How to fix Lam's XX slots backpack

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This is the trick to just get rid of the inventory slots lock button, because now that the dev' team understood plenty of people love to lock their inventory slots, they stole picked it up (I'm joking guys) and put it in the base game. So Lam's and all other authours who made a button to lock inventory slots have it broken by A21.2 update, so I made a quick fix to let the time to those authours to update their mods.

Also, the update broke the money placement, so you'll have to modify the value as presented, if this bothers you. Which I did not in this picture, because I saw it after when I did this montage. And I am lazy and busy, so I won't redo the montage for that but I can assure you it works, trust me (like really you know me now).


  1. fatrap45
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    There is a great idea for a mod... some folks like the lockable inventory and some do not.  For the folks that don't like it a mod that removes it would probably be well received. I promise to give you first shot at it!  LOL  :)
    1. Duriel7
      • premium
      • 43 kudos
      Go ahead buddy. You know I haven't even thought about removing the now official version of it. I never even thought people who tried that once could be like "Oh no I don't like that, I'll remove the mod", because it's so useful... Even buddies like Glock9 usually get fooked because "Oh s#*! I let my ammo in the bike" (how many times he did that seriously ?). So for me it is really too bad to not use such a good feature. But I can understand why some people wouldn't want that. I would just ignore it though.

      I'm thinking too much am I not ? I'll let you create that mod man. With great pleasure.