Your Support Helps!

Your Support Helps!

The music industry is changing - (swoosh) FAST. As an independent artist, this means understanding the landscape and navigating in a way that makes one stay relevant. In order to do this, I need your help. I know some people can get annoyed when someone is asking for a favor. (I've been there, I get it) But, truth is, without you, and your support, I don’t have a music career. Period.

The help I am asking for does NOT cost anything, in fact, it’s literally clicks on a mouse, and it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE to me.

Below are 4 Specific Actions I am humbly asking for your help. They are simple, cost nothing, and in addition (and most importantly) a paragraph of the reason “why” I am asking. But first…… picture us in a face-to-face conversation having a cup of coffee, and me humbly asking for the following:

1: Sign up for my Newsletter and get a FREE song!

Wow! Yes I said FREE! Building up a fan base is hard work. So, first things first, head to my website Listen, read, learn more about me and if you like what you hear, hey sign up for my newsletter. I promise I won't spam you. In fact, I'm really bad about sending out up-dates, but I'll try to keep in touch around once a month.

Once you've confirmed your email address I'll send you a link to download my hit song, Captain America. Now how awesome is that? See win win for both of us!

2: Please follow me on SPOTIFY and APPLE MUSIC.

Recently in the news you may have heard that retail stores like Best Buy have decided to discontinue selling physical CDs. Most new cars don't even have a CD player. I know my car which was purchased in 2014 doesn't have one. This is a trend happening across the industry, and when you think of how YOU listen to music - it may signal the same trend in your listening patterns. In short - STREAMING is the new Download/CD Purchase.

This means Streaming services like SPOTIFY and APPLE MUSIC are the major outlets of how music is getting listened to. You may already use these services or another streaming service. If So, PLEASE follow my Spotify Page and Apple Artist Profile and like my music on these streaming services - share if possible, and know that every time you listen, you are SUPPORTING me. That’s right, though it is fraction of a penny an artist receives, every time you listen to one of my songs on these platforms you “financially” support me. Hence, this is one of several reasons it means so much and why I ask for your help!

SPOTIFY Link Here, and Apple Music Link Here.

2: Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

YouTube is a HUGE platform and a leading one for advertisers. They have recently changed the game where advertisers may choose not to utilize Youtube channels with less then 1000 subscribers, hence any follow here again helps a GREAT deal - shows growth, and again keeps things relevant.

Nicki Kris YOUTUBE Channel Link.

3: Please link up with me on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and TWITTER

If you are on social media, be sure to link up with me on FacebookInstagram, or on Twitter. I keep the conversation going on these sites. I've also been known to follow you back and if inclined please share links or music, it truly helps get the word out.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I appreciate you, and I appreciate your support on these requests!

If you have any questions for me, or want to know more, please reach out to me, shoot me a message on my Facebook page, or pop me a tweet. I WILL respond. It may take a bit, but I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can.

FINALLY - As a Thank you, I've cut all of the music prices on my CDBABY store. No code needed, discount available until 2/24/18. Some really great tracks out there including my entire debut album and follow-up EP.

Oh and if we're not connected here on LinkedIn, shoot me a request. I love to network!


XOXO - Nicki

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