The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

What if computers could learn, listen, speak in any language, see, read, write, as well as see and analyze patterns in images and data?

In this fascinating Ted Talk by Jeremy Howard on "machine learning", you will learn that of course computers can do all of those things today and are getting better at them every day. Using the power of "Deep Learning", which is the same approach used by IBM's Watson to win at Jeopardy or solve the world's problems, computers can can pour through vast amounts of data and learn Chinese or recognize patterns in photos.

What Howard calls the "terrifying implications" of this is not some science fiction dystopia where the machines take over. They are however the realization that most people on earth make their living, at least in part, by learning, listening, speaking, translating, reading writing and/or performing analysis, and the machines are or will be better than their human counterparts in many of these areas.

Rather than look at this in terror, I see the potential for new business opportunities, new career paths and new economies and social structures. To adapt and thrive in the world of this new reality, businesses, governments and universities need to be aware of these trends now, and start planning now for a new future.

Link To Ted Talk by Jeremy Howard: The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

Michael Falato

Founder/CEO Full Throttle Falato Leads - 25 years of Enterprise Sales Experience - Lead Generation and Recruiting Automation, US Air Force Veteran, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, Muay Thai Student, Tenor Saxophonist


Christopher, thanks for sharing!

Christopher Ford

Vice President of Sales and Partnerships at Veoci


Fredric Laurentine - Per our discussion... I wrote this introduction to a Ted Talk (by coincidence it was exactly 9 years ago today). I think this is an interesting Ted Talk especially now that AI has become a much bigger part of our real world.


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