Although headaches are a common symptom of brain tumors, the vast majority of headaches have other causes.

Most headaches do not indicate a brain tumor. Experiencing a headache from time to time is rarely a medical emergency. However, a brain tumor can lead to severe and persistent headaches.

This article discusses the difference between regular headaches and those due to brain tumors. It also covers other signs of brain tumors and when to see a doctor.

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About 50% of people with a brain tumor experience headaches, according to the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA).

However, brain tumors cause a specific type of headache that is different than migraine or tension-type headaches.

Headaches due to a brain tumor generally have the following characteristics:

  • unusually severe or persistent, especially in people with no history of severe or chronic headaches
  • headaches that occur for more than 4 to 5 times per week and for more than 4 weeks
  • more painful or intense in the morning
  • wake a person in the middle of the night
  • worsen over time
  • last for several days or weeks
  • worsen when a person coughs or changes position
  • occur alongside vomiting

It is important to keep in mind that other conditions and factors can lead to headaches with similar characteristics. According to a 2022 study, only 1.5% of people with persistent headaches showed a brain tumor on an MRI.

For example, sleep disorders, such as bruxism (teeth grinding), sleep apnea, and insomnia, can also lead to morning headaches.

Brain tumors cause other symptoms in addition to headaches, including:

  • seizures
  • changes in behavior or personality
  • difficulty speaking, thinking, or finding words
  • dizziness or difficulty with balance
  • weakness or numbness
  • loss of movement in one side or one part of the body
  • fatigue
  • memory loss
  • sensory changes, such as loss of smell, vision changes, or difficulty hearing
  • confusion or disorientation
  • unexplained nausea or vomiting

A tumor occurs when the DNA of a healthy cell changes or mutates in a way that allows the cell to grow rapidly. A brain tumor refers to a mass of abnormal cells that can develop in different areas of the brain.

Most brain tumors form without a known cause. However, certain changes in a cell’s DNA affect the genes that control cellular growth and division.

A person can inherit gene changes that lead to cancer. Genetic changes can also result from long-term exposure to substances that damage DNA, such as tobacco smoke and radiation.

A brain tumor may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Both types of brain tumors may increase the pressure inside the skull, causing headaches, fatigue, and even coma. Without treatment, a brain tumor can lead to long-lasting brain damage.

Although headaches are a common symptom of a brain tumor, few headaches indicate cancer.

A person who has frequent or severe headaches may have a headache disorder, such as migraine or tension headaches.

The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICD) includes more than 150 distinct types of headache. Some of the most common types include:


Migraine is a condition that researchers predict affects about 12% of people around the world.

Migraine episodes have a range of possible symptoms that can last anywhere from 4 hours to 2 days. These include:

  • a sudden intense, throbbing headache usually on only one side
  • sensitivity to light and sound
  • nausea
  • vomiting

About one-third of people with migraine experience episodes with an “aura.” An aura refers to visual, physical, or speech disturbances that occur before the onset of a migraine episode. Examples of these symptoms include:

  • seeing flashing lights, black spots, or zigzag lines
  • feeling a tingling sensation or numbness in the face, body, or limbs
  • mumbling or slurred speech

Tension headaches

Tension headaches are the most common type of primary headache. These headaches generally cause mild to moderate pain behind the eyes, around the head, or in the neck.

Tension headaches result from muscle contractions in the head and neck. Factors that can trigger muscle contractions in these areas include:

  • eyestrain
  • fatigue
  • improper posture
  • physical or emotional stress
  • caffeine or alcohol

Read more about tension headaches.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are severe, recurring headaches that cause a burning or stabbing pain around one eye.

These headaches usually develop unexpectedly and last for between 15 minutes and 3 hours.

Other symptoms of a cluster headache include:

  • redness or watering of the eye
  • a drooping or swollen eyelid
  • a runny or congested nose
  • sweating
  • flushing
  • restlessness
  • sensitivity to light or sound

Headaches occur in daily clusters that can last anywhere from a few days to more than a year. The cause of cluster headaches remains unknown.

Learn more about cluster headaches.

Headache and migraine resources

To discover more evidence-based information and resources for headaches and migraine, visit our dedicated hub.

The following table compares symptoms of migraine and brain tumors.

SymptomsMigraineBrain tumor
sudden intense headache typically on one side of the headx
blurred visionx
mood changesxx
sensitivity to light and soundx
persistent severe headachex
memory lossx

A person should see their healthcare professional if they have frequent or severe headaches that affect their daily lives or if they notice changes in the pattern or intensity of their headaches.

People should seek immediate medical attention if they experience:

  • a sudden, severe headache
  • unexplained vision, hearing, or speech problems
  • weakness or numbness in one side of the body
  • changes in personality or behavior
  • seizures

A healthcare professional can help diagnose the underlying cause of severe headaches. They will review a person’s medical history and current symptoms.

In some cases, they may order CT or MRI scans of the person’s brain, as well as checking their vision, hearing, and balance.

If a healthcare professional finds a tumor in the brain or spinal cord, they will collect a tissue sample and send it to a laboratory for analysis. Here, lab technicians will perform tests to determine the type and origin of the tumor.

The healthcare professional will use this information to recommend the best treatment options.

Cancer resources

To discover more evidence-based information and resources for cancer, visit our dedicated hub.

A brain tumor increases the pressure inside the skull, which can lead to inflammation and tissue damage. Severe, persistent headaches are a common symptom of brain tumors. Most headaches, however, are not a sign of a tumor or cancer.

People who notice changes in the frequency or intensity of their headaches may wish to consult a doctor.

Paying attention to other symptoms, such as mood, vision, and energy levels, can help doctors identify the underlying cause.