If you aren't into goal setting, you aren't into mastery...
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If you aren't into goal setting, you aren't into mastery...

This is an excerpt from Robert Anderson Jr's Win By Design seminar.

Win By Design is a three part seminar for athletic teams and corporate executives that want their team to have an athletic mindset towards achievement.

If you would like to learn more about the Win By Design seminar, head over to www.winbydesign.co and check out the free case study.

Goal setting has been around since the beginning of time.

If you’ve ever been to a workshop, seminar, read a book, or attended a personal empowerment program, you’ve heard about the power of goal setting.

If you aren’t into setting goal or taking the time to set goals – or believe it’s just another worthless exercise – you aren’t into mastery.

I would like to challenge you to think about your goals in a different way:

List the pain associated with not achieving your goals.

Everyone knows what they will get if they achieve their goals.

By identifying the pain of not taking action or quitting before you’ve achieved your ultimate destination is more empowering than thinking about the reward for some business owners.

To achieve a goal you have to be pulled towards it (NOT PUSHED).

Here’s an example:

Denying yourself dessert because you want to lose weight (PUSH)

Thinking about not being able to run around with your kids because of your weight (PULL)

When we get what we want we celebrate.

When we fail we ponder.

Identifying where and how we could fail can be a powerful reminder to keep going towards our goals.

What are your goals...?

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🖥️ Paul A Mohabir

Global IT Business Executive | Digital Transformation | Strategic Planning | Business Process Transformation | Product Management


Robert, Thank you for sharing ..

Maybar Durst

Curating unforgettable experiences for Corporate events anywhere, any time, for every budget & everyone | Co- Founder and CEO @OfCourse marketplace | Board Member | Angel Investor | CHIEF member |


Robert, thanks for sharing! Great post.

Robert Anderson Jr. 🟡

Keynote Speaker | Author | Endurance Athlete| Proud Dad x4 I imagine a world where parents have the winning strategies to help their athletes excel, in competition and in life, within our changing culture.


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