YouTube Disruptors The Companies That Aim To Challenge YouTube In Its Second Decade

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The 20,000 Foot View
YouTube’s supercharged success over the last decade shows signs of having created a monopolistic mindset in the company that leaves it ripe for disruption. Its runaway success as both a content discovery platform and an end destination for video consumption, paradoxically also means it is in danger of becoming a victim of its own success. Aggressive contract renegotiations with the record labels, DIY artists and other creators have created a groundswell of dissatisfaction. And with the barrier to entry relatively low, a new crop of start-ups is emerging to test market appetite for alternatives.
Key Findings
- Facebook is as a key competitor for ad-funded short form video
- Vessel’s introduction short form windowing is testing one-size fits all approach
- The Tyranny Choice presented by YouTube’s vast has driven the growth of video sites
- Twitter’s acquisition represents a whole new of social mobile experiences for Natives
- There is gap in the market for fully socially integrated premium online product
Companies mentioned in this report: YouTube, SmileTime, Samsung, Vessel, Twitch, Facebook, Hulu, BBC, Twitter