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Japan Is an Attractive Destination for both Investors and Retirees that support F.I.R.E.

Aisatsu Mooers!

There are many many reasons why Japan is so attractive to investors and retirees that support F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Some of these reasons will be highlighted here. Without further ado, let's begin!

Reason 1: Booming stock market!

Japan's economy is booming, with the Nikkei 225 YTD of 28.51%, much higher than the S&P 500 YTD of 15.91%. Both values are as of 15 Sep 2023. Even Warren Buffett, via Berkshire Hathaway has increased his holdings of Japanese stocks!

Reason 2: Cheap and Big Properties!

Besides a booming stock market, Japan's houses are big and cheap. Many investors from all around the world are coming to Japan to invest in Japanese properties.

Reason 3: Ultra-low Borrowing rates!

Japan's borrowing cost is currently one of the lowest, and some companies are taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity for many purposes, such as financing their acquisitions or paying back debts.

With that, I would like to end my post with this question: which of the following would you likely do in 2023? (You may choose more than one.)
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