This contains potential spoilers for both the mod's content and the game.

Act One
  • Wilderness, Chapel Ruins — One long rest after defeating the adventuring party here. You'll find them reanimated as a skeletal adventuring party.
  • Wilderness, Blighted Village blacksmith [belowground] — Skeletal adventuring party here.
  • Wilderness, Waukeen's Rest — Neutral skeleton in need of aid.
  • Underdark, Festering Cove, northern dirt mound — Friendly skeleton.
  • Underdark, Arcane Tower, Ground Floor — ANNA THE POTION SELLER boss fight here. Drops the Philosopher's Mitts and Elixir of Many Surges.

Act Two
  • Gauntlet of Shar, broken mirror — YARA THE PLANAR BLADESINGER boss fight here. Drops the Glaive of the Planar Bladesinger.
  • Shadow-Cursed Lands, dirt mound north of morgue entrance — Friendly skeleton.
  • Shadow-Cursed Lands, Stonemasons — Neutral skeleton in need of aid.
  • Shadow-Cursed Lands, Moonrise Tower — Faction-dependent skeletons just chilling.

Act Three
  • Rivington, grave behind the Open Hand temple — Friendly skeleton.
  • Baldur's Gate, Sewers — One long rest after defeating the Bhaalist firing squad. You'll find them reanimated as skeletons with class archetypes.
  • Baldur's Gate, Counting House, Vaults — GILDED SKELETON boss fight here. Drops gold, valuables, Valkrana's Limited Edition Bone amulet, and the Gilded Stamp Seal maul.
  • Baldur's Gate, Graveyard, Grand Mausoleum — Oathbreaker fight here.
  • Baldur's Gate, Graveyard, southeast grave — Friendly skeleton.
  • Baldur's Gate, Heapside Strand, coords x: 80 y: 140 — Friendly skeleton.
  • Baldur's Gate, Szarr Palace, Attic — COUNTESS MAO MIRAQUINAL boss fight here. Do not fight unprepared. Drops Veilkin Claw and scrolls.

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