Here is where I'll be listing what psionic disciplines and subclasses are added in the optional file Mystic Expansion.


The Mystic Expansion optional file includes several new, custom-made options for mystics to choose from. Everything here is homebrewed, made and designed by me. Each option provides a new way to play mystic, or additional tools that were previously unavailable to mystics.

New subclasses:
Order of the Ascetic
- Focused on weaving unarmed attacks and psionics
Order of the Blade
- Martial-based subclass that can swap between Fighting Styles freely
Order of the Unbound
- Wild-magic inspired subclass that can cast almost endlessly

New disciplines:

Order of the Avatar
Crown of Apathy
- Drain your enemies of emotion and destroy their will to fight
Crown of Envy
- Twist negative feelings of hatred and desire to your advantage
Crown of Regret
- Cripple your foes with unbearable shame and regret
Mantle of Pride
- Shield and bolster allies with their own ego
Mantle of Serenity
- Bring peace to all, mending allies and disabling foes

Order of the Awakened
Infinite Abyss
- Harness the power of the eldritch, gaining access to unique and unorthodox powers
Mantle of Insanity
- Cripple your enemies, driving them insane and unable to fight
Phantasmal Mind
- Take on a spectral form and haunt your foes
Psychic Distortion
- Confuse your enemies with illusions and hide in the shadows
Transcendent Form
- Enhance your form and support allies with long-lasting effects

Order of the Immortal
Crimson Harvest
- Manipulate blood, steal life and sustain your own
Psionic Skirmishing
- Master the art of dual-weapon combat, tailor made for Soul Knife
Psionic Throwing
- Empower your throwing capabilities significantly
Soul Reaper
- Cut life short and doom enemies to certain death
Titanic Presence
- Control the battlefield, taunting enemies and bursting into a rage

Order of the Nomad
Nomadic Alchemy
- Transmute objects and enhance the properties of various items
Nomadic Grace
- Learn new techniques and cut down enemies with beautiful precision
Nomadic Guile
- Deceive, swindle and bend destiny to your advantage
Nomadic Hunting
- Track and hunt down your prey, alone or in a group
Nomadic Kinship
- Form a bond with animals and gain access to a personal bestial companion

Order of the Wu Jen
Mastery of Gravity
- Control gravity and lock down large groups of enemies
Mastery of Metal
- Bend metallic objects and creatures to your whims
Mastery of Nature
- Wield nature to harm, heal or protect
Mastery of Time
- Manipulate time and fate and look into the future
Mastery of Stars
- Illuminate and burn your foes with the light of the cosmos


Order of the Ascetic
Through disciplined training of mind, body, and spirit, ascetic mystics can perform both devastating psionics and crushing blows.

Bonus Discipline (1st level)
Learn an additional psionic discipline of your choice.

Unarmored Defence (1st level)
While not wearing armor or shields, your armor class is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.

Psionic Fists (1st level)
Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, and you use your Intelligence modifier for unarmed attack and damage rolls. You can also benefit from this if using a monk weapon. You can choose whether your unarmed attacks deal bludgeoning, psychic or force damage. Additionally, you can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action. Unarmed damage increases to 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at 11th level and 1d12 at 17th level.

Psionic Resonance (3rd level)
After spending psi points, gain stacks of Psionic Resonance per psi point spent (up to 7), increasing the damage of your next successful unarmed attack by 1 per stack and healing you for each stack consumed.

Flawless Technique (6th level)
After casting a psionic discipline, you can perform an unarmed attack for free.

Unyielding Mind (14th level)
At the start of combat, you regain 7 psi points.

Order of the Blade
Also known as Blades, mystics of this order forsake mental training and instead focus on weapons, using their psionics to enhance their attacks.

Mystic Arsenal (1st level)
As an action, gain the benefits of a Fighting Style from the following list:

  • Great Weapon Fighting
  • Dueling
  • Archery
  • Thrown Weapon Fighting

Martial Training (1st level)
You gain proficiency with martial weapons, medium armor, heavy armor and shields.

War Adept (3rd level)
When wielding a weapon that matches your chosen Fighting Style from Mystic Arsenal, you use your Intelligence for attack and damage rolls. Additionally, gain an additional ability based on the Fighting Style chosen from Mystic Arsenal.
  • Great Weapon Fighting: Psychic Smite
  • Dueling: Psychic Flourish
  • Archery: Psychic Barrage
  • Thrown Weapon Fighting: Psychic Shockwave

Psychic Smite (1-7 psi)
Make a melee weapon attack against a creature, dealing your weapon damage plus 1d6 per psi point spent.

Psychic Flourish (3/5/7 psi)
As an action, strike all creatures in a cone before you, dealing your weapon damage plus 1d4 per psi point spent. Until your next turn, you gain 10/15/20 feet increased movement speed and your armor class increases by 2/3/4.

Psychic Barrage (1-7 psi)
As an action, shoot your ranged weapon against a creature, dealing half damage. Fire an additional shot per psi point spent.

Psychic Shockwave (1-7 psi)
As an action, hurl your weapon at a targeted area, which emits a shockwave with a radius of 15 feet. Creatures inside suffer your weapon damage plus 1d6 per psi point spent, or half damage if the attack misses.

Extra Attack (6th level)
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Psionic Trance (14th level)
As a bonus action, enter a state of heightened focus for 1 minute. Your movement speed increases by 15 feet and you gain a bonus to your weapon attack and damage rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier. Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Order of the Unbound
The least understood order, mystics of this order embrace the unpredictability of their own mind, letting loose wild psionic surges with even the most fleeting thought.

Bonus Discipline (1st level)
Learn an additional psionic discipline of your choice.

Wild Psionics (1st level)
Your psionic disciplines have a chance to activate a psionic surge, triggering a random effect. You can only trigger a psionic surge once per turn.
  • Chance of triggering a psionic surge is 10% (19 or 20 on a d20)

Psionic Battery (3rd level)
After you trigger a psionic surge, regain 1 psi point. At 14th level, you regain 2 psi points instead.

Chaos Control (3rd level)
Adjust your chaotic state, increasing or decreasing the likelihood of triggering a psionic surge. You can change your state to inert, stable, active, volatile or dangerous.
  • Inert: 0% chance
  • Stable: 10% chance (19 or 20 on a d20)
  • Active: 40% chance (13 or higher on a d20)
  • Volatile: 70% chance (7 or higher on a d20)
  • Dangerous: 100% chance

Chaos Aspect (6th level)
You can extend your wild psionics on nearby allies, allowing them to trigger a psionic surge when taking actions, once per turn. The likelihood of them triggering a psionic surge depends on your chaotic state. You can toggle this on and off.

Surge Mastery (14th level)
After triggering a psionic surge, there is a chance to regain a Psionic Mastery charge.
  • Chance to recover a charge is 20% (17 or higher on a d20)

Wild Psionic Surge Table:
1: Turn Psionics - At the start of every turn for 5 turns, trigger a random wild psionic surge (except this one).
2: Commander - Every allied creature within 30 feet gains Coordinated Movement and Command to Strike. Every enemy gains Commander's Sight.
3: Aneurysm - Every creature within 30 feet begins bleeding.
4: Eureka! - For 3 turns. psionic disciplines cost no psi points.
5: Surge of Action - Gain an additional action this turn.
6: Supersonic - Gain Blur of Motion, Rapid Step (30 feet of movement speed) and Agile Defense.
7: Gigantic - Every creature within 30 feet gains Ogre Form for 3 turns.
8: Pint-Sized - Every creature within 30 feet gains Miniature Form for 3 turns.
9: Steel Hide - Gain Steel Hide for 2 turns.
10: Polyglot - Gain Psychic Speech until long rest.
11: Water Sphere - Become trapped in a Water Sphere for 3 turns.
12: Step from Sight - Become invisible for 3 turns.
13: Feat of Strength - Gain Feat of Strength until long rest.
14: Flame Legion - Every creature within 30 feet gains Fire Form.
15: Riot! - Every creature within 30 feet gains Punishing Fury.
16: Panic! - Every creature within 30 feet is frightened for 2 turns.
17: Precognition - Gain Precognitive Hunch for 1 minute.
18: Wild Mutation - Every creature within 30 feet gains either Tough Hide or Flight until long rest.
19: Beacon - You shine a bright light.
20: Darkness - Summon a darkness cloud on yourself with a radius of 20 feet.
21: Summon Intellect Devourer - Summon a hostile Intellect Devourer.
22: Overgrowth - Every creature within 30 feet gains Regrowth for 3 turns.
23: Planar Anomaly - For the next 5 turns, whenever you target a creature with a psionic talent or discipline, swap places with it.
24: Mood Swings - At the start of every turn for 5 turns, become Hyper or Sluggish. Hyper doubles your movement speed and gives you Advantage on Attack Rolls. Sluggish halves your movement speed and gives you Disadvantage on Attack Rolls.
25: Enveloping Winds - Every creature within 30 feet gains Cloak of Air for 3 turns.
26: Victorious - You gain Aura of Victory for 1 minute. The strength of the aura depends on your overall level.
27: DETONATION! - You cast Detonation centered on yourself.
28: Return to Earth - Every creature within 30 feet is Disarmed and their Armor Class becomes 10 for 1 turn.
29: Safeguard - Every allied creature within 30 feet gains Twist of Fate for 1 turn.
30: Narcolepsy - You fall asleep for 2 turns.
31: Mass Hysteria - Every creature within 30 feet gains Hysteria for 1 turns.
32: Short Temper - You gain the effects of Titan's Rage for 1 minute.
33: Bestial Speech - Gain the ability to speak with beasts.
34: Ice Sheet - Create an ice surface under yourself.
35: Heightened Psionics - Enemies will have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw against your next psionic talent or discipline.
36: Devastating Psionics - For 2 turns, your psionic talents and disciplines will deal maximum damage.
37: Depression - You gain Dolorous Mind for 3 turns.
38: Whisked Away - You cast Time Stop on yourself, banishing you until your next turn.
39: Perceptive - Every enemy creature within 30 feet gains Assess Foe and View Aura for 1 turn.
40: Brain Rot - At the start of each turn, lose 2 Psi Points. Effect fades when combat ends.
41: Sudden Doom - Every enemy creature within 30 feet becomes Doomed as long as you remain within 20 feet of them.
42: Truant - Every creature within 30 feet skips their next turn.
43: Repulsive - Every creature within 20 feet is knocked back 10 feet.
44: Cloudy Weather - Summon a cloud of fog under each creature within 60 feet.
45: Environmental Adaptation - You gain Environmental Adaptation until long rest.
46: Overconfident - You gain Hubris for 3 turns.
47: Psionic Renewal - You regain 3d8 hit points and are cured from any disease, poison, paralysis, and blindness.
48: Elation - Every allied creature within 30 feet gains 9 temporary hit points, as well as Comforting Aura for 5 turns and Beacon of Recovery for 1 turn.
49: Amnesia - For the next 3 turns, you automatically fail any Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma Saving Throws, and you cannot cast any spells, psionic talents or disciplines.
50: Grounded - Your weight increases for 3 turns. Your movement speed is reduced by 10 feet, your jumping distance is halved and your fall damage taken is increased threefold.

Psionic Disciplines

Psionic Skirmishing (Immortal)
You achieve unparalleled mastery with your weapons, merging them into an extension of your being.

Psychic Focus: Psionic Skirmishing
You gain the effects of Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting.

Slice and Dice (2 psi)
As a bonus action, perform two weapon attacks in quick succession. Must be wielding a weapon in each hand.

Energy Infusion (3 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, infuse your melee weapons, dealing 1d6 additional damage with one of the following elements: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder.

Psionic Alacrity (5 psi; long rest)
As an action, gain the effects of Extra Attack.

Blade Flurry (5 psi)
As an action. perform a melee weapon attack against all creatures within 3m plus an additional 1d8 damage.

Mastery of Gravity (Wu Jen)
You learn to manipulate the fundamental forces that hold things together, granting you a semblance of control over gravity.

Psychic Focus: Mastery of Gravity

Gain 50% increased jumping distance.

Gravitational Slam (1-7 psi)
As an action, channel gravitational energy onto a creature. It must succeed a Strength saving throw or take 1d8 force damage per psi point spent and be knocked prone. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage.

Density Shift (3 psi)
As an action, alter a creature's gravity, either reducing it or increasing it for 1 minute. Attempting to increase a creatures' gravity forces them to make a Charisma saving throw against this spell.
Creatures with reduced gravity have 10 feet of increased movement speed, have their jump distance doubled and take no fall damage.
Creatures with increased gravity have 10 feet of reduced movement speed, have their jump distance halved and take three times more damage from falling.

Crushing Force (5 psi)
As an action, exert a powerful gravitational force in a sphere with a radius of 15 feet. Creatures within must succeed a Strength saving throw or take 4d10 force damage and have their movement speed halved for a turn. On a successful save, targets take half as much damage.

Singularity (6 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, warp space around a friendly creature, turning them into a gravitational beacon. Enemies within 15 feet have their movement speed halved, and when a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d4 force damage and is pulled inwards. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.

Spatial Compression (7 psi)
As an action, compress and distort space in a sphere with a radius of 20 feet. Creatures within must succeed a Strength saving throw or take 8d8 force damage and be slowed for 2 turns. On a successful save, targets take half as much damage.

Mastery of Time (Wu Jen)
You reach out with your mind and grasp the threads of time themselves, allowing you to bend reality and fate to your whims.

Psychic Focus: Mastery of Time

Gain Advantage on Perception checks.

Borrowed Time (1 psi)
As a bonus action, grant yourself or a friendly creature the effects of Haste. You become Lethargic for one turn afterwards.

Twist of Fate (3 psi)
As a bonus action, nudge fate towards you or a friendly creature's favor for 1 turn. They gain advantage on saving throws, incoming attacks have disadvantage. Additionally, when they are subjected to an effect that allows them to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, they instead take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if they fail. Afterwards, they target becomes immune to this effect for 1 turn.

Future Sight (3 psi)
As a reaction, impose disadvantage on an incoming attack against a friendly creature.

Time Stop (5 psi)
As an action, target a creature. It must succeed a Charisma saving throw or be banished from the timeline for 1 turn.

Chronoward (6 psi)
As an action, ward a creature from harm for 1 minute. Any damage taken during this period is stored, and when the effect ends, the creature will regain hit points equal to the damage stored. This effect will automatically end if the target is reduced to 0 hit points, restoring hit points immediately. A target can also choose to end the effect on its turn. Only one creature may be affected by this at a time.

Acceleration Zone (7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, create a zone with a radius of 10 feet. Creatures within gain the benefits of Haste.

Mantle of Insanity (Awakened)
You learn to use psionic energy to break the minds of others, causing them to descend into madness.

Psychic Focus: Mantle of Insanity
Gain immunity to Confusion and Domination effects.

Delirium (2 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, a creature of your choice becomes dazed and falls into a state of mild confusion. The target must succeed an Charisma saving throw or fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration. At the end of each of its turn and each time it takes damage, the target can make another Charisma saving throw. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it’s triggered by damage. On a success, this effect ends.

Hysteria (3 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, One creature of your choice must succeed an Charisma saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration. While the target is charmed in this way, it must attack the closest creature close to it on each of its turns, even if it’s allied. At the end of each turn, the target makes another Charisma saving throw to attempt to free themselves from this effect.

Paranoia (5 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, you cause creatures in the targeted area to grow intensely paranoid. Each creature in the area must make an Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, creatures become incapacitated and their speed is reduced to 0. This effect ends for an affected creature if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to help the creature.

Unending Torment (6 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, you torment a creature with maddening whispers. The target must succeed an Charisma saving throw or become frightened for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target must succeed an Charisma saving throw or take 410 psychic damage. On a successful save, this effect ends.

Crimson Harvest (Immortal)
You learn to psionically manipulate blood, siphoning the life force from foes and strengthening yourself and allies.

Psychic Focus: Crimson Harvest
Gain resistance to Necrotic damage.

Transfusion (1-7 psi)
As an action, siphon the life force from a creature. The chosen creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 necrotic damage per psi point spent. On a successful save, it takes half damage. You regain hit points equal to half of the damage dealt by this discipline.

Crimson Eruption (3-7 psi)
As an action, drain the life force of all nearby creatures. Targets must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 1d8 necrotic damage per psi point spent. On a successful save, targets take half damage. You regain hit points equal to half of the damage dealt by this discipline.

Blood Frenzy (5 psi; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, sacrifice your own blood for power. You take 1d8 necrotic damage and gain Blood Frenzy. For the duration, your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and at the start of each of your turns you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Intelligence modifier.

Sanguine Infusion (6 psi; long rest)
As an action, you empower the blood of nearby allied creatures and yourself. Each target has resistance to necrotic damage and has advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws.

Mastery of Nature (Wu Jen)
You attune yourself with the environment, allowing you to invoke the power of nature to your aid.

Psychic Focus: Mastery of Nature
Gain Advantage on Nature checks.

Toxic Spines (1-7 psi)
As an action, launch a toxic spine at a creature. Make a ranged spell attack against it, dealing 1d8 piercing damage per psi point spent. On a hit, the target will be poisoned and take 1d4 poison damage at the end of their next turn per psi point spent.

Thorny Briars (3 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, launch a ball of thorny briars that stick to a creature. Make a ranged spell attack against it, dealing 2d4 slashing damage. While concentration holds, its movement speed is halved and any time the affected creature moves 5 feet it takes 2d4 slashing damage.

Regrowth (5 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, imbue a creature with restorative energy. For the duration, at the start of each of their turns they regain 5d6 hit points, unless they recently took fire or acid damage. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points this effect ends.

Brambleskin (6 psi; long rest)
As an action, you can cause yourself or an ally to grow brambles on their skin. While affected, their armor class is increased by 2 and whenever a creature strikes them with a melee attack, the attacker takes 4d4 piercing damage. Only one creature may be affected by this.

Mass Entanglement (7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, cause a mass uprooting in an area around yourself. All enemies within range must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, targets take 8d8 piercing damage and are restrained for the duration. On a successful save targets take half damage and are not restrained. At the start of each turn, affected creatures make a Strength saving throw to attempt to free themselves.

Crown of Envy (Avatar)
You tap into feelings of envy and desire, filling others with a crippling longing or fervent ambition.

Psychic Focus: Crown of Envy
Gain Advantage on Investigation checks.

Seething Ire (1-7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, one creature of your choosing becomes filled with a hateful impulse. For the duration, their unarmed and weapon attacks will deal an additional 1d4 damage per psi point spent.

Vendetta (3 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, you mark a creature as your nemesis. For the duration, the creature's armor class is reduced by 4.

Redoubled Effort (5 psi; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, you instill a creature with a strong desire for success. For the duration, they can’t roll lower than a 10 when making attack rolls, saving throws or ability checks.

Aura of Spite (7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, you radiate an aura of malice. For the duration, whenever allied creatures within range deal damage, they regain hit points equal to half of the damage dealt.

Transcendent Form (Awakened)
You wield your psionic power to summon spectral appendages, enhancing your and allies' effectiveness in various ways.

Psychic Focus: Transcendent Form
The number you need to roll to land a critical strike is reduced by 1.

Transcendence (2 psi; long rest)
As a bonus action, enter a heightened state of psionic focus and awareness. While in this state, the amount of creatures you can target with psionic talents and disciplines is doubled, but your movement speed is halved, and your armor class is reduced by 5. You can end this effect using a bonus action at any time.

Psychic Brand (6 psi; long rest)
As an action, brand a creature with a floating psychic sigil on their forehead. Choose either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The targeted creature’s score for the chosen ability is raised to 19 unless it is already higher. Only one type of brand may be active for each creature, but you can have multiple brands across different creatures.

Spectral Arms (7 psi; long rest)
As an action, bestow an additional set of spectral, psychic arms to a creature. The target can perform any weapon attack as a bonus action, gain Advantage on Strength checks, they gain +1 to weapon attack rolls and their carrying capacity is doubled. You can only have one set of spectral arms on any creature at any given time.

Nomadic Hunting (Nomad)
You cast your mind out into the wilderness, enhancing your ability to track and strike down your prey.

Psychic Focus: Nomadic Hunting
Gain Advantage on Survival checks.

Javelin Toss (1-7 psi)
Hurl a javelin at a creature. Make a ranged spell attack, dealing 1d10 piercing damage on a hit per psi point spent.

Nomad's Mark (2 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, choose a creature and mark it as your quarry. For the duration, you deal an extra 1d6 psychic damage to the target whenever you damage it. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this discipline ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature without spending psi points.

Nomadic Snare (5 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, place a mystical trap in a targeted area. The first time a creature enters its radius, nearby creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, targets take 4d8 thunder damage and are restrained. On a successful save targets take half as much damage and are not restrained. At the start of each turn, affected creatures make a Strength saving throw to attempt to free themselves.

Hunting Party (6 psi; long rest)
Heighten your and your allies’ senses, gaining the effects of Pack Tactics: gain advantage on attack rolls against targeted creatures if there are any allies within 10 feet of the target.

Crown of Apathy (Avatar)
You have learned to suppress all emotions on creatures, filling them with a sense of apathy and disinterest.

Psychic Focus: Crown of Apathy
Gain immunity to being Charmed and Frightened.

Wave of Apathy (1-7 psi)
Unleash a wave of apathy on creatures. Choose an amount of creatures equal to the amount of psi points used to cast this discipline. Targets must make a Charisma saving throw, taking 1d6 psychic damage and suffering disadvantage on their next attack roll on a failed save. On a successful save, targets take half damage.

Lassitude (3 psi)
As an action, you dampen a creature’s desire to act. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and it can’t take a reaction until the end of its next turn. Additionally, it must choose whether it gets a move, an action, or a bonus action; it gets only one of the three. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and does not suffer any of the other effects.

Incite Apathy (5 psi; conc; 1 minute)

As an action, suppress a creature’s determination. It must succeed a Charisma saving throw or its damage with weapons is halved while concentration holds.

Aura of Indifference (7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, exert an aura of indifference that drains creatures’ desire to act. The first time an enemy creature enters the radius or starts its turn there, it must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, they are disarmed, lose concentration and are unable to act for their turn.

Nomadic Guile (Nomad)
You concentrate your mind on trickery and cunning, allowing you to deceive and swindle others with ease.

Psychic Focus: Nomadic Guile
Gain Advantage on Sleight of Hand checks.

A New Face (1 psi; long rest)
As an action, you assimilate the faces of other beings within the noosphere. Until the next long rest, you can cast the Disguise Self spell without spending a spell slot or psi points.

Nimble Fingers (2 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, imbue your fingers with unnatural agility. For the duration, you gain a +10 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks.

Turn the Tables (3 psi)
As a reaction, when you are hit with an attack or fail a saving throw, you can activate this ability to reroll the attack roll or saving throw. The attacker will then suffer disadvantage on saving throws, and attack rolls against it will have advantage for 2 turns.

Bestow Luck (5 psi; long rest)
As an action, bless a creature with incredible luck. They gain the benefits of the Lucky feat.

Mantle of Serenity (Avatar)
You focus your mind on peace and serenity, bringing relaxation and rest to yourself and others.

Psychic Focus: Mantle of Serenity
Gain immunity to Sleep and Advantage against becoming Paralyzed.

Lull (1-7 psi; 2 rounds)
Induce sleep on creatures. Choose any number of creatures with combined remaining hit points equal to 12 times the amount of psi points spent to cast this discipline. Targeted creatures are put to sleep for 2 rounds. 

Abate (2 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, appease a creature. Remove any charmed, frightened or rage effects from the creature and they become immune to such effects for the duration.

Aura of Tranquility (3-7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, exert an aura of peace. Whenever a creature ends its turn within the aura’s radius, restore 1d4 hit points to them per psi point spent on activating this discipline.

Hibernate (5 psi)
As an action, place an allied creature in a deep, restful sleep, granting them the benefits of a short rest. Once affected by this, targets cannot be affected again until the next long rest.

Lucid Dreaming (6 psi; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, wake all creatures near you. Allied creatures in the area gain +5 to attack rolls and saving throws and their movement speed increases by 10 feet for the duration. Enemies are instead paralyzed for the duration. Paralyzed enemies make Charisma saving throws at the end of each of their turns to attempt to free themselves.

Mass Repose (7 psi)
As an action, choose an area. All creatures within must make an Charisma saving throw or fall asleep for 3 turns. Allies automatically fail their saving throw.

Mastery of Stars (Wu Jen)
Your mind reaches out into the stars, granting you control over astral bodies.

Psychic Focus: Mastery of Stars
Gain resistance to Radiant damage.

Astral Mote (1-7 psi)
As an action, launch a mote of starlight. Make a ranged spell attack roll, dealing 1d8 radiant damage per psi point spent. The next attack against the target will have advantage.

Moonlight (3 psi; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, illuminate a large area around you with the light of the moon. Any invisible creature will be revealed and will not be able to go invisible for the duration.

Sunburst (5 psi)
As an action, create a massive solar explosion in the targeted area. Creatures within the radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, targets take 6d6 fire damage and are blinded for 1 round. Creatures who are sensitive to sunlight take an additional 2d6 fire damage and have disadvantage on this saving throw. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not blinded.

Star Rail (6 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, materialize a path of stardust. Creatures along the path can move without using their movement speed, but cannot take any actions, bonus actions or reactions while within.

Starstorm (7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, create a violent star shower in a targeted area. Creatures within are in difficult terrain and cannot go invisible. The first time a creature enters the area or starts its turn there, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d10 radiant damage, or half as much on a successful save.

Soul Reaper (Immortal)
You psionically reach out to the souls of other creatures, allowing you to rip it from their bodies, delivering a swift end.

Psychic Focus: Soul Reaper
Reducing a creature to 0 hit points heals you for an amount equal to your Mystic level plus your Intelligence Modifier.

Soul Harvest (1-7 psi)
As an action, you try to snatch a creature’s soul. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 necrotic damage per psi point spent, increasing to 1d12 if the target has half of its hit points remaining or less. On a successful save the target takes half damage.

Soul Grip (3 psi)
As a bonus action, you reach into a creature’s soul and try to pull it towards you. The target must make a Charisma saving throw or be pulled towards you. Allies automatically fail their saving throw.

Souleater (5 psi)
As an action, you try to sever a creature’s soul from its body. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 13d4 necrotic damage. On a successful save, it takes half damage. If this discipline reduces a creature to 0 hit points, you gain an additional action, and regain 5 psi points.

Doom (6 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, mark a creature for death. While it remains near you, its movement speed is halved, it can’t regain hit points and loses any resistances it may have.

Titanic Presence (Immortal)
You channel psychic energy around yourself and outwards, bursting into a titanic rage and controlling the battlefield.

Psychic Focus: Titanic Presence
Gain immunity to falling Prone and becoming Restrained.

Provoke (1-7 psi; 1 round)
As an action, attempt to infuriate a creature. It must succeed a Charisma saving throw or take 1d8 psychic damage and be forced to attack you and no one else during its next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half damage and is not provoked.

Titan's Rage (3 psi; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, enter a titanic rage. While raging, you gain the following effects:
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • You use Intelligence instead of Strength for Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee attack, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • You have disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration.
  • Your movement speed decreases by 10 feet.
Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a free action.

Intervene (3 psi)
As a reaction, take damage intended for another creature until the end of their next turn.

Menacing Presence (5 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, challenge nearby enemy creatures. Targets must succeed an Intelligence saving throw or be taunted. Taunted enemies must attack you and have disadvantage on attack rolls on anyone but you. Targets make an Intelligence saving throw at the end of their turns to attempt to free themselves from this effect. If you are under the effects of Titanic Rage, this costs a bonus action instead of an action.

Titanic Leap (5-7 psi)
As an action, leap to a chosen location, causing the earth to quake upon landing. Creatures near your landing area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 1d8 bludgeoning damage per psi point spent and are knocked prone. On a successful save, targets take half damage. If you are under the effects of Titanic Rage, this costs a bonus action instead of an action.

Mantle of Pride (Avatar)
You tap into your own pride and confidence, lifting your allies' spirits and making your foes stumble carelessly.

Psychic Focus: Mantle of Pride
Gain Advantage on Performance checks.

Exaltation (1-7 psi)
As an action, shield a creature with their own pride, granting them 6 temporary hit points per psi point spent.

Hubris (3 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, burden a creature with their own hubris. The first time they move and take an action each turn, they take 2d6 psychic damage.

Aura of Contempt (5 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, exert an aura of superiority and disdain. Attack rolls made by allied creatures within range deal an additional 1d4 psychic damage.

Prideful Mantle (7 psi; long rest)
As an action, project a protective curtain that shields allies. While affected, creatures cannot be moved by any external forces, mundane or magical. The first time an affected creature takes damage, reduce that damage to 1, ending this effect on themselves.

Nomadic Kinship (Nomad)
You extend your focus towards animals and wildlife, forming a deep psychic bond with them.

Psychic Focus: Nomadic Kinship
Gain Advantage on Animal Handling checks.

Bestial Speech (1 psi; long rest)
As an action, you gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts for the duration.

Friend of the Forest (2 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, convince a beast that you mean it no harm. If the beast’s Intelligence is 4 or higher, this discipline fails. Otherwise, the beast must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or be charmed by you for the duration. If you or one of your companions harms the target, the effect ends.

Bestial Companion (5 psi; long rest)
As an action, summon your personal companion to your side. Your companion is an eagle, is capable of flying and deals high damage.

Bestial Might (7 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, your signal your bestial companion to rampage. For the duration, it gains an additional attack, its movement speed is doubled and it gains a bonus to attack rolls and saving throws equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Nomadic Grace (Nomad)
You imbue your weapons with the essence of the winds, delivering elegant yet deadly techniques upon your foes.

Psychic Focus: Nomadic Grace
Gain Advantage on Acrobatics checks.

Gale Slash (2 psi)
As an action, unleash two razor sharp slashes that cut through the air. Make a ranged spell attack for each, dealing 1d6 + your melee weapon’s damage as slashing damage for each attack.

Quick Draw (3 psi)
As a reaction, you can blink through the air and appear immediately next to your target. After you are hit with an attack, teleport to the target that attacked you and perform a melee weapon attack.

Blessing of the Winds (5 psi; long rest)
As an action, you can enchant a creature's melee weapons with the essence of the winds. Enchanted weapons deal an additional 1d6 psychic damage and their attack range is increased by 30 feet.

Steel Tempest (6 psi)
You brandish a melee weapon and imbue it with vibrant energy. Make a melee weapon attack against a creature, dealing an additional 1d8 psychic damage on a hit, increasing your movement speed by 15 feet. While under this effect, you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity. You can repeat this effect up to two more times, provided the previous attack hit and your new target has not already been hit by the current sequence. The movement speed bonus from this effect can stack, but is lost at the end of your turn.

Psychic Distortion (Awakened)
You wield psionic energy to alter and distort reality, creating optical illusions that distract foes.

Psychic Focus: Psychic Distortion
Gain immunity to becoming Blinded.

Obscuring Veil (2 psi; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, distort other creatures’ perception of you. For the duration, you appear obscured and gain the benefits of being heavily obscured no matter where you are. This will allow you to benefit from certain equipment, hide in plain sight or make it harder for creatures without darkvision to hit you.

Psychic Double (3 psi; 1 minute)
As a bonus action, summon an image of yourself in a targeted area. On your turns, you can swap places with it and back, as if you were casting from the image’s position. You can also move it to a specified position once per turn, or swap places with it as a bonus action.

Mirage (5 psi; long rest)
As an action, imbue yourself with eerie illusory energy. After moving 10 feet, you gain an illusory copy of yourself which confuses enemies. While this copy is active, your armor class is increased by 5, and you gain a +5 bonus to Dexterity saving throws. Whenever a creature misses an attack against you this image dissipates.

Illusory Horde (6 psi; 1 minute)
As an action, create Mirror Images of yourself and all nearby allied creatures.

Ethereal Shroud (7 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, summon a dome where creatures within are imperceptible to the eye. Creatures within gain the benefits of Greater Invisibility.

Infinite Abyss (Awakened)
Your mind reached a place it perhaps shouldn't have, allowing you to harness the insidious powers of unknowable eldritch horrors.

Psychic Focus: Infinite Abyss
Gain Advantage on Insight checks.

Glimpse of the Void (1-7 psi)
As an action, you momentarily open a small rift into the far realms. Creatures in a small area must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, targets take 1d8 psychic damage. On a successful save, targets take half damage.

Symbiotic Link (3 psi; long rest)
As an action, form a symbiotic bond with another creature. You can only be linked to one creature at once. For the duration, whenever you gain a positive status effect from a psionic discipline, your bonded creature also receives the same effect for the same duration.

Psionic Disturbance (5 psi; conc; 1 minute)
As an action, you project a dissonant cacophony that disrupts thought. For the duration, whenever an enemy creature within range casts a spell or ends their turn concentrating on a spell, they take 4d6 psychic damage.

Eldritch Evolution (7 psi; 3 rounds)
As a bonus action, you fully embrace the bizarre power of entities from beyond. For the duration, you are considered an aberration, and the psi points of all disciplines is reduced to 0. When this effect ends, you are reduced to 1 hit point.

Crown of Regret (Avatar)
You sow feelings of shame and regret on others, causing them to hesitate on their actions and dwell on past mistakes.

Psychic Focus: Crown of Regret

Gain immunity to being Incapacitated.

Crowned in Shame (1-7 psi)

As an action, you flood the target with feelings of shame. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 psychic damage per psi point spent and is silenced until the end of their next turn. On a successful save the target takes half damage.

Mark of Dishonor (3 psi; 1 minute)

As a bonus action, you torment a creature with intense feelings of guilt. The target must succeed a Charisma saving throw or be affected for the duration. While affected, whenever one of their allies is reduced to 0 hit points, they take 3d6 psychic damage and their movement speed is reduced to 0 for one turn.

Penitence (5 psi; conc; 1 minute)

As an action, you cause a creature to lament any harm it brings upon others. It must succeed a Charisma saving throw or be affected for the duration. While affected, whenever they deal damage, they take psychic damage equal to the damage dealt. 

Overwhelming Regret (7 psi)

As an action, you assault up to six creatures with overwhelming feelings of regret. Each target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, targets take 8d6 psychic damage and are forced to flee from you on their next turn and do nothing else. On a successful save, targets take half damage.

Phantasmal Mind (Awakened)
You learn to manifest your psionic power in uncanny ways, mimicking the paranormal traits of ghostly entities.

Psychic Focus: Phantasmal Mind

Attackers will have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls against you.

Haunt (1-7 psi)

As an action, you harrow a creature's mind. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d10 psychic damage per psi point spent. On a successful save the target takes half damage. If the target is charmed or frightened, this always deals maximum damage.

Ghostly Curse (3 psi; conc; 1 minute)

As an action, you curse a creature with unnatural power. The target must succeed an Intelligence saving throw or be charmed for the duration. While affected, the target takes 4d6 damage on at the end of each of its turns. At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat the saving throw, removing this effect on a success.

Ethereal Fusion (5 psi; long rest)

As an action, your body and mind merge with a willing creature, granting them 15 temporary hit points. For the duration, you are unable to be harmed, and can cast spells from the target’s location. A creature may only be fused with one other creature this way.

Spectral Wail (7 psi)

As an action, you let out an ear-splitting shriek that claws at the mind of nearby enemy creatures. Targets must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, targets take 8d8 psychic damage and are frightened for 2 turns. On a successful save, targets take half damage. 

Psionic Throwing (Immortal)
You extend your psychic control to your thrown weapons, allowing you to perform deadly and precise attacks at a distance.

Psychic Focus: Psionic Throwing

Whenever you make a thrown weapon attack, you roll the damage dice twice and take the highest result.

Psychic Bond (2 psi; long rest)

As an action, you psionically bind the weapon in your main hand. The weapon can’t be knocked out of your hand, and it automatically returns to you when thrown. Additionally, it gains the thrown property, if it does not already have it.

Ricochet (3 psi)

As a reaction, whenever one of your thrown weapon attacks misses, you can repeat the attack roll on another nearby creature.

Deadly Precision (5 psi; conc; 1 minute)

As a bonus action, you augment your focus and accuracy. For the duration, you add your Intelligence modifier to thrown weapon attack and damage rolls.

Nomadic Alchemy (Nomad)
You wield psionic power to enhance and alter the effects of natural and alchemical substances, allowing them to be used to greater effect.

Psychic Focus: Nomadic Alchemy

Gain Advantage on Medicine Checks.

Concentrated Brew (1-7 psi)

As an action, you hurl a mug of mead at a creature. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d10 poison damage per psi point spent and becomes drunk for 1 minute. On a successful save the target takes half damage. The mead spills on the ground, leaving a flammable alcohol surface under the target.

Philosopher’s Touch (3 psi)

As an action, you turn an item into gold currency. The item is completely destroyed in the process, and the gold yield is equal to three times the item's base value. The item must be something you can pick up and move, and cannot be a container, otherwise this discipline fails. This discipline also cannot target gold currency itself.

Panacea (5 psi; 1 minute)

As an action, you apply a potent cure-all to a creature, removing any blinded, poisoned, paralysis, petrification and disease conditions. Additionally, the target will become immune to such conditions for the duration, and incoming healing will be maximized.

Bottomless Flask (7 psi; permanent)

As an action, you infuse a potion, elixir or similar consumable with potent psi energy, making it no longer be consumed when used. However, its selling price will be reduced to 0.

Mastery of Metal (Wu Jen)
Your mind resonates with metals and magnetic forces.

Psychic Focus: Mastery of Metal

Whenever a creature strikes you with a critical hit, it becomes a regular hit instead.

Shrapnel Blast (1-7 psi)

As an action, you unleash sharp metal shrapnel at a creature. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 slashing damage per psi point spent and starts bleeding for 3 rounds. On a successful save the target takes half damage. A bleeding creature takes 2 slashing damage each turn and has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws. Some creatures, such as constructs and undead cannot bleed.

Sharpened Steel (3 psi; 1 round)

As a bonus action, you hone the target's weapon, causing their next weapon attack to become a guaranteed critical hit, and it cannot miss.

Magnetize (5 psi; conc; 1 minute)

As an action, you cause a construct or creature wearing metal armor to become magnetic. A magnetized creature is slowed, and a magnetized construct is slowed and any successful attack made against it becomes a critical hit. At the end of each of its turns, the target must make a Constitution saving throw, removing this effect on a successful saving throw. Constructs have disadvantage on this saving throw.

Fortified Plating (6 psi; conc; 1 minute)

As an action, you harden the metallic frame of a construct or metal armor of a creature. For the duration, any damage it takes is reduced by 5, but its armor class is reduced by 3. If the target was a construct, it also gains 20 temporary hit points.

Magnetic Storm (7 psi; conc; 1 minute)

As an action, you manifest a powerful magnetic field around yourself. Enemies within range suffer the effects of Magnetize, regardless of whether they are wearing metal armor or are a construct. The area is also considered difficult terrain for enemies.

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  1. HeThick
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love the mod, adds alot of new stuff and can't wait for any new content. keep the good work up.
  2. winterbourne
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    First, I wanted to thank you for all the work you've obviously put into this mod; it's fantastic! I do have a question about "Psychic Focus: Psionic Skirmishing.
    You gain the effects of Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting" I selected that for my soul knife Tav and it doesn't seem to apply to the soul knife in my off-hand. I've played around with raising both my Dex and Int to 20, and no matter what I do, my off-hand soul knife is stuck at 1D8+1, so I'm not sure what it's scaling off of. If I up my int to 20 then the primary hand soul knife shows 1D8 +5 Intelligence, but that does not show on the offhand.  Am I missing something easy? (always a distinct possibility)
    1. Xhevo
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Soul Knives scale off of Intelligence rather than Dexterity. It's possible that another mod may be changing Two-Weapon Fighting to work in a different way (Better Dual Wielding?).
  3. bombasticmori
    • premium
    • 405 kudos
    These are amazing and I love all of them!
  4. warewolf011
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Xhevo! I have tried the expansion after long time with just the base mod (which I love to bits), but I have encountered a problem with the order of the blade war adept. The intelligence modifier is only used for 10 turns after equipping a weapon and then it expires. It reapplies when I use the Mystic arsenal action or when I unequip and equip the weapon again. Is that expected behaviour?
    1. Xhevo
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      It should be reapplying itself at regular intervals, but yeah right now it's not as consistent as I'd like it to be. It really should be reapplying itself every tick (6 seconds) if you meet the conditions, but for some reason it doesn't always tick outside of combat. During my playthrough, the longest I ever went without the buff active was one turn at the start of combat, since it reapplies itself at the start of each turn. I may use some script extender magic in the future to make it even more consistent.
    2. warewolf011
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ah, OK, I didn't try it in combat yet, so I didn't notice the reapply, thanks for the reply.
  5. cdarklan
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    I've been loving this mystic expansion, mostly the Order of the Ascetic. One thing I would suggest to balance is Vendetta from the crown of envy. The vulnerability is a bit too much and with the psychic punch, you can easily destroy big targets in early game. I'd suggest to work like a hunter's mark or a hex
    1. Xhevo
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      I'll be changing Vendetta to be just -4 AC on one target and removing psychic vulnerability, it is in fact wayyy too strong.
  6. niroz85
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am excited for Psychic Distortion as I am always a sucker for illusionary magic - even if it's less effective in BG3 - esp with AI behavior.

    I suspect Distortion's implementation is already challenging, but one thing that has always made sense to me when it comes to swapping with an illusion is that there should be some sort of effect on enemies in the immediate area. Something like a 3m AoE centered around the swap points that trigger advantage against and or a disadvantage outgoing effect (like compelled to duel) on failed wis save.

    Just an idea that is thematic and makes illusionary play a bit more rewarding.

    Thank you for all of your hard and continued work on this incredible mod!
    1. Xhevo
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      I can probably do something like that, yeah. I should mention though that this discipline is a bit lower on the priority list due to its complexity.
    2. niroz85
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Definitely understandable. Thanks!
  7. Akirar238
    • member
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    Hey! been looking around for classes that i can use for my jujutsu kaisen style playthrough but sadly havent been able to find something similar to the character sukuna, do you think you could create something like it?
  8. xorph
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can you please add mastery of light and darkness?
    1. Xhevo
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
  9. Razorfloss
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    My soul knife loves this 
  10. dyananias
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    My gnoll dark urge  loves this thank u so much 