Ever find yourself hooked on a Netflix scene that sticks with you long after it’s over? Now, with Moments — a new mobile feature now available globally on iOS and Android — you can easily save, relive, and share your favorite Netflix scenes.
Whether you’re replaying the intense final showdown in BEEF or a spooky twist in Wednesday, Moments lets you save and share it all. And with Season 2 of Squid Game coming on Dec. 26, it’s the perfect time to revisit those nail-biting game sequences from Season 1 and get ready for what’s next.
Here’s how it works: Let’s say you’re watching the latest season of Bridgerton on your phone and want to save the scene where Colin and Penelope share their long-awaited kiss in the carriage. All you have to do is tap Moments at the bottom of your screen, and it’ll automatically save to your My Netflix tab.
You can revisit your Moments anytime on your phone, and if you rewatch the episode or film, it will start playing right from the scene you bookmarked.
Sharing Moments on Instagram, Facebook, and other social platforms is just as easy. You can share a Moment as you create it or, from the My Netflix tab, you can select a scene and tap to share it across all of your platforms.
The roll-out of Moments coincides with a new Netflix global brand campaign called “It’s So Good” (which you can watch above!), featuring some of the most beloved and memorable moments that have captivated fans worldwide — including Cardi B, Simone Biles, and Giancarlo Esposito.
Moments will hopefully expand in the future, offering even more ways for members to use and enjoy the feature. So stay tuned for updates!