Work vs Family or Work and Family
Cloudstaff Roar 2019

Work vs Family or Work and Family

our 8,143 pax end of year party.

Cloudstaff has always had a tradition of memorable end of year events. At these events we like to involve the staff's family so we invite staff to bring one additional guest or plus one (+1). It is always well received and at our Carnival 2018 end of year party we had about 4,000 people attend.

The 2018 event featured celebrity artists like a Bamboo (very famous Philippine artist) , there were circus performers and the grand prize was a new car. To accommodate 4,000 guests we had to use an outdoor venue (Astro Park). While everyone had a great time when I walked around the back of the audience, I noticed that it was hard to see the stage from the far end, the sound wasn’t all that great, and the ground was getting muddy. So if you were upfront, close to the stage, it was a great experience but if you were in the back of the crowd it wasn’t as good as it should have been. 

After the show, I was wondering if this was one of those traditions that we had simply outgrown? When the company was smaller, we used to have rooftop BBQ parties but we soon outgrew that. We used to have the staff from the Cloudstaff house make fruit shakes in all the buildings but we’ve outgrown that. With this in mind, I wondered if we had also grown so much that the end of year party needs to be tuned down or made smaller? Or perhaps we needed to stop allowing staff to bring a guest and just have the party exclusively for staff members only?

Halfway through this year, a Cloudstaff(er) cornered me in the hallway and interrogated me to see if I would give any secrets away about the end of your party. She wanted to get a hint about what famous artists would be performing this year. She went on to explain that she has two children, and each year she alternates her children as her +1. She told me that her children had already started pestering her about the Christmas party and she said that they are “so proud their mommy works at Cloudstaff”. 

It was at that point that I realized that the end of year parties mean something special, not just to the staff but also their family. I decided then that we needed to find a way to make sure that this year’s party would be able to support the increasing numbers of Cloudstaff(ers) and their family members. 

When we did the calculations and realized that we would probably need a venue that would accommodate around six thousand people, we found that there simply wasn’t a lot of options available, particularly given the unsuitability of the outdoor venues. We were struggling! 

The moment I walked into the Philippine Arena, I was blown away, I knew straight away that this was going to be the venue. The only problem was that it wasn't just big, it was huge, it was expensive. This is, after all, a venue that is designed to cater for 55,000 people. It’s completely undercover, air-conditioned, and is the largest indoor arena in the world! It was crazy to think that we should even remotely be considering this.

Our events team convinced me that we needed a big draw card and single-act wasn’t going to be sufficient so they suggested a triple concert with three of the most popular most talented artists in the Philippines as the main attraction. December Avenue, Ben&Ben and Arnel Pineda – the lead Singer from the legendary 70s/80s rock band Journey (Faithfully, Don't Stop Believing)

The next challenge was trying to figure out how to make the budget work. As usual, we gave the staff the option of inviting one free guest, but we expanded this to allow additional guests for a nominal fee which could be salary sacrificed. We also allocated some of our recruitment marketing budget and invited graduate students from some of the local universities. With the budget exhausted we needed to use our internal teams for all the creative materials needed, the ticketing marketing, legal, and production. 

The final hurdle was that we didn’t realize that around 90% of the staff had never been to a major concert inside a large venue like Philippine Arena. When they’ve attended a concert it was in the middle of a shopping mall or in the middle of an outdoor oval like the ones at previous Cloudstaff party events. We needed to educate the staff about why an arena offered a completely different experience and would be an electrifying experience that they would remember for the rest of the lives

Needless to say, we had potentially bitten off a lot more than we could swallow. 

I spent many sleepless nights wondering if we had made a mistake. Wondering if we should just cancel, lose the deposit on the venue, and then do something smaller. But then one night, I just thought ‘what the heck, let’s do this crazy thing. Let’s make it work!’ 

We hired buses and we started taking staff for tours of the venue to show what they would be experiencing. The events team have relatives in the office at 2am packing tickets. The creative team worked non stop on the videos needed including on the day. 

In the end, our hard work paid off and we had over 8,000 people attend the concert. There were a hundred buses shipping people in from different Cloudstaff locations. One staff member even bought 20 family members!

It was one of the most rewarding experiences that I will ever have – seeing so many smiling, happy, excited staff and their family members. There was something really special about being able to deliver a unique (Only at Cloudstaff) experience and being able to share it with their family. I have always known that the family plays an important role in the life of the staff here but now I think I truly understand that we are not a corporation of employees but we are a family of families.

Watch it Here

Lloyd Ernst is the CEO and founder of Cloudstaff. 

Peter Brewer

He's A Veritable Wheelbarrow Full Of Surprises! Board Chair - The REIQ. Ambassador - Tenancy Skills Institute.


Fantastic stuff Mate! Really impressive!


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