The year she got everything she wanted

The year she got everything she wanted

I am a #dreamer. Always have been. 💫

Less of a planner. 

#Dreams do come true as I work hard, execute, pour energy and passion into their realization.

Yearly planning events, performance goal setting, and such are not always my favorite cup of tea. Perhaps because of their preset templates which somehow often feel as if they are curbing my creativity and stifling my dreams. 

In 2021 I made my first #visionboard, of sorts. Nothing fancy, no scissors or cutouts from magazines, glue, or paint.  Simple notes on a piece of blank paper. Last year I made the first thought-out #visionboard with colored pens. I let loose and wrote without much thinking.  No overthinking or censuring. 

💫Dreams can't be put in a harness before they even start to crawl.

Looking over my 2022 vision board I am in awe how much I achieved. Even in the Travel category, which took a big hit during the pandemic.  Taking each dream from the board, clarifying one at the time, getting specific about what I really wanted, elaborating a plan of actions and deliverables, was my approach. Bite-size chunks while keeping the vision of the whole lot and how things interconnect.  

11/01/2023 was a perfect day for #manifestations and vision boards. A busy day with lot to do, but I said to myself to go with the flow and see where it takes me. No pressure. No worries that I never made a 🐇 outline before (2023 is year of the Rabbit). But that idea came and now there is a black colored rabbit with red outline sitting pretty as the centerpiece of my main 2023 vision board. A reminder to let my creativity flourish and to live in harmony with the universe and its energy.

11/1 vibrates strongly. Like 1111, 111 signifies the opening of a powerful portal to quantum manifestation. The 1 holds a vibration of new #beginnings . It stands for leadership and taking action towards your goals. It is also a starting point, even in daily life.

111 is triple the 1 #energy and is a sign of manifestation of all your dreams. It’s also an omen for spiritual #awakening.

I decided to sit still for a bit and focus on the current moment. I tuned everything around me out, became still and acknowledged with gratitude the very place I was at. 

It is said that 111 acts as a magnet for future #synchronicities. I felt at ease to follow the signs that appeared in front of me and placed #trust in my #intuition, spirituality and #feeling that I am being guided to higher levels. 

I think people tend to picture a vision board as giant board on a wall, covered in pictures of everything we want in life. Mine is a piece of white paper, without lines. 

Total #freedom, no template.

I wrote "2023 The Year She Got Everything She Wanted" and let my mind, and hand, loose. Focus on the now, and on the year ahead; "change the world" is a broad aspiration, not a dream, let alone a goal - the inner voice said lovingly. 

What experiences do you want to have? 

How do you want to feel? 

How do you want to be?

The vision/dream board kept quickly appearing before my eyes! Ideas kept pouring, dreams began to take shape. Highlighters helped them come to life. I plan to make a couple of additional boards for specific projects I have in mind.

My motto for 2023 is - let it be MAGICAL, not just logical

And from 2023 I ask "pattes de velours", may it be a soft and gentle year of the bunny. 🐇 

Do you create vision/dream boards? 

Physical or digital? 

Share in comments below and join in #dreaming

#daretodream #realdreamschangetheworld

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