You Probably Don't Need To Partner With A Recruiting Agency... Right?
You're an experienced manager or business owner and you trust your gut, plus the market is soft... What are some signs that you should you not partner with a recruiter?
- You like kissing a lot of frogs to get to your prince/princess charming.
- You enjoy a business philosophy that includes the term 'post and pray'.
- You hate performance guarantees of any kind.
- You like to use your gut as your primary decision making tool.
- You are only interested in the candidates that apply to your job, not the other 90% in the market
If these factors line up with your chosen business practices then you probably don't want to partner with a recruitment agency. However, if you do fall into the other side of the equation, why haven't you chosen a recruitment agency to partner with yet?
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8yCan you get to the point here!! Just kidding. Your writing IS EXACTLY GETTING TO THE POINT and should challenge any readers. " If you want something to be different, change your rules." Robert Manolson, Powerful Play Experiences