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About this mod

This modlet let zombies have a random number of HP based on their respective bases.

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Welcome RNGesus adepts !

This time, what I bring to you is a simple but entertaining and original mod, I hope. If you find that sometimes you can calculate too easily the number of hits you should take a zombie with, then with this mod, you'll never know (at least until you get a HP bars mod I guess). Speaking of HP bars, the ones is my screens are obviously God Mode related. If you want a HP bar, I advice you to take the one from strelokpwnz (here), or there are two on 7 Days Off website : Khaine's HP Bar modlet, or even Telric's floating HP bar mod, you'll find them if you want. But that would break the immersion from my point of view. Well it's your shot.

Speaking of screens (yes they are in french, you guys are lucky you can learn french with me, for free) they allow you to compare the HP, two versions are available. Details further below.

I won't be updating this mod anymore as the developpers implemented random HP in the base game, thanks to them for that.

Reasons : TL;DR : Zombies should have more or less HP based on what they were before dying, in my mind, so here you go.

I thought the game is fine but I wanted some more randomness. In fact I based my thoughts on RL (I'm a biologist you know) and you can find people who have the same body shape and size, but have different constitution and resilience. I mean, You can be fat and have a healthy cardiovascular system, and be thin and have heart problems. Following this road, zombie can have the same skin, which means shape and size, but have different HP. For example you see Janitor have a broken ankle, same as Darlene (or she is Marlene ? don't remember which of the two). So yeah, they can have more or less HP depending on their situation before death and zombification. And boom my mod was born.

Remarks :

Report anything that seems weird. You can test it too if you want to see and report some bugs : press F1 for console, then type dm, to activate Debug Mode, than press F6 to bring the summoning table. But before you bring any zombies to life (well, not really but...) type on the * button of your keypad (if you haven't one, I don't know what it is, it's a hardcoded key I think, doesn't work for my keyboard with the other star key). This will deactivate AI so the zombies don't take aggro or move at all (for more of Debug Mode info, watch this video from Reach Gaming).

Updates History :

02/20/2021 : 1.0 - First Release

Simple description :

This mod comes in two versions : A Normal one, which is for people like me who use a headshot mod, hardcore players, and people who love challenge ; and a Lower version which feature a little less HP by steps, for people who like randomness but do not want to be swarmed by 6748787 zombies with +50% HP for most.
As I said this modlet pairs well with my Headshot and with my More Zombies and Larger Hordes ones. But also is entertaining for all people, solo, multi, server hosts and groups, playing Blood Moon hordes or not, whatever. Take the version you think you'll enjoy the most.

Technical and Mathematical stuff :

I used the same tag system I used for the Headshot mod : I appended a tag following 3 categories : slow zombies (Walkers Texas Ranger), fast zombies (Ferals), and green zombies (Radiated obviously). Then I followed a simple addition logic : 4 x the same amount of HP with different chance.
The random system used are a Greater Than or Equal to [the number] type of dice.
For all zombies the step numbers are : 30% => 40% => 60% => 72% chance to have an amount added. These are successive amounts, if the RNG is >72%, they'll have the 4 amounts added.
For you to understand really what this means, if I have to be heavy on explainations, deal with it :

You'll have ~30% chance for base HP, ~30% chance tiny to bit more HP, ~10% chance more HP, and ~30% chance lot more HP on zombies. See maths below if interested.

The real chance you have these amounts added to your zombies are : 70% (1 x amount or 2 x amount or 3 x amount or 4 x amount), then 60% (2 x amount or 3 x amount or 4 x amount), then 40% (3 x amount or 4 x amount), then only 28% (4 x amount). This means, most of the time, you'll see zombies with a tiny more HP (70 - 60 = 10% chance) or a little more HP (60 - 40 = 20% chance), less frequently more HP (40 - 28 = 12% chance), and sometimes a lot more HP (28 - 0 = 28% chance). Meaning they have 100 - 70 = 30% chance to keep their base HP. This should make you cautious on those Tier V POIs with greens everywhere.

The reason I used this 72% step is that 72% seems to be a sort of pivotal value, as I tested with many random min-max, be it 0-10, 0-100, or 0-20 or 0-50... every time it seems that if I use a value more than 72% of the max, even 73%, the HP are not added to the current HP pool, but the max is added. Which means with HP bars you'd see something like 200/225 for example. Which frustrates me, but I think 72% is a good value. I like it. I think the steps I used in this mod are good ones, as they make the gameplay little more nervous and force you to be cautious. Then bear in mind that it is informatics, programming, therefore randomness is not really random, the code chooses the following number basing on the previous one, so the percentages may not be representative of what you'll see in your game. But with a >1000 tries assay, that should be it.

For coders : If you watch my files, you'll see some kind of non logical numbers in the random part. This is perfectly normal. It would seem that using the same random dice shits on the engine. From what I tested, the amounts of HP are not well applied when using the same dice values. May be on my game, but may be on the game engine. Anyways, that manner of doing it works, I tested it >100 times yesterday and this morning. If it works with another way to do it well... so be it. But I'm the one coding.

Below are the values I used :

For Normal version, for slow, fast, and green :

Greater Than or Equal to 30% : +25HP, +50HP, +100HP ;
Greater Than or Equal to 40% : 30%values + : 25HP, 50HP, 100HP ;
Greater Than or Equal to 60% : 40%values + : 25HP, 50HP, 100HP ;
Greater Than or Equal to 72% : 60%values + : 25HP, 50HP, 100HP ;

This means a Feral with 285 base HP would have... 285HP with <30% (30% chance), or 335HP with >=30% but <40% (10% chance), or maybe 385HP with >=40% but <60% (20% chance), or 435HP with >=60% but <72% (12% chance), or even 485HP with >=72% (which is finally a 28% chance to happen).

For Lower version, for slow, fast, and green :

Greater Than or Equal to 30% : +10HP, +25HP, +50HP ;
Greater Than or Equal to 40% : 30%values + : 10HP, 25HP, 50HP ;
Greater Than or Equal to 60% : 40%values + : 10HP, 25HP, 50HP ;
Greater Than or Equal to 72% : 60%values + : 10HP, 25HP, 50HP ;

This means a Feral with 285 base HP would have... 285 HP with <30% (30% chance), or 310HP with >=30% but <40% (10% chance), and so on you can do the maths yourself, the last step is 285 + 100 = 385 HP with a 28% chance if the random number is >=72%.

My other mods :

Lethal Headshots
More eggs in nests
Less Attractive Torches
More Zombies and Larger Roaming Hordes
More common steel ingots
Harvestable Oil Lanterns
Harvestable Work Stations
Craftable Fergit'n Elixir
Up to 5 max Land Claim Blocks
Disconnected Perks
More lockpicks
New Cooking Recipes


I now have a Paypal account. Some of you here and there told me they wanted to donate but I refused several times. Why did I changed my mind ? Well, I think it is important to let people who want to donate, do it. So I let the link here and people who want to can donate. But. Think of it. Some charity may need money. If you have money to spend, you may think of donating to charity instead. Otherwise if you really want to you can donate to me.