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BAFT Connect

BAFT Connect

Financial Services

A New Way to Network

About us

BAFT Connect is a virtual networking club for transaction banking. The main goal is to provide connectivity for the global transaction banking community in the absence of, and as a complement to, in-person meetings. BAFT Connect is offered as an individual membership subscription open to BAFT members and non-members alike. With a yearly subscription, subscribers will be able to: • Access and attend two sessions per month during a 12-month subscription period (24 sessions in total) • Network via video and message chat with other subscribers and guests similar to an in-person networking reception • Invite guests for free to join them at any of the sessions throughout the year • Join special topic table discussions planned for each session • Hear subject matter experts share their thoughts on timely topics • Plan bilateral meetings in a quiet private space to complement in-person meetings • Meet others involved in Transaction Banking from different regions, areas of expertise, and seniority levels • Participate in various activities planned during the year

Financial Services
Company size
11-50 employees

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