#Winners and #Losers: And the Horse You Rode In On
The Week in NBA Politics
Winner: Charles Barkley—the native Alabamian hit the campaign trail hard for Doug Jones in the waning days of Alabama’s Senate race this week, helping to drive out the African American vote that ultimately put Jones over the top. #SirCharlesInCharge
Loser: Dennis Rodman—publicly asked Donald Trump this week to make him an official peace envoy to North Korea. He then proceeded to undercut himself by saying Hillary Clinton would have been more open-minded dealing with Pyongyang. #DennisTheIncompetentMenace
The Week in Once and Future Secretaries of State
Winner: Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley—Haley went on “Face the Nation” this week and said that the women accusing Trump of sexual harassment “should be heard.” While Trump was reportedly furious, he may yet realize the PR upside of having a strong, outspoken women in his cabinet—especially if he promotes her. If nothing else, the comments set Haley up nicely for a 2020 run. #2020Foresight
Loser: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson—holds a townhall 11 months into his tenure to address the dispirited troops. Guess how it went. #TooLittleTooRex
The Week in Hanging On
Winner: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro—his Socialist Party ran the table in this week’s mayoral elections, buoyed by the opposition’s partial boycott. But credit where credit’s due—despite Venezuela’s continued misery, Maduro manages to not only hang on but actually consolidate power. He’s no Chavez, but we may have to brace ourselves that he’s no flunky, either. #MaduroSalsasOn
Loser: Ukraine—the country’s state radio company announced plans to begin broadcasting news to Crimean Tartars (and in their native language) early next year…only three years after Russia’s annexation. #RemembranceOfThingsPassed
The Week in Grand Entrances
Winner: US Climate Scientists—get long-term grants from French President Emmanuel Macron this week to fund their research and move to France for the duration of the Trump presidency. #LeShade
Loser: Citizen Roy Moore—rides in on a horse to vote for himself in Alabama’s Senate race this week, promptly comes in second in a two-man race. #HiHoSilver
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Ian Bremmer is president of Eurasia Group, foreign affairs columnist at TIME and Global Research Professor at New York University. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
Student at Kiit college of engineering berhampure
Documenting the stories of development aid
7yIn the Amharic (Ethiopia) they say the Horse will take you to battle, but won't fight.
Owner Triple 3 Marketing, Englewood Healthy Living and South County Healthy Living
7yGood riddance to the alleged teenage kissing machine Roy Trump Moore! Another phony baloney cowboy making horses look bad!
SPSM1,SPSM2 Purchasing
7yNot my senator! Jones win was illegitimate. Where are my crayons and therapy dog.
He's a judge who doesn't know the law, and a pedophile (allegedly) and he still had more than 48% of the votes. What does it says about the voters?