Adam Voigt

Adam Voigt

Speaker | Author of ‘Restoring Teaching’ | Founder/CEO of Real Schools

View articles by Adam Voigt

Retired teachers saving the school year?  That’s a paddling.

Retired teachers saving the school year?…

January 17, 2022

41 likes3 comments

Canaries in the Classroom

Canaries in the Classroom

October 9, 2021

135 likes19 comments

Luck, uncertainty, teaching and NAPLAN

Luck, uncertainty, teaching and NAPLAN

August 25, 2021

15 likes6 comments

Poor sleep destroying student behaviour ambitions.

Poor sleep destroying student behaviour…

June 22, 2021

28 likes4 comments

Vaccinating Teachers is only fair … and firm.

Vaccinating Teachers is only fair … and firm.

June 3, 2021

36 likes15 comments

The dark shadow we know as NAPLAN

The dark shadow we know as NAPLAN

May 11, 2021


In defence of Principals who make mistakes.

In defence of Principals who make mistakes.

April 1, 2021

111 likes23 comments

How would you know, Keagan?

How would you know, Keagan?

August 20, 2020

17 likes6 comments

Tehan again shows who gets to the top of the class in Australia.

Tehan again shows who gets to the top of the…

August 14, 2020


Why we just can’t reopen our schools.

Why we just can’t reopen our schools.

July 8, 2020

46 likes9 comments

Love your Principal

Love your Principal

June 29, 2020

3 likes1 comment

How we can be good teammates to our schools this week.

How we can be good teammates to our schools…

May 27, 2020

4 likes2 comments

Clearing the clutter in our schools after Covid-19

Clearing the clutter in our schools after…

May 11, 2020

8 likes2 comments

When it comes to schools, it’s time to build that wall.

When it comes to schools, it’s time to build…

April 22, 2020

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ATAR – it’s really just parsley

ATAR – it’s really just parsley

April 20, 2020

4 likes1 comment

Victoria’s Teachers are mere pawns in a much bigger game.

Victoria’s Teachers are mere pawns in a much…

April 15, 2020

23 likes3 comments

Zoe is why the ATAR must die … at least for this year.

Zoe is why the ATAR must die … at least for…

April 3, 2020

3 likes1 comment

The kids are alright – even without schools

The kids are alright – even without schools

March 23, 2020

5 likes1 comment

Teachers – the Gallipoli soldiers of Coronavirus

Teachers – the Gallipoli soldiers of…

March 15, 2020

21 likes20 comments

Beyond the rage of Hannah Clarke’s murder.

Beyond the rage of Hannah Clarke’s murder.

February 23, 2020

9 likes8 comments
