Main function of this mod (default on):
- To create random spawns in the world. This is the Enable Shadowquakes passive and can be turned off.
* These spawns will spawn ANYWHERE, and are not hand-placed. They can and will spawn in towns (see below).
* To prevent NPC death, these spawns ignore the NPCs (part of my AI) and will make all NPCs immune until the spawn dies.
* Spawns CAN occur in combat or during dialogue, but CANNOT occur in camp.
* Spawns are at random intervals of between 48 seconds - 16 minutes. You can increase the spawn rate by turning on your companions Random Spawn passives (they are off by default).
- Scales spawn HP and damage as follows (all spawns are low-level spawns or level-locked):
* Player level 1-4: +25 HP and 1d6 extra damage
* Player level 4-8: +40 HP and 2d6 extra damage
* Player level 8+: +90 HP and 3d6 extra damage
- 5% chance per hit of calling for backup.

- Spawn types: See "Map-Based Spawn Details" article
- Special (custom) spawn types: See Custom Spawn Pack details at the bottom

- Calling Reinforcements: (Seeking feedback, please see Posts tab!)
* All mod spawns now have a 5% chance PER TURN to call reinforcements. This affects all party members, but each party member only has a 25% chance it will trigger. Ideally, this means that a party of 4 will only get 1 spawn per successful Call, but if you have a really unlucky set of rolls, everyone may end up spawning something. This works out to roughly a 1.25% chance per party member per turn, which is what the original setup was.
* This can only happen once per spawn per fight, but the new spawns can also call for reinforcements!
* When triggered, reinforcements called will be based on the mod functions, so some may not actually spawn at all.
* This will be adjusted based on player feedback. There will be the occasional rant due to wildly unlucky rolls, but overall this should be pretty solid as-is.

Additional Passives (default off):
- Random enemy buffs
* Provides 0 buffs to enemies from levels 1-3
* Provides 1 buff to enemies from levels 4-7
* Provides 2 buffs to enemies from levels 8-11
* Provides 3 buffs to enemies from levels 12-14
* Provides 4 buffs to enemies from levels 14+
* Also applies these buffs to your summons

- Diffculty Increase
* +20% maximum HP
* 2 AC
* +4 per stat
* +2 saving throw bonus
* Resistance to all the things!
* 1:1 damage reflect. This is intended to make you think more tactically instead of just pewpewing fights.

Addon Packs:

- Tombstone Undead pack:
* Allows several spawns of skeletons with guns. That's it!

- Shrek addon pack
* Adds Shrek to your world.

- Multispawn pack:
* Increases the number of spawn triggers from a static (1) to a random (1d4). Some triggers can have multiple spawns.

- Increased Scaling pack:
* Does NOT affect spawns from player level 1-4
* Changes spawn damage bonus for player levels 4-8 from 2d6 to 2d12
* Changes spawn damage bonus for player levels 8+ from 3d6 to 3d20

- No Scaling pack:
* Removes the scaling component (HP and Damage)

- Custom Spawn pack:

* Adds 5 custom spawns:
* Will NOT spawn until you reach level 5, for your own safety
* Fights focus on mechanics and strategy, not brute force
* Grym
* R.O.U.S.?
* Possessed Bunny
* Goblin Sapper
* Weeping Angel
* Crazed Djinni

- Arena Mode pack:
* Contains Arena Mode passive. This will spawn a Scrying Eye that will watch your fights. Turn off the passive when you wish to end the Arena Mode, the Scrying Eye will despawn, and if you are not in combat, nearby NPCs will return to normal.

- Meazles addon:
* I made relatively few changes to the original fight. I toned down the initial damage (they still scale like all Random Encounter spawns, and have the insta-kill protection) but mechanically, they should remain the same.
* You MUST be level 5 or higher for this to trigger. This condition exists for a reason.
* Meazles from this mod will not spawn on all maps. Due to the nature of the fight, I cut down on what maps they show up on.
* Assuming this does work properly, know before installing that these creatures can really, really mess up your day.

- Timer Extender pack:
* Changes the spawn timers from 8d20 to 24d20 (48 sec - 16 mins to 2.4 min - 48 min)

And finally...

- Extras pack: (all contents are toggleable passives), which contains:

* Witty Retort (interrupt): Vicious Mockery-based interrupt (with voice lines!)

* Dragonbreath Scaling: Dragonbreath now scales like cantrips, is Once Per Turn, and uses Bonus Actions.
- Necrotic Dragonbreath, Phantasmal Dragonbreath and Festive Dragonbreath.
- Necrotic Dragonbreath (Necromancer only!) deals Necrotic damage to the
living, heals the dead, and can raise the dead to fight for you
- Phantasmal Dragonbreath is a force-based breath/shout
- Festive Dragonbreath is a more colorful, festive force-based breath/shout
- Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers can now also use Dragonbreath!

* Resource Reset: Spell slots, cooldowns, etc reset at the end of combat. Reduces the
need to Long Rest, though Long Resting is still recommended for story

* Pets! Includes the following pets (all scaled to not be OP):
- Withers (Withers is a special case for pets and has special abilities as befits his stature. Use him carefully)
- Crawling Claw
- Spectator
- Baby Owlbear
- Giant Eagle
- Hollyphant
- Secret for the Dark Urge players (use the Hollyphant summon)
- Scrying Eye
- Ooze
- Brewmaster (Thisobald Thorm)
- Flesh Golem
- Tressym
- Gremishka
- Intellect Devourer
- Dilophosaurus
- The Auditor (Gerringothe Thorm)
- Minotaur
- Spectator
- Chicken
- Biscotti (the dog)(I did not add Scratch because Scratch may be related to quests etc)

* Grenades! Check the Explosives! container for some summonable grenades. There are MANY types, so it's worth a look!

* AI for companions, because controlling them can be annoying. You cannot access their
inventory etc when under AI control, so remove the AI to fiddle with
them. Check the The Hunted AI (Puppeteer) container for individual AI types (includes Monk AI).

* Doppelganger shapeshifting! This allows you to not only steal the look (and some tags) of your target, but their known spells and abilities as well.
- Note: you will keep the spells and abilities of stolen identities even
if you remove the form. This can be a spectacular thing, but using this
ability too frequently can make your taskbar... interesting.

* On-Downed debuffs*
* Up to 5 stacks
* Stacks removed one at a time at random intervals from 30s-4m
* -1 to ALL stats per stack

* On-Death experience loss*
 -10% current experience per death
 Will NOT de-level you

* Door/Chest traps*
- Random chance to trigger an effect when opening items or doors
- 50/50 chance for either beneficial/destructive effects

* Lockpicking/Disarming traps*
- Random chance to trigger an effect when disarming a trap or picking a lock
- 50/50 chance for either beneficial/destructive effects

* Withers
- Due to who he actually is, Withers cannot die. For the same reason, he has the ability to resurrect the dead.
- GIven his vast experience with magic, Withers can learn almost any spell that is cast on him.
- To use him as a vendor:
-- Use the Resupply ability. I cannot stress this enough; you do NOT want a player or companion to open that box.
-- Use the Pickup and Unpack Container ability. This will stock his inventory.
-- Use the Initiate Trade ability on a player or companion to start the trade. Withers can ONLY barter. This is intentional.


My other mods:

* Treasure Goblins
- Contains... treasure goblins. Inspired by and functionally similar to Diablo treasure goblins.
- Drop 600g, health potions, Basilisk Oil, random spell scrolls and may even drop "unobtainable" weapons.

* Underpants Gnomes
- See description page for a video to explain the South Park inspiration
- Literally arrive (only when you are in combat) to steal your underpants, then run away to PROFIT!

* The Plague
- Intentionally made to mesh with this mod
- Self-Taught version is recommended
- Adds new spells with a disease theme. Focus on support debuffs with minor damage.
- Can spread, can cause massive chaos, can also be incredibly fun!
- Contains auras that will protect you and/or party members and NPCs from spreading disease

* = Requires Script Extender

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