Who am I?

Who am I?

“I warn you, whoever you are,

Oh! You who want to probe the arcana of nature, that if you do not find within yourself that which you are looking for, you shall not find it outside either!

If you ignore the excellences of your own house, how do you pretend to find other excellencies? Within you is hidden the treasure of treasures! Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods”.

- that’s the inscription on the front of the Temple of Apollo in Greece

4,500 years old

Our ancestors were seeking answers to the question of all questions except they did not have the greatest enemy of mindfulness which is plaguing the modern man - distractions. They did not have the external world of shiny objects to disrupt their silence and meddle into their inner seeking so they relied on insight - connection with the Universal Mind.

Who am I? Why am I?

What do I want?

What’s the point in living, suffering, striving?

What’s the purpose of life?

Who creates it? How?

Those questions must be answered or we will die a big unanswered question mark. Stuffed full of doubts, anxieties, worries, fat and cancer (our body final cry for love we constantly deny our Self).

I started practicing yoga 40 years ago in my little apartment in communist Poland. I had a book in my hand with various poses to bend myself into. I wanted a flexible body and alluring waist. That was my objective at the age of 15.

Zooming through each year decade after decade I did not know who was in the driver seat of my life. It seemed life was happening to me. It seemed mechanical. Grey. Flat. The driver of my life was most often my past. Circumstances. Degree. Designations. Achievements. Outer layers of my existence. Society expectations.

They directed the performance in the theatre of my mind and in the theatre of my feelings.

I owned none of it.

I met my Teacher at a point in my life when I was deserving to meet Him. When I was willing to let go of the collection of the memories I called my life and face my mind and DESTROY IT! In the fire of awareness.

I was already vegan for some time so I had purified my body ready for the wisdom of thousands of years to enter. You can not destroy life and do this sort of work.

Ahimsa or non-harm, first Buddhist precept, Thou Shalt Not Kills is the first step on the path. Com-passion or living in unity with others is the baseline of our humanity.

This work demands you worship Life. Fully. Totally.

Yoga is not an exercise. It was never meant to be. There is not one pose. Not one stretch in Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Tripura Rahasya, yoga sutras and other scriptures.

Yoga is an art (practice) and science (theory) of how to systematically observe, accept, understand and train each of the levels of your being such that you may coordinate and integrate all those aspects of yourself and dwell in the direct experience of the center of consciousness.

You become a Seer. A Witness. A Watcher.

Behind your mind. You see it’s tricks and it’s dramas. You burn your petty habits and shallow desires in the fire of daily practice. The whole illusion we call life which is nothing but surviving.

You stand alone. Life wearing your body.

For that brief moment on this planet.

You rest in your true nature.

You see differently. You feel acutely.

That’s yoga and it is a beautiful systematic journey towards liberation from suffering and sorrow. You learn the skills and the practices. You learn how to work with prana - energy living inside of you. You allow instead of resisting constantly. You let Life flow through you. In awe of every moment.

Choked with awe.

Empty and full at the same time.

Tingling all over. Overflowing.

Atha yoga-anushasanam - lesson 1 out of 196 enroute Kaivalya/ liberation from suffering and sorrow - and NOW after the life long search for meaning in the external world of transitory pleasures I am ready to seriously commit to a daily practice with speech, action and mind to realize Self - the joy permanent.

Do you want to find that which is always with you but hidden because unobserved? Your pure, magnificent, profound, amazing Self? You can do it in an instant. In this moment. If that becomes the one and only and final desire in your Life.

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