Customer-Led Growth Pioneer | Co-founder & CEO @SlapFive | former Forrester Analyst | Thought Leader | CrossFit 2FDmwg | Researcher

View articles by JEFF ERNST

Thank you, Influitive

Thank you, Influitive

April 4, 2024

94 likes13 comments

Confessions of an accidental conference organizer

Confessions of an accidental conference…

August 3, 2023

41 likes9 comments

Stop making your product the hero of your customer stories

Stop making your product the hero of your…

May 23, 2018

31 likes6 comments

Stop with the f'ing customer testimonials, buyers don't want them

Stop with the f'ing customer testimonials…

April 18, 2018

12 likes2 comments

Shift from Paid Customer Advocacy to Earned Customer Advocacy - Part 2

Shift from Paid Customer Advocacy to Earned…

March 21, 2018

14 likes1 comment

Advocamp 2017 Should Be A Wake-Up Call for Advocate Marketers

Advocamp 2017 Should Be A Wake-Up Call for…

December 13, 2017


Shift from Paid Customer Advocacy to Earned Customer Advocacy - Part 1

Shift from Paid Customer Advocacy to Earned…

May 17, 2017

27 likes3 comments

A simple test to see if you (or someone else) gives a s#!t about customers

A simple test to see if you (or someone…

March 28, 2017

14 likes2 comments

Executives feeling the pain of the content marketing bubble

Executives feeling the pain of the content…

February 11, 2017

24 likes2 comments

What Trump’s Triumph can teach marketers about buyer personas

What Trump’s Triumph can teach marketers…

November 9, 2016

30 likes8 comments

It’s time to reinvent the classic customer case study

It’s time to reinvent the classic customer…

October 28, 2016

36 likes3 comments

Why it was time to create "the customer voice" company

Why it was time to create "the customer…

October 25, 2016

17 likes4 comments

The content marketing bubble will burst...unless...

The content marketing bubble will…

June 16, 2016

49 likes21 comments

Buyers want a crystal ball, not a snow globe

Buyers want a crystal ball, not a snow globe

April 28, 2016

11 likes5 comments

Don't let your salespeople send emails like this

Don't let your salespeople send emails like…

January 26, 2016

199 likes32 comments
