Reports Video

Ad-supported video consumer snapshot Q4 2022 US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, South Korea, and Brazil

Tim Mulligan
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Report Presentation Spreadsheet

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20,000 foot view:  This report presents a snapshot of ad-supported video users, including age breakdowns, time spent on video (subscription video on demand (SVOD), ad-supported video on demand (AVOD), and pay-per-view), responsiveness to ads, devices used, and TV genre preferences.

The data in this report is from MIDiA Research’s            2022 Consumer Survey fielded in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, South Korea, and Brazil.

The total sample size of nationally representative            online respondents            and the survey was fielded in January 2023. For the full array of data in this report, please refer to the excel dataset associated with this publication.

Key insights:

  • Ad-supported video            remains overwhelmingly a US phenomenon,            penetration there at            – more            twice the international average
  • Nearly half            ad-supported video consumers are            years           
  •            of ad-supported video consumers are binge viewers,            above the consumer average
  • Ad-supported video            TV content consumption is now            to their SVOD time spent
  • Ad-supported video            over-index for all video consumption           
  • Ad-supported video            are more favourable to video           
  • Ad-supported video            slightly over-index for income
  •            of ad-supported video consumers are in the top income bracket, compared the consumer average of                       of ad-supported video consumers do not work, compared to the consumer average of