Why should you outsource your digital marketing?

Why should you outsource your digital marketing?

Many organisations like to believe they are the jack of all trades and are able to tackle every task thrown at them - I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this is not always possible. There are many companies around the globe that have now turned to outsourcing some of the companies activities. 

Digital Marketing has taken the world by a storm and even though companies have in-house marketing teams it is not always possible that they would have the tools, skills,scope and time to become immersed in all the tactics and trends that Digital marketing has to offer —as well as the capacity to carry them out and most importantly make it work. Remember that Digital Marketing is just the Umbrella which many different spheres fall under. Outsourcing your digital marketing to an agency exposes your organisation to new possibilities and challenges that you wouldn't otherwise be able to manage on your own. It allows you to get more done - in less time without the expense of hiring more full time employees.

“Outsourcing is a clever way of zoning in on a specific skill that one agency can achieve in less time and money it takes to find,interview ,hire and of course pay full time individual.(not only basic salary, lets not forget about all the benefits that need to be added)”

Lets get to business, why should you outsource your digital marketing?

Fully equipped Talented Team 

In order to have a digital marketing presence you will need a developer who can not only create but ensure the optimal functionality of your website, a web & graphic designer to ensure you have a funky design, a copywriter to ensure you have juicy content for your website and social media platforms, a social media fundi who can distribute it on the various platforms, an SEO expert who can optimise the content for search engines, an email marketer who can attract customers and keep current customers engaged by sending regular email newsletters as well as someone who can keep the above in order. It is almost impossible for one person to combine 7 roles in one and by using a digital agency you get a complete digital service.

Save Money - and this does not mean compromising on quality 

When we think of a service saving us money the first thing we worry about is whether this will impact on the quality of the service - correct? Well,be rest assured this is not the case when it comes to outsourcing your digital marketing. Do you know that you can virtually outsource an entire digital service for the cost of one marketing individual? Outsourcing to a digital marketing agency allows the professionals to handle it - reaching out to the experts to use their skills and expertise to benefit your company as and when you need them - giving you a lot more control over your budget. Digital agencies are filled with talented guru’s who have the knowledge, skills and expertise needed to completely transform your digital plan into something that can benefit your company. Instead of employing numerous individuals and paying numerous salaries you pay one fee as and when you require their services - instead of hiring permanent employees when you won't always need their services. 


Time is one of the main reasons why you should invest in outsourcing your digital marketing. Time is money and time waits for no man. Digital marketing requires time - time to train individuals and time to create, implement and manage the processes and strategies. Lets not forget that using and managing the various social media platforms is a 24-hour job in itself - requiring digital tools, an imagination and the digital know-how. Social Media can take your company from zero to hero but if the platforms are not managed and updated you will be knocking at the zero door. Can your business afford to employ someone who has a 24 hour + working day???? Can your business afford to take the risk of potentially letting your social media platforms slip by the wayside while other spheres of digital are being adhered too by the same person?

Software Costs

Digital Tools cost money and agencies can afford to invest in more of these tools as these tools will be used for many companies. Software costs money plus you need an IT person to manage everything especially those beloved servers. It is impossible to find a fully qualified marketing individual who knows every single software tool out there.


Is your marketing manager or your CEO going to fully understand the jargon that comes along with analytics and how to fully utilise the tool? Do you know what and why you are actually tracking? Do you know how to establish whether your efforts are making you money and how to improve these statistics? An agency has the know-how and the expertise to give you regular updated reports of these statistics and how we can take your company to the next level. The digital world is tough and before you take the plunge and try and do it all on your own(Can you really afford to take that risk?) - consider outsourcing your digital marketing to an agency before its too late. Agencies have the expertise and have defined their audiences as well as exceeded their promised outcomes - let them do the same for you.

It's as simple as closing the door 

If you don't like us - you can just close the door on us. All it takes is one meeting or if you really don't want to face our pretty little faces then you can send us an email. If your internal marketing team is not performing - you can't just tell them to walk out the door - your would have to legally go through a performance management process for each and every person - not forgetting your company could be taken to the Labour Court if the employee feels that they were unfairly dismissed. 

Two minds are better than one

An internal marketing team will be in some way limited and wouldn't necessarily have access to the “digital know-how” as way as having a one-track mind purely focused on “the business way of doing things.” Outsourcing gives your company new, fresh and creative ideas as well as valuable insights into the latest trends - trends that could hugely benefit your company and get your digital footprint soaring to the next level. Your internal team might know your business best but there is no harm in getting a second opinion - even if it's just for a trial period.

Digital Marketing Agencies are the experts in the field so instead of spreading your resources too thin and spending money that you don't have out of your budget to hire individuals who won't necessarily do all that you need - a small investment for a brighter future! 

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