The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


ENG: Customizable and informative HUD with beautiful graphics in Anomaly style. РУС: Настраиваемый и информативный HUD с красивым графическим оформлением в стиле Anomaly.

Zver HUD
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 80)
DemocracyWithWar! - - 325 comments

This HUD looks gorgeous af
I have to try it

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Mr_agorista - - 60 comments

OMG, gorgeous. gonna try it now!

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M4K5P0W3R - - 290 comments

Приветствую, а можно ли сделать еще опцию убрать счетчик патронов, если к примеру играешь с аддоном Проверка патронов
А так худ зачетный, красивый

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Здравствуйте. Вы имеете в виду какие-то из цифр? Счётчик патронов в магазине (большие белые цифры) или счетчик патронов всех типов (желтые цифры поменьше)? Или и те и другие?

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Добавил версию HUD'a без правой части.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Artemizio - - 69 comments

Привет, сможешь создать миникарту в данном стиле? Мне очень понравился данный стиль HUD'а!

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Привет. Смогу, но это скорее всего будет не скоро

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Artemizio - - 69 comments

Ничего страшного, могу подождать, а HUD реально крутой!

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Strogglet15 - - 1,465 comments

This is the best HUD I have ever seen for Anomaly, there's no way I can even top it.

I gave it a 10/10, I can't wait to try it when I can.

EDIT: You should add credits to RavenAscendant, especially inside the script file. I don't understand why you had to remove that.

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely add it to the description. I didn’t know who exactly the author of the script was, since I don’t remember in which mod I found its source.

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Jurkonov - - 379 comments

You probably mean this one:

Yeah, papa Raven is great dude who inspired and helped tons of people with his code, he should get much more credits.

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ZeD_MnizD - - 322 comments

Совместимо с BHS? (

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

На данный момент - нет

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Guest - - 705,422 comments

Perfect, retaining the original art style makes this exactly what I wish the default hud would look like rather than the awful minimalistic approach it takes.

Thank you !

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

I thought a lot about the trade-off between informative and minimalistic styles, and choose to move in direction of informative style. However, I have plans to create a more compact, but no less informative version of the mod. Anyway, glad you like it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
The_Preacher - - 820 comments

Absolutely like how this design retains the original direction, and not going to "EFT-ize" it.

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Enceladus-117 - - 26 comments

Very nice, true to the roots HUD. 10/10

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barmiteus - - 2 comments

Классный Худ, спасибо!

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maxi666 - - 135 comments


А че так мало всего? Откройте сразу инвентарь и поместите его в правом верхнем углу, чтоб лишний раз не лазить, колхоз для ИМБОЦИЛОВ.

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BlackPiligrim - - 725 comments

Мега крутой худ 10/10! Сделайте пожалуйста возможность убирать в настройках счётчик патронов, чтоб можно было отключать правую сторону худа!

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Нужно убрать только счетчик патронов (основной, дополнительный или оба) или полностью всю правую сторону худа?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
BlackPiligrim - - 725 comments

много людей включая меня используют mag redux, и по этому прошу вас сделайте версию чтобы можно было убрать, отключать всю правую сторону худа, это было бы здорово! И огромное вам спасибо за аддон

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Хорошо. Сделаю версию без правой стороны худа в ближайшее время

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Добавил версию HUD'a без правой части.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 114 comments

Amazing! It reminds me of the OLD DOG HUD, both are made in similar style, but your is much more detailed and compelling. Great job!

Now here is the question - can you please make the minimap in your HUD's style, with working visibility and sound bars, like on the Bart's one? I really would love to have it!

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Thanks! I have plans to create a minimap suitable for the HUD style, but I can not say how soon this will happen. For now, I recommend this addon for use:

There is an option to install only the minimap.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 114 comments

Тhanks for the minimap mod, will try it out. Will wait for your minimap too though, so good luck!

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lowenz - - 1,063 comments

This fantastic mod only needs 2 more things!
1) enable/disable consumables HUD
2) an ADDON FOR MAGAZINE REDUX ( ) because otherwise there's some overlapping (no matter you tweak mag redux HUD dimension)! ->

It would be awesome if you can integrate Magazine Redux HUD with your own HUD style !

And yes, if you can throw in a minimap too it would be a plus!

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Thank you! Glad you like it.

1) You can easily disable those icons yourself. To do this, open the file - ZVER HUD\gamedata\configs\ui\maingame_16.xml in any editor and find the following 4 lines in it:

<quick_slot0 x="920" y="650" width="20" height="25" stretch="0">
<quick_slot1 x="945" y="650" width="20" height="25" stretch="0">
<quick_slot2 x="970" y="650" width="20" height="25" stretch="0">
<quick_slot3 x="995" y="650" width="20" height="25" stretch="0">

After that, in each line you need to change the X coordinate by adding some large value to it, for example like this - x="5920"

This action will move the quick use slots off the screen border and they will no longer be visible.

If you do not need to remove, but simply move them, then you can experiment with the values ​​of the X and Y coordinates. Increasing the value along the X coordinate will move the icon to the right, decreasing - to the left. Increasing the Y value will move the icon down, decreasing - will move it up. Negative values can be used. However, there are some difficulties here, it is necessary to restart the game every time after making changes for the changes to take effect. (Welcome to the hell of the STALKER interface)

Also, if you move the icons, it is need to take into account the distance between them - this is the difference between the coordinates of the slots, so that the icons do not overlap each other. In my mod, the distance between the icons is 25 units. This can be seen by the difference in the X coordinate of quick slot 0 and quick slot 1 (945-920=25).

2) Most likely, manipulations from paragraph 1 will solve this problem :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
lowenz - - 1,063 comments

Thanks, but a possible *FUTURE* (no haste!) addon with YOUR graphic style to accomodate the Magazine HUD for who wants to use Magazine Redux maybe directly integrating the magazine HUD in your HUD?

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

It is possible, but can't say when

Reply Good karma+2 votes
SWITZERLAND - - 90 comments

Great! finally a usable hud. I like it! well done :-)

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Sr.Amable - - 11 comments

This HUD is fantastic my friend and I can say that it works in all resolutions. Thank you for this wonderful work.

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Thanks for the feedback on working on other screen resolutions. Glad you like it.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Tay! - - 14 comments

This pairs VERY nicely with Bart's minimap. Love this hud, man! 10/10

Quick request though. Do you think you can add an option in MCM to remove the quickslots?

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Thank you! I'll try to do something about it in a future update. For now to remove quickslots from screen, you can use the method that I described a few posts earlier.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Tay! - - 14 comments

Oh I did not notice you provided a fix, I'll read through them.

Thanks man!

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M4K5P0W3R - - 290 comments

Привет, да, я имел ввиду счетчик патронов в магазине, можно ли его только убрать, саму текстуру, а остальное оставить ? Так же, затрагивает ли твой худ миникарту ? или она по дефолту остается ?

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BlackPiligrim - - 725 comments

карта стандартная остается

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Можно. Сделаю в ближайшее время версию без счетчика патронов

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BlackPiligrim - - 725 comments

Дружище, спасибо тебе за обновление, думаю все кто используют mag redux будут довольны!

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Пожалуйста. Приятной игры!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
M4K5P0W3R - - 290 comments

Я извиняюсь, а можно ли сделать в версии без счетчика патронов , чтобы присутствовали слоты быстрого использования ?

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Хорошо, сделаю

Reply Good karma+1 vote
lowenz - - 1,063 comments

Update 2 is just perfect, please the minimap!
2560x1440 here, it's just perfect as it is, what can I say? :D

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Thanks for the feedback. I plan to start creating a minimap soon.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
SHADOW-F - - 61 comments

Very cool mod. It helps also maintain the gun before it breaks completely. Could you add more weapon images, instead of only having that smg weapon icon?

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Unfortunately, I don't know how to change icons depending on the player's weapon (at least by weapon class - pistol, submachine gun, sniper rifle, etc.).

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SHADOW-F - - 61 comments

Yeah weapon class can also work

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ravenascendant - - 1,127 comments

local kind = wpn and ini_sys:r_string(wpn:section(), "kind") or "none"

kind will be w_pistol, w_mele, w_smg, w_rifle, w_explosive, w_sniper, and lastly for the bolt and binocs: w_misc

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Asametar Author
Asametar - - 75 comments

Thanks for the hint, but unfortunately, I'm dumb at writing scripts. I do not understand where exactly I will need to add the proposed lines. If they should be inside an existing function, which one? In my case it could be function:
Around this place - local wpn = Or do I need to write a new function? Again, I don't know which one. Something like a сallback on weapon equip? If there is such a thing at all O_o? It's still not clear how to force the weapon HUD to use different icons for a different weapon class using the suggested lines. I mean, probably, the script should refer to some file, for example, icons.xml, which describes the icons corresponding to a particular weapon class. Using the line "self.weap self.dialog )" as an example, it is clear that this is a reference to an .xml file that contains the "weapon_health" parameter, which describes the texture and condition scale of the weapon, as well as position coordinates. In any case, thanks for the tip! I'll try to figure out how it works :)

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Guest - - 705,422 comments

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VicDoom98 - - 3 comments

Hi bro, I like the mod but how do I get the ammo to show. I mean the image of the icon as it is not shown. And if there is a way that you can/ or another modder at a lower resolution, not just 1920.

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