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About this mod

This is a group of maps I generated with King Gen for A19.6 of the game

Permissions and credits
Welcome to all people here

This will be a page where some maps I generated with King Gen will be available. It addresses to players who have not the necessary knowledge to use King Gen at full/almost full power, players who do not have processor to generate maps easily, or players who do not know how to generate good looking maps for their RP needs. It can also address to people who just are curious about handmade maps and want to check out what's this.

This page will only describe why I wanted to do and share this, and process used. Story of the maps and RP elements will be on each downloadable worlds, and an article dedicated to it (and yes you will find some weirds things, Nexus text areas have some difficulties with copy pasted texts). The document inside the world folder will be copy/pasted to an article, just so you can read it without opening Nexus each time and search for the right article when there will be more maps available.

I make these maps for me mostly, I upload them in case users might want to test them. I'm not expecting many downloads and it's fine, because I'm just sharing these, I have no other reason than just share. I always think of others, minimaly, if not I would just make 4k maps and done, but I just like to share my creations with no special expectations than people enjoyment.

Important Remark since September the 22nd :
Yes you can have a "No Trader" issue with your starter quest. This is normal. The Locate Trader (Journey To White River Settlement) quest is defined to locate a trader in ONLY the Pine Forest biome in the game files. I could make a mini mod to edit this quest and make it work, but as it only gives you the equivalent of 1 walker zombie of XP and that you actually can find traders in my maps that contain them, I won't do it. I ask you to understand that the benefit would be minimal and I did not give the coordinates of traders because I think it's more enjoyable to find them yourself than follow a quest marker. Immersion wise I mean.

Most maps (customed ones) will be in two versions : Vanilla POIs, and one including Bdub's Mechanic Trader. And due to generation specific algorithms, they will be a little different even with the same seed.

There will be 4k, 8k and maybe 16k maps if I have time to work on them. There also might be some custom sized maps, 6k or 12k if I feel to.

Concerning authorizations and rights :
You can share the maps with your friends with no restrictions. If a particular map spark your interest your can ask the custom mappings and map info to open it in King Gen and do whatever you want with. In the case you transform/tinker one of my maps I would appreciate if you could tell your friends that's one of my maps your used as a template, but it is not mandatory.

Globally I think there will be three categories of maps :

- Fully Hand Made maps : those will have biome, cities and zones custom mapping, and will represent my idea of one specific story, adapted from a game, novel or movie, or even just my own story that I want to share (technical stuff : I did not entirely master the height and water maps, for those who wondered, I need more time for that, and am busy with mods and projects, this is only a resting activity where I breath a little and let my brain go away), and most of the time spawn points will be normalized between all versions on a same map ;

- Partially Hand Made maps : those would be just one or more of the following : Full biome maps, two biomes maps, one city maps, only little villages maps, flooded maps, just custom shape of biomes with no cities mapping... that sort of things ;

- Randomly Generated maps : those would just be standard settings and hit the "generate" button like this, more for people who want just a pretty map to play on, and are sick with A19 weird generation (oh look ! a farm in a hole !)(oh look ! a military outpost over a mountain that we can't climb !) and biome squared shaping, and whose computer is not powerful enough to generate many maps to find their heart content. But would obviously be for everybody else.

What do I do with your files ?

You have to extract them, like mods, but instead, put them on the folder where generated worlds are.
Easiest way to find it I know, is to WINDOWS+R to bring the execute command, and type %appdata% and press Enter/Return. Then you'll have 3 folders, click Roaming, and you should see 7 Days to Die folder. There you have the Generated Worlds folder, just put my map inside. You should be able to see it when choosing New World in game.

I think, for those who can't access the folder, you can put the map in the Worlds folder inside 7 Days Data folder. Just right click in your library, on the game, hover Manage, and click Browse Local Files, then there you are.
Yes that works too.

Working/thinking on in the order of importance :
- A 4k map for rambling man playstyle, where almost everything has disappeared and most urban areas are small towns or villages destroyed by war or attempts to mass kill zombies - possibility to generate an 8k or even 16k maps (more for multiplayer) for this playstyle if interested users show themselves
- A themed batch of maps almost standard generation for players (and me) to experience the basic generation algorithm of King Gen
- Full biome maps themed on Desert or Wasteland (maybe trying to reproduce Fallout 3 and New Vegas maps but I'm not sure I'll come with a good result) for challenge playthroughs

Maps available at this stage :

First Batch from 08/24/2021 :

Lone Wanderer :

Available for Vanilla and Bdub's Vehicles. 4k Fully Hand Made map. Inspired from Fallout Universe and old movies, and adapted with elements from my own stories. Civilization is destroyed, mostly at least, you won't find much to loot in these poor lands. You will walk hours to finally find some place to hide and sleep, and you may even find some old car to pick up pieces from and build your own. But beware of zombies and wild animals, they will try to eat you.

Second Batch from 09/04/2021 :

The Short Dark :

Available only for Vanilla. 4k and 8k batch of Partially Hand Made maps based on The Long Dark (The Long Dark is a survival game where you play as a man who crashed in Canadian snowy north and are the only survivor of its expedition (or something like that) and you must find pieces of information to get to the rallying point where an helicopter will find you and save you, to win the game, you must survive bears, wolves, hunger, thirst, sleep and food poisoning).

There's no deep lore in this one but : Like in the game, you are lost in the snow and have to find the urban area to feel safer and have more loot to collect, for the zombies are still here and will try to eat you. Name comes from a pun on The Long Dark with the notion of 7 Days to Die (eh... what did you expect ?) so it's a short dark because you'll die fast (I hope not though, I hope you will have fun traveling my maps).
You can go in adventure without spoiling yourself and just download the maps without looking the previews, it's up to you !
Available in 3 versions for 4k (more for single player or duo) and 8k (more for mulitplayer at least more than 2) because I couldn't choose which one was the best. You choose, if you want to look at the previews (in the pictures here) and download the one that appeals you the most, those are with traders. There's also one 4k map and two 8k maps with NO TRADER for those who like challenge or immersion. Though 4k maps only have 1 unique trader.

While 4k maps are somewhat well dispatched in terms of urban area, 8k maps are available in 2 versions : normal and "More The Long Darkesque". Which means urban area can cover the entire map but the spawn points, or only a good corner and you spawn very far from it so you'll have to run from building to building to shelter from zombies and cold and find food but pay attention to wild animals.

For this one I can advice some of my mods if you like challenge with a note of power feeling : More Zombies, Lethal Headshots, Little Tweaks and even Higher Zombies in Spawns. Maybe my Cooking Mod would interest you as well. If you would like to browse click on my nickname to go see my files and choose whatever calls your attention.

Third Batch from 10/22/2021 :

I upload this just now because I wanted to work a little on the themes and story telling PDF, but A20 is approaching and I may not have enough time to work more on those. So here they are, I will keep an A19 install for those myself, you can do that too if you wish, all my maps will be available for ever here, and new ones for A20, if need be, would be uploaded on a new page.

Hollyside :
Just a map for which I let King Gen decide of the name, after some tries I found this one really cool and hit the button with standard settings. The 4k map is vanilla standard settings, the 8k map are available as vanilla and Bdub versions. Choose the one that suits you the best.

Truck Driver :
This is a RP playthrough I've been testing for a long time with my More Zombies mod spawns x12 and hordes Realism max numbers (be it "Intensified or whatever I called it at that time), with the Semi from Bdub's mod.

Already working on a third and forth batch with different themes so stay tuned for more !

Credits go here to the Fun Pimps for this buggy but great game, and to G. Maurina, aka King Slayer, the programer who did King Gen tool.
I would also like to thank Captain Krunch, because he inspired me, not to create my maps, but to dare sharing them. Go see his maps, this guy knows what he does.