Some info about the OCs these hairs are inspired by! The link are to their respective pages.

Cadmus Brighteyes

A generic use OC who I have a billion different AUs for, and usually create her in every game I play that allows it.
In Baldur's Gate 3, Cadmus is a High-Elf, Wild Magic Sorcerer, and an Entertainer. She and her partner, Anubis Cartwright, travel around Faerun running cons- I mean, doing street performances!

Itheel is a half-dragon, half-faerie OC I made once for reasons I don't quite remember. She was raised by her mother, a faerie queen, who put a glamour spell on her to hide her draconic heritage. Unfortunately, when her mother died the spell was broken and the faeries saw Itheel's true appearance (which I've been working on figuring out how to do in BG3; it doesn't help that I'm not used to drawing scalies so designing her natural form has been rough and I still haven't settled on it) they wanted to get rid of her. Itheel never really cared for politics and didn't want the throne anyway, so she went away willingly. I ended up actually sticking her in the Paradoxverse, a big universe I've stuck the majority of my original characters/stories in so there's some semblance of worldbuilding from all the different pieces, and I made her be one of the founding members of The Paradox Society.

Qelira Lang
Qelira was originally made for a very homebrewed D&D campaign with some friends when I was in college... that fizzled out after just a couple sessions. Then I recycled her for a different homebrewed campaign (this time in a modern setting!)... which didn't last more than one session. At some point I felt like making her in BG3, but none of the vanilla or bajillion modded hairs felt close enough to hers, so I decided to make it myself!

Tamarie Percival (I haven't actually put anything on her page yet because I just made it the other day and have been busy with other stuff)
It was the summer before my junior year of high school when I made my first Dungeons & Dragons character: A Neutral Good, Half-Elf Druid named Tamarie Percival. Unfortunately, I only got to use her in two sessions before school started back up & the campaign fizzled out, but she has stayed near & dear to my heart. The moment I saw the "Duster" hairstyle in BG3, I knew I wanted to make a mod using the little side braids to make Tamarie's hair, and I finally did it!
I've been thinking about revamping her (I never really gave her a backstory), and maybe even changing her class (or maybe I just need to find the right subclass for her...)

Vhinn Do'mtor
Technically the *second* D&D character I ever made, not long after Tamarie, but she didn't get used until I was in college. Vhinn is an Air Genasi, Rogue (Thief) & Sorcerer (Shadow Magic), and an Urban Bounty Hunter. She's the result of a one-night-stand that her mother, a Szarkai Drow named Chalnitra Do'mtor, had with a Djinn after managing to escape the Underdark and start a new life on the surface free from the clutches of Lolth's followers... until one day, Chalnitra goes missing. During Vhinn's search for her mother, she's approached by a mysterious organization called "The Mask", offering her the resources to better find out what happened to her mother so long as she works for them, and it is in her work for The Mask that she ends up joining a party of adventurers called The Unscathed.

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1 comment

  1. blazeknave
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    • 1 kudos
    I love that you included this!