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Lemonpie - I Dont Care - Mythix

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About this mod

This mod adds a variety of 196 very small to medium-large size challenge / event prefabs from various creators, which are packed with loot and spawner blocks (bodybags) which have a chance to drop legendary weapons when destroyed. You can use this on any Darkness Falls map to spice things up and get rid of barren wilderness.

Permissions and credits
Not suitable for first time Darkness Falls players. Installed the same way as any other mod by dragging it into your Mods folders in your 7D install.

This stand-alone mod aims to increase the difficulty and fun factor of any Darkness Falls pregen or custom map. This mod works by adding challenge prefabs randomly through world decorations, that means you will need to launch a new playthrough after installing this mod.  

Currently this mod adds 196 different challenge prefabs to world to create small events all over the map, stuff ranging from caves, bunkers, military outposts, campsites etc, etc. These events will spawn massive amounts of zombies until you can locate and destroy the body bag spawning them. Some of these body bags have been said to contain the legendary DF weapons and other rare items, destroy them to find out which and unlock surrounding loot crates. It's not recommended to play with 100% XP rate, you will need to kill a lot more than usual and leveling up too fast will make things extremely hard.

Multiplayer is supported when both client and server have the mod installed.
**KNOWN ISSUE: it can sometimes happen that a corner or a larger piece of a random world event does not spawn in properly, it is being looked into**

This mod includes Mythix improved spawning script which offers configurable gamestaged spawning blocks.
It also includes I Don't Care's 'DecoPrefab Spawning Tweaks'  which is allowing for larger prefabs to spawn as world events!
Huge thanks to both of these modders for making the World Event mod possible.

Credits and many thanks to the following creators who have contributed to these world events through their prefabs or assets:
AJ (Lazy Turtle), Axebeard, Boston London, DaphyDuck91, Deverieaux, Evilracc0on, Fleshus, Guppycur, Hydrophonic, IceJudge, InfectedGaming, Khaine, Krunch, LuckyStar, NLBlackEagle, NoDabba, Weaponspec, Weazelsun, Pille, Rukminesh, SciFiFlippa, TopMinder, Zyncosa and ZZTong.

Inspired by ZZTongs work with biomes.xml based custom World Decorations.

Do you have any prefab ideas for this world decoration event mod after having tried it? Anyone can submit their own prefabs, suggest spawn type and if accepted you'll be credited above for your contribution!