Anant Agarwal

Anant AgarwalInfluencer

Chief Academic Officer at 2U, Founder of edX, Professor at MIT

View articles by Anant Agarwal

With Our AI Innovations on edX, Demand Is Clear—and Our Outcomes Are Proof

With Our AI Innovations on edX, Demand Is…

April 9, 2024

192 likes24 comments

My Q&A on AI with MIT’s Eric Grimson: From Personalized Socratic Tutoring to AI Joint Majors to Mastering the Smell Test

My Q&A on AI with MIT’s Eric Grimson: From…

December 14, 2023

61 likes1 comment

My New Q&A Series—on Innovation in Higher Ed and the Workforce—Begins with a Focus on AI and Columbia University

My New Q&A Series—on Innovation in Higher Ed…

October 25, 2023

99 likes7 comments

Transforming the “3 Rs” of Higher Ed into Real Impact

Transforming the “3 Rs” of Higher Ed into…

August 9, 2023

71 likes1 comment

AI in Education: Why We Should Embrace—Not Fear—the Future

AI in Education: Why We Should Embrace—Not…

June 28, 2023

203 likes10 comments

The Shift to “AND Thinking” to Meet Learners’ Needs

The Shift to “AND Thinking” to Meet…

April 19, 2023

93 likes5 comments

Reimagining the '3 Rs'​ for Higher Ed in 2023

Reimagining the '3 Rs'​ for Higher Ed in 2023

January 4, 2023

124 likes13 comments

Recapturing Competitiveness: American Higher Education and Industry Can Embrace a Common Solution

Recapturing Competitiveness: American Higher…

December 8, 2022

127 likes15 comments

Think LEGO Towers, Not Ivory: How We Can Rebuild Trust in Higher Ed

Think LEGO Towers, Not Ivory: How We Can…

September 7, 2022

507 likes78 comments

Predictions for the Future of Work and Education: A Q&A With The Linux Foundation

Predictions for the Future of Work and…

August 29, 2022

57 likes2 comments

How Companies Like Meta, IBM, AWS and Netflix are Using MicroCredentials to Bridge the Talent Gap

How Companies Like Meta, IBM, AWS and…

August 9, 2022

273 likes10 comments

Learning at the Right Size and Right Time at Any Stage: 5 Organizations Successfully Embracing a Learner-Centric Approach

Learning at the Right Size and Right Time at…

May 12, 2022


Introducing edX Live—Uniting Leaders Across Industry to Shape the Future of Learning and Work

Introducing edX Live—Uniting Leaders Across…

March 28, 2022

307 likes11 comments

The Pivot to Learner-Centricity: Why 4 Universities Are Meeting Student Demand for Flexible, Workforce-Aligned Education

The Pivot to Learner-Centricity: Why 4…

March 24, 2022

77 likes1 comment

Putting a Downpayment on Essential Skills for the Virtual Age

Putting a Downpayment on Essential Skills…

January 19, 2022

151 likes5 comments

What It Will Take to Unlock the Future of Education: Part Three

What It Will Take to Unlock the Future of…

December 1, 2021

188 likes10 comments

What It Will Take to Unlock the Future of Education: Part Two

What It Will Take to Unlock the Future of…

September 22, 2021

193 likes8 comments

What It Will Take to Unlock the Future of Education: Part One

What It Will Take to Unlock the Future of…

August 26, 2021

275 likes13 comments

What Higher Ed Can Learn From The Ever Given Grounding

What Higher Ed Can Learn From The Ever Given…

May 10, 2021

55 likes2 comments

Why I’m Excited for the Future of Education

Why I’m Excited for the Future of Education

March 22, 2021

239 likes9 comments
