Are you happy?
Is your life what you want right now?
It's almost the end of 2024........yep where the hell did that year go....... be honest.....
You been honest?.....promise?
If life isn't where you thought it would be, then thats OK......honestly.........I promise ok......
Why?......because you are exactly where you're meant to be and everything is perfect. Yep!
You are exactly where you're meant to be and everything is perfect.
And what I mean by that is, if you were meant to be doing whatever it is your thought you would be doing by would be (not rocket science is it).
The fact that you arn't shows (and the universe btw) you are not ready.......yet.
And that can be for many reasons, the main culprits being:
The list goes on.
And I am here to challenge your thoughts a little further.
What is behind all of the above IS a lack of self belief / love / worth / confidence.......... it what you like, but it all boils down to not having enough belief right now to allow you to feel that the choices you make will play out for the good and positive.
You might be saying, 'what a load of bollox Mel, you're over simplifying'......I get it....I know how many obstacles I put in my own way......and lets be honest still do sometimes......
.....but I do know 💯 today that all of my actions, reactions, and things that happen around me and for me are a direct result of how I feel about myself, the fear I hold and the energy and vibration I'm emitting.
So if you know life is not what you want right now, feel into how you're being right now.
Is your over riding state one of being: uptight; stressed; positive; negative; happy; sad; focused; driven; chilled?????
If you're more on the negative scale then you KNOW something is off.
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Knowing something is off allows you to think into the reasons that are creating this.
And when you write down all the things that are pissing you off right now, you can start to look at why, and more importantly take inspired action to change them.
Whether thats a conversation with a loved one, a letter of resignation, an overdue chat with your boss, or laying your boundaries out more clearly will know deep down what you need to do.
And no it ain't always that easy......but I'm here to tell you my friend that knowledge is power....and if you continue to live life not fully delving into whats not working, you will continue living life with things things that don't work.
You can do better....... I can do better.......and you're worth it!!!
In Other News
I have been off radar a lot recently due to .....I'm not gonna dress it up......some serious shit that I'm having to educate myself on and become expert in so I can maintain all that I've worked for.
Sounds dramatic, and it is......perhaps one day I will share more.
However I have been continuing with some podcast interviews and more recently have taken a turn into speaking with amazing guests that are all about standing up for whats right and challenging the corruption that is coming more to light every day. Includes fascinating and insightful conversations with the amazing John Olooney and Robert O'Deck
So if that sounds up your street you can check out the most recent ones on my Youtube channel below:
But even through the chaos I have remained true to feeding my positive state of being and continued recording my new album.....which...... ladies and gents is going to be ready on Spotify very very soon.......I will post here when its good to go!!
Till next time you legends..........
PS - Don't forget to Click HERE for '7 Steps to Living The Life You Give a Shit About'.
Enjoy the conversations you normally hate | No more avoiding conflict | Manage difficult personalities | Assertiveness | More Impact & Influence | Leadership | Speaker | 1:1 & Group Coaching | Workshops | Email in Bio
3moThis is a big question we should all be asking ourselves Mel - and answering with honesty - which many people don't do as they're so side tracked by things they 'think' they want.