You may not be for everybody. And that's fine.
Danijela Milic | NYC

You may not be for everybody. And that's fine.

My grandmother would often quote a folk saying "u dobru se ne ponesi, a u zlu se ne ponizi”, which translates into something like "don't get carried away in good times, and don't humiliate yourself in bad times"

The meaning of these words takes on a completely new dimension if you experience them on your own skin.

It is best to be moderate so that we are not too proud in situations when we are doing well, and that we do not lose our human dignity when life is not kind to us or where people around us treat us in a dismissive manner.

You may need to fight to get heard, to be seen and acknowledged.

I had to, all my life.

Invisible or misunderstood were often my outfits for the day.

Deaf ears are a difficult thing to grasp. They seem to be there, turned on, yet something breaks in the process.

Your words, as articulate, factual and logical as they may be, don't always translate well - even if the interlocutors seem to be speaking the same language. It is not the same, whether it is your first, second or umpteenth language.

Our experiences color our accents. That's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a reflection of life and challenges you didn't hide from. You persevered and overcame them.

"I hear you" is all it takes. Acknowledging receipt is simple yet powerful.

Whether others agree or disagree is their own domain.

Not everyone will get you.

And that is fine.

You are not for everyone.

Some will find you too much or too little, or too this or too that.

Know that you are enough. Enough. Repeat it until it feels enough.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel safe, seen, significant.

You may not be for everybody.

What if I told you what is everybody's it is nobody's?

Just look at the Earth and what we do to her. Belonging too all, nurtured only by a few.

Yet, she defies and flies, on her own orbit. For life is an infinite circle and everything eventually finds its own rightful place.

Be you. Be yours.

Be grateful for the few in your life who see you, accept you for who you are, and who help you grow and thrive.

Stand up for your values and convictions. Repeat if needed so that you know you said what needed to be said.

Then let go.

Not everyone will listen to what you say or try to say.

Even if they seem to be listening, they may not be listening to understand but to her their own projections, what they want to hear.

They may not meet you half way nor try go understand - You.

Conversation taking place is often an illusion lost in the noise of chatter. Talking without listening is not a conversation.

Instead of beating yourself down with "what's wrong with me" questions, ask yourself:

Are you in the right theatre?

Are you on the right stage?

In front of the right audience?

How can your sense of purpose flourish best?

Where do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?

Seek environments and people that provide a safe space where you feel a sense of belonging and where you feel safe to express yourself, respectfully.

Stand up for your values even if you are unpopular, disregarded or overruled. They may deny you your voice but they cannot deny your convictions and experiences.

Practice that moderation with compassion and self-compassion. Don't beat yourself up or diminish yourself further.

Your own conscience is the only one that can judge you. The rest is noise.

Let it go, let the noise buzz somewhere else.. You have better things to do.

You have the world to inspire.

For that one word, that one feedback like what I received yesterday "I love the zest and spark that you carry. It brightens my world." is what you live for. It is what keeps you going and not giving up.

Quiet quitting? No my friend, just focusing on what truly matters in life.

DM "From Days with Dani"

📷 Personal archive. Thanks to #hhny for chalk artwork which inspires me as I walk the streets of New York City.

#fulfillyourpurpose #dayswithdani

Analia Yacot, MCC

Executive Leadership Coach ● Organisational Coach ● Team Collaboration Labs ● Transformational Facilitator


Danijela Milić fantastic!!

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