Why technology is the answer

Why technology is the answer

Working for a Japanese company, we are lucky enough to have an insight into some of the programs being implemented on the other side of the world. One of these initiatives, which is being promoted by the Japanese government is particularly interesting and relevant for our situation in Europe is Society 5.0.

 Unlike Industry 4.0 in Germany, which looks to use technology to make industry more efficient, Society 5.0 is about applying innovative technologies to improve society and quality of life. The specific challenges being targeted by Society 5.0 in Japan are an ageing population and declining birthrate, ageing infrastructure and decades of stagnant economic growth.

 And while Japan is already facing these issues, many other countries will eventually face similar challenges. So, by taking action now through Society 5.0, the Japanese government intends to contribute to resolving similar challenges worldwide. Furthermore, the aims of Society 5.0 are aligned with the UN’s set of targets for global development called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and represent Japan’s approach to supporting this global initiative.

 The key to understanding the true potential benefit of Society 5.0 is to see how Japan’s technological innovations are being applied to enhance quality of life.

 A good example is a joint project between Hitachi and the University of Tokyo called “Habitat Innovation”. The programme aims to combat societal challenges, and therefore improve quality of life, through policy proposals and innovations. Take the example of an ageing population. Habitat Innovation proposes a structural reform through new policies supporting medical data usage via a highly secure platform. Innovation will come in the form of remote sensing daily life and data analytics to help predictive maintenance. This approach will lead to fewer incapacitating illnesses and an overall higher quality of life.

Social challenges are different in different parts of the world. For some it will be solving water issues, for others it will be overcrowded transport networks, ineffective healthcare, insufficient energy supply, pollution or climate change. In all these circumstances, the well-thought-out application of technology can help improve economic development and the resolution of societal challenges.

In Europe, we are beginning to experience both water and power supply difficulties and the situation is expected to worsen. Technology is at the forefront of tackling these issues. The Sardinian village of Oliena was losing huge quantities of water from its supply due to ageing, leaking and unreliable water infrastructure. By integrating tech into the systems to detect leaks and improve air and water management, the town’s water loss reduced by 50%. Not only does this help to reduce the environmental impact, but it also improves the quality of life for Oliena’s residents who are able to maintain a healthy, hygienic routine, as the water supply is uninterrupted and efficiently distributed.  

Intermittent and expensive electricity is a problem for many in Europe. On the Isles of Scilly in the far south-west of the UK, the Hitachi-led Smart Energy Islands project (part funded by the European Regional Development Fund) is taking advantage of huge technological opportunities and changes in the electricity market. Working with two of the UK’s leading smart home technology companies, PassivSystems and Moixa, Hitachi is installing its IoT platform to balance electricity demand and supply on some of the UK’s most protected yet carbon-intensive islands. The £10.8 million project is demonstrating how solar power, batteries, smart heating technologies and electric vehicles can be used to help support the islands’ energy network and reduce bills for the whole community.

It will not surprise you to hear me say that at Hitachi we firmly believe in this approach. Our business, from its conception 108 years ago, has been orientated around using our technological knowledge to find solutions to society’s challenges. We call this Social Innovation.

 As we strive to overcome challenges across the world, Society 5.0 can act as inspiration for business and society to come together and find ways to apply technological innovation to make a tangible improvement to our quality of life.  

Dr. Christian Reisinger

Verantwortlich Handeln. Zukunft gestalten. Unser Ziel ist es die nachhaltige Transformation voranzutreiben.


Interesting article, Hans. We are regularly discussing how technology can help mitigating climate change. I believe in the nexus between technology and the social/political world, so thank you for your examples. We have as little as 32 years to reach a climate neutral world economy, so I am convinced that we will not make it without technology...

Alice Drooghmans

Sustainable Business Development Advisor (Corporate & Private Markets) , Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance, ESG and Impact Advisory Board Member


Thanks for sharing the idea of Society 5.0 to improve society and quality of life. I’m afraid that countries like e.g. Germany with underdeveloped regional internet infrastructure will fall behind.


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