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Morpho’s World View

Imaging AI for a Richer World

Morpho was launched in 2004 as a company specializing in imaging technology R&D.
We view computer science as a practical endeavor. Our mission is to apply advanced research to meet society’s needs and to put it to practical use within our world, rather than leaving it in the realm of theory.

We’re committed to contributing to society in various fields through imaging AI through the fusion of computational photography technologies we have developed to date with advanced artificial intelligence (AI)/deep learning.

Our basic approach to business activities is open innovation. We seek to enrich the world, in cooperation with various stakeholders, by applying the results of R&D to solve real-world challenges.

Moving into the future, as a group of innovative imaging technologies creators, we will continue to take on the challenges that emerge as we seek to realize the full potential of imaging AI.

Morpho’s World View