (either completely removing it or completely letting it run with loopholes). We all know that there has to be a balance which would need to go step wise. And any dilution of the ideas mentioned will just defeat the purpose and hurt the system more. So, let us proceed with caution. First of all, for people who argue against the SC/ST atrocity act. The problem is people are focusing on the tag “ SC/ST” and loosing their minds.

People believe that since the conviction rate is abysmally low in SC/ST atrocity cases, they are pr majority of them must be fake. I am sure rational people will not agree with this statement. But the tag “SC/ST” brings up hidden resentment due to reservation bias and they view this as an injustice against them. Please note that similar things can happen with any of the other acts made for vulnerable group. Like dowry act also have been misused. No one is crying foul over that. Sexual harassment act has also been misused by women in many cases. Will you all cry over that as well ?

And hence, neither is the government going to do a lot to change this. Reasons ? The policies are made on cases that are common and SC/ST are a big "Vote Bank" therefore no political party would ignore their high numbers either. Now, coming back to SC/ST Atrocity Act. With low conviction rate, one must remember that fake cases are only one of the many reasons. Others could be bribe, threat, compromise, lack of support from locality and lack of money to fight cases against people (upper caste) who have contacts in higher places so as that even the justice system is compromised in some cases.

Therefore, the people who are actually vulnerable could not use this act as it is meant to be used. Now, who uses or in some cases misuses them ? Like those urban educated SC/ST people! Because they know the system internally and they have some kind of power and will to fight. They too are under the grips of historical resentment and that could have clouded their judgement to take revenge against “That” one person who wronged him (maybe?) for the injustice done to the entire SC/ST community for thousands of years. This will create nothing but more anger and poison on the other side of the aisle.

I know this raises eyebrows everywhere. And people starts to go after the Act, instead of the person misusing it. How about this ? Lets not tweak the act a lot (so that people do not feel betrayed on both sides), but pick out the loopholes and improve it or maybe put a penalty clause. The bone of contention is the few cases where an innocent man is wrongly put behind the bars (even if he comes out of it later) and stop that from happening. The court/government’s decision to leave this matter to a district official and his signature before arresting someone is just controversial. Because people in power are majorly upper caste. And even if they are nice people, there will be some bias and it will be blown out of proportion, no matter whose side he takes. So, solution ? Remove the subjective bias. But how ? Like put of penalty clause. for example. SC/ST victim of discrimination should have a full proof evidence (videos, audios, neutral witness) before going to lodge a FIR. Then arrest the person and let law take its turn. If the SC/ST person do not have the proof and the issue is minor, halt the arrest and try mediation.

If the SC/ST person do not have the proof and the issue is a major one (like life or death kind), arrest the accused (as per the normal act proceedings). BUT make a penalty (~1 lakh or above) depending upon the per annum income of the SC person in case he turns out to be wrong (Say above 6–8 lakh per annum which is the current creamy layer for OBC). See, the idea behind is that educated and privileged SC/ST people are misusing the act. People who are financially weaker cares more about day to day survival rather than a senseless feud which could make them loose money. (We are a price sensitive market after all!) . So if we add a strong deterrent then maximum of the useless/senseless people will stop misusing this.

Instant arrest should be avoided but not ruled out. Make a comprehensive criteria for all. This way people who are wronged (actual victims) would feel confident in their truth and go ahead with the law and use the act. And people who are misusing this will get drastically reduced. However, 100% solution is a dream (lets be honest about it!). This might not be a unicorn solution. But at least its a start. If you want to remove reservation then remove it step wise. How ? Historically SC/ST have been exploited. So they do not have any hereditary assets, or legacies (land, money, houses, cars, etc) unlike majority of upper caste people. They do not have cushions to fall back to in case they don’t have jobs and want a decent life.

With rising population and increasing seats, people have started utlilising the SC/ST reservation in recent decades more visibly and in most cases only the immediate parent/s have a steady job. Most of our grandparents are unskilled manual labors or poor farmers. They don’t have legacies !!! So, how about removing it for those SC/ST people who have at least 3 generation of people who are well off (you will find very minimal % of people belonging here but its a start). They will have had sufficient time to build up resources/ legacies/ tangible assets that would help their younger generations with resources at par with general category. They don’t need the reservation. They can give it up easily. But they will argue about the discrimination they face. Which is true (honestly, it happens!).

So, lets remove that barrier. Lets ask the government to come up with a new policy which could allow a person to denounce/change his caste and take up any caste he wants. Lets start converting SC to Pandits. Since there is no discrimination in the society, it shouldn’t matter anymore. After 1–2 generations, the few differences will fade way too. Since they won’t get benefit of caste discrimination, its only fitting that they do not get the bad end of the stick either. Believe it or not, this will induce people to give up reservation if they can. Because no one wants to be called “chamar/neech/dhobi, etc” when they have money and wants to raise their standard of living. Lets give them an incentive to do so.

Now, a message to the people who thinks they have been always wronged by the “Caste based reservation” and “SC/ST atrocity act” (even if they haven’t personally affected by this), The truth is you don’t want to listen to reasons. If possible think about the following questions : When a general person looses a seat in job/education institute, why don’t you go after OBC, PwD, ex-servicemen, women reservation? Why is it that its always people of SC/ST caste who have ruined your lives ? Could that be a kind of inherent discrimination you are following and refusing to see that discrimination is happening ? To upper caste females: when women reservation/benefits are given, do you feel guilty in taking it ?

Like maternity benefits ? Like asking for equal wages ? People have been giving arguments that women are not as smart as men and hence use their non-intelligent charms to get ahead of life. How does that make you feel ? Do you believe that you deserve equality and for that some sort of compensation needs to be given ? (Btw P. S. A SC/ST female can take either SC/ST quota or female quota in jobs, so please don’t think SC women have the best of both worlds. Adding to the above point, do you think women needs some help/push getting in line with the menfolk and becoming a part of labour force ? What about SC/ST females ? (We already have enough chores at home that even with loving and supportive parents study is treated as an hobby, not a necessity like with sons. Reservation helps us a lot. And we are not taking your seats away either.

As I understand, general people are 30% of the population. SC 20%, ST 9% OBS 41% (approx values). General have 50% reservation. But constitutes about 60–70% of the jobs in various employment sectors. What if we reverse this thing ? Since you guys are so unjustifiably treated by the SC/ST community (taking your seats and all) , I am sure you will appreciate if you were given 30% seats reservation and the rest 60% open for all. ? Will that work for you? Will you feel happy and content ? No one will take away your right.

Before crying for “the vulnerable SC/ST people” who cannot take advantage of the reservation because of some “privileged” SC/ST people using it, please remember even after this, many seats are left unclaimed. By your way, more seats will be left vacant ( And of course you will want them to be yours) and the SC/ST community will fall way back behind again. India will start falling back again and inequality will rise. No one is gonna be benefited from that in long run. Later you will start crying why are we paying taxes and taking care of people who are poor and disadvantaged.

At last, remember how few years back entire country rallied behind Shashi Tharoor for his amazing speech in UK ? About how Indians are poor and disadvantaged because of what Britishers did to us for 200 years ? Remember how he was asking for some sort of compensation ? Even if its a small sorry ? Did you feel anger towards the Britishers for how they treated us in the past ? Did you like being the “victim” in this case ? Can you see the parallels here ? Similarities in the historic relationship between Britishers-exploited Indians and Upper case Indians-exploited SC/ST people ?

First case exploited for 200 years and we cry foul but second case exploited for 3000 years and we say “eh….its done, no long lasting effect present…no discrimination in the society except the reservation” (which is a +ve discrimination). In first case, there is no central authority which could make the UK pay for what they did to our economy. But in the second case, their is one - The Government of India. They are like parents and they try to take care for the weaker children with any way they can. Good ideas will always be welcomed but it has to come from a constructive place. And that’s what they are doing. And upper caste, like rest of the children, are saying mama/papa don’t love us !! Its not true. This is how a socialist society works.

Takes from better off sections and gives to the weaker ones. And who are the weaker ones and privileged ones ? Government has the data to decide that, we as individuals don’t. We see people around us and thinks this is the whole India. Well Spoiler alert… is not. That is why no matter who is in the chair - BJP, Congress, AAP etc. Most of their cabinet has upper caste people too. But still they make such decisions. They Don’t hate you. They are just taking steps, albeit small, to make the country as a whole progressive.

If you want to change the society, it won’t happen overnight. It won’t happen when you cry victim to few outliers and conveniently forget the majority for whom these provisions have been provided for. SC/ST benefits, whether its reservation or atrocity act, has happened because it was much needed. If you want it to be removed….please brothers and sisters, help us remove the cause!!! Cheers!

Natasha Patel

Carer for dementia patient present Administrative Officer past


Good article and points

Atul Phatak

Experienced business development professional clinical research Phase I to Phase IV.


Insightful, thought provoking. Thanks a lot 👍


Still more than 50% sc /st under poverty. Higher caste domination are everywhere in our country.


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