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EU Techbridge

EU Techbridge

International Trade and Development

COSME_EU project. Supports SMEs working in the energy and water sectors to integrate into US and Canadian markets.

About us

EU Techbridge’s objective is to support the internationalization of European SMEs to take full advantage of the growing demand for sustainable energy and smart water technologies in the United States and Canada. The project matches innovative European SMEs with North American based end-users/corporate buyers which are looking for innovative water and energy solutions. By setting up an intensive matchmaking programme (virtual and physical), concrete challenges from North American corporate buyers will be matched with innovative solutions from European SMEs. EU Techbridge will organise 5 matchmaking missions from Europe to Canada and the United States. Before each mission, interested SMEs will be invited to participte to webinars where the North American challenge owners will specify their technology needs. Aſter that, European SMEs will be invited to apply presenting their solutions. The selected SMEs will participate to a first phase of virtual matchmaking, which will be followed by the physical mission. The first mission is scheduled for Spring of 2021. EU Techbridge will allow you to: - be informed about the state of the art of innovation in the water and energy fields of the United States and Canada; - stay updated on emerging business opportunities in the North American market; - get in touch with potential Canadian and US partners to present your innovative solution. The project is funded by the Cosme programme of the European Union under grant agreement n. 951169. The content of this page represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

International Trade and Development
Company size
2-10 employees
Internazionalizzazione, Acqua, Energia, Canada, US, and COSME

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