Voline Archive

The Unknown Revolution, Book Three

Written: 1947.
Source: RevoltLib.com.
Transcription/Markup: Andy Carloff
Online Source: RevoltLib.com; 2021

  1. Foreword
  2. Part 1, Chapter 1: Geographical Notes
  3. Part 1, Chapter 2: Kronstadt Before the Revolution
  4. Part 1, Chapter 3: Kronstadt as the Vanguard of the Revolution
  5. Part 1, Chapter 4: Kronstadt Turns Against the Bolshevik Imposture
  6. Part 1, Chapter 5: Last Act: The End of Independence
  7. Part 2, Chapter 1: Mass Movement in the Ukraine
  8. Part 2, Chapter 2: Formation of the Makhnovist Insurrectionary Army
  9. Part 2, Chapter 3: Denikin's Offensives and Final Defeat
  10. Part 2, Chapter 4: The Makhnovists in the Liberated Regions
  11. Part 2, Chapter 5: Wrangel's Offensive and Defeat
  12. Part 2, Chapter 6: Third and Last War of the Bolsheviks Against the Makhnovists and Anarchists; Defeat of the Insurrectionary Army
  13. Part 2, Chapter 7: The Fate of Makhno and Some of His Comrades. Epilogue
  14. Part 2, Chapter 8: Testament of the Makhnovshchina to the Workers of the World

