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About this mod

This mod adds more Elven, Drow, and Half-Elven subraces to the game, including a large variety of options inspired by D&D 5e, 3e, and Forgotten Realms lore.

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Update 1.4 -  6th September 2024 - Fixes & Patch 7
Fixed a number of issues related to abilities, including
•  Sun Elves' Martial Prowess now also applies to ranged weapon attacks
•  Various Lythari Lycanthropic Form fixes, including incorrect tooltips, names, and others
• New Patch: Compatibility with Nixmori's Dulcet Body

Race Icons are now available

Patch 7 Compatibility
Updated all files related to this mod, including main file and patches
Added enforced dependencies to patches to ensure function via in-game mod manager
For more Patch 7 details, please check the pinned comment

This mod adds a total of 18 additional Elven, Drow, and Half-Elven subraces to the game.
This includes 6 subraces for Elves, 4 subraces for Drow, and 8 subraces for Half-Elves.

These subraces are inspired by or based on a variety of TTRPG, including D&D 5e, D&D 3e and Pathfinder, as well as
a variety of older D&D content, including novels, sourcebooks, short stories, and adventures.

All subraces included in this mod are Homebrew in some capacity.
They are inspired by their sources, but their implementation may vary; some align more closely with their source
in skillset and/or lore, and for others their source was merely a starting point for my own interpretation.

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Due to the length of this mod page, the racial descriptions included within it are condensed to a minimum.
You can find detailed summary of all subraces & abilities, available patches, and other details in the articles
linked below. You can also access these articles through the top bar of this mod page.

Article #1 - Subrace summaries, including subrace features, spells, lore, & more
Article #2 - Patches & compatibility-related information
Article #3 - Racial Icons, Mods used in mod images & Thanks
Article #4 - F.A.Q

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Elven Subraces

All Elven subraces feature the following vanilla Elven traits unless otherwise specified:

Base Racial Speed (9m/30ft) ✧ Keen Senses
Elven Weapon Training ✧ Fey Ancestry
Darkvision (12m/40ft)


Dusk Elf

Favored by the goddess Sehanine Moonbow, Dusk Elves are a rare and elusive kind.
Keeping to small, secluded enclaves within the darkest forests of Faerûn and the Shadowfell, their numbers have dwindled over the centuries.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Wood Elf, Lolthsworn Drow, Seldarine Drow, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Nightfall’s Veil

Passive • Twilit Sanctuary


Moon Elf

Guarded by the moon's light, Moon Elves are an extraordinarily outgoing kind with a particular affinity for lunar magic.
With a particularly strong lust for travel, they prefer living alongside other races, many of which they have held positive relations with for generations.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Wood Elf, Lolthsworn Drow, Seldarine Drow, Rare, Planar, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Social Mastery

Passive • Lunar Magic
> Level 1 Cantrip • Minor Illusion
> Level 3 Spell • Moonbeam
> Level 5 Spell • Misty Step


Snow Elf

Direct descendants of Winter Eladrin, Snow Elves are a secluded and isolated kind, having kept only minimal contact with the outside world
for generations. They've learnt to thrive in dangerously frigid environments, living off the land and often establishing small communities near
significant natural or religious landmarks.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Wood Elf, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, No Home

Passive • Polar Endurance

Selector • Boreal Magic
> Options • Bone Chill, Dancing Lights, Minor Illusion, Ray of Frost, Resistance


Star Elf

Star Elves lived isolated within a Demiplane of the Feywild for generations, emerging only after the Spellplague. Unfamiliar with the
customs, races, and natural environments of Faerûn, they are curious and enjoy learning about their new surroundings, eager to
explore and integrate into the world beyond their secluded realm.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Wood Elf, Rare, Planar, No Race, Baldurian, No Home

Passive • Inquisitive Nature

Passive • Starlit Protection

Passive • Celestial Wrath


Sun Elf

An ancient lineage of Elves renowned for their preference to remain within their own secluded settlements, rarely seen elsewhere. Sun Elves dedicate themselves to perfection in their chosen professions, often committing to a singular craft or skill for the entirety of their extended lifespans.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Wood Elf, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, No Home

Selector • Perfectionism

Selector • Tradition
> Option • Martial Prowess
> Option • Sunkissed
> Option • Solar Magic



True lycanthropic Elves gifted with the ability to shift their forms into that of wolves. Rare in Faerûn, Lythari prefer the company of their own
deeply intertwined packs. Despite their lycanthropic nature, they are often averse to violence and primarily rely on their their lupine
form for scouting, delivering messages, or hunting.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Wood Elf, Rare, Beast, Lycanthrope, No Race, Baldurian, No Home

Passive • Natural Instincts

Passive • Animal Connection

Passive • Canine Ability

Selector • Lycanthropic Form
> Option • Lycanthropic Form - Robust
> Option • Lycanthropic Form - Swift

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Drow Subraces

All Drow subraces feature the following vanilla Drow traits unless otherwise specified:

Base Racial Speed (9m/30ft) ✧ Keen Senses
Drow Weapon Training ✧ Fey Ancestry
Superior Darkvision (24m/80ft)



Deeply attuned to the Weave, Aevendrow have forsaken Lolth's teachings and the typical ways of Drow society. Settling within a bioluminescent
nexus of magical energies deep underneath a mountain in the far north, they venture to the surface only for ritualistic purposes, harnessing
their magical prowess under the starlit sky.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Seldarine Drow, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Selector • Aevendrow Magic
> Level 1 Cantrip • Dancing Lights
> Level 3 Spell • Mage Armor
> Level 5 Spell • Mirror Image



Having defied Lolth's teachings, Lorendrow fled Menzoberranzan to settle within Saekolath to the far south of Faerûn.
Fostering a deep connection to the natural environment, they live in balance with the forest, the earth, and the sky and thrive
within the shadows of the jungle's foliage.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Wood Elf, Seldarine Drow, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Jungle’s Favored

Selector • Natural Magic
> Options • Acid Splash, Light, Poison Spray, Shillelagh, Thorn Whip



Favoured of Lolth, whether through achievement or birthright, Lolthtouched Drow are outstanding members of their community. Afforded far superior
training than the average Drow, the spider's blood within their veins claims any weakness they may have harbored, resulting in a
near fearless avatar of the spider queen that instills fear and dread into anyone who lays their eyes upon them.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Lolthsworn Drow, Beast, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, No Home

Passive • Fearless

Passive • Spider’s Blood

Passive • Spider Magic
> Level 1 Spell • Find Familiar: Spider
> Level 4 Spell • Web



Born of the profane union between a Shadow Dragon and a Drow, Zar'ithra possess draconic blood despite not being true half-dragons.
With a profound connection to the Plane of Shadow, they show strong inclinations towards shadow magic and are frequently blessed with
innate magical abilities from birth. Renowned for their strength and power, Zar'ithra frequently ascend to leadership positions within
their communities, wielding their formidable abilities to command respect and authority.

Tag Selector: High Elf, Seldarine Drow, Lolthsworn Drow, Dragonborn, Rare, Draconic Sorcerer, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Shadow Dragon Ancestry

Passive • Living Shadow

Passive • Draconic Influence
> Level 1 Cantrip • Bone Chill
> Level 3 Spell • Inflict Wounds
> Level 5 Spell • Shadow Breath

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Half-Elven Subraces

All Half-Elven subraces feature the following vanilla Half-Elf traits unless otherwise specified:

Base Racial Speed (9m/30ft) ✧ Fey Ancestry
Civil Militia ✧ Darkvision (12m/40ft)



Half-Aevendrow inherit a deep attunement to the Weave and a rejection of Lolth's teachings from their elven parent. The human blood within
their veins allows them to traverse the surface even during the day, igniting a wish to wander past the boundaries of the Starlight Enclave within them.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Drow, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Selector • Aevendrow Magic
> Level 1 Cantrip • Dancing Lights
> Level 3 Spell • Mage Armor
> Level 5 Spell • Mirror Image


Half-Dusk Elf

Feeling a deep connection to both the natural world and the shadows, many Half-Dusk Elves leave their parents' secluded enclaves to discover what
Faerûn may offer them. Their elven ancestry imbues them with a subtle grace and an innate understanding of the shadows,
allowing them to comfortably navigate both light and darkness.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Wood Elf,Half-Drow, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Nightfall’s Veil

Passive • Twilit Sanctuary


Half-Moon Elf

Half-moon elves inherit the outgoing nature and connection to the moon from their Moon Elf parent. They thrive in diverse communities
where they bring a sense of curiosity and wanderlust, often serving as travelling bards, clerics, or artists.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Wood Elf, Half-Drow, Rare, Planar, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Lunar Magic
> Level 1 Cantrip • Minor Illusion
> Level 3 Spell • Moonbeam
> Level 5 Spell • Misty Step


Half-Snow Elf

Half-Snow Elves are usually born to the few Snow Elf ambassadors sent to establish contact with human settlements beyond the frigid north.
Raised in these settlements due to the perilous nature of travel, they often lack the endurance of their Snow Elf parents, although they still retain
traces of the frigid magics inherent to their lineage.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Wood Elf, Rare, Planar, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Selector • Boreal Magic
> Options • Bone Chill, Dancing Lights, Minor Illusion, Ray of Frost, Resistance


Half-Star Elf

Star Elves enjoy integrating themselves deeply into unfamiliar cultures as a means of study, sometimes discovering love in the process. As a result,
Half-Star Elves are not uncommon and frequently viewed as a blessing. Blessed with some of their elven parent's abilities, they lack their distinct
naivety and wonder, as they are more familiar with Faerûn.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Wood Elf, Rare, Planar, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Inquisitive Nature

Passive • Starlit Protection


Half-Sun Elf

As Sun Elves rarely leave their communities, Half-Sun Elves are rarer than other Half-Elves. Not typically raised within exclusively Sun Elf
settlements, they lack much of the immense direct exposure to their elven parent's culture, yet still inherit some of their inherent abilities.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Wood Elf, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, No Home

Selector • Perfectionism

Passive • Solar Magic
> Level 1 Cantrip • Sacred Flame
> Level 3 Spell • Burning Hands
> Level 5 Spell • Daylight



It is not uncommon for Lorendrow to ally themselves with one of the human settlements within the jungle they inhabit, often resulting
in the birth of a handful of Half-Lorendrow. They inherit the skill for jungle survival from both of their parents combined with a touch of
elven grace, making them formidable survivors.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Wood Elf, Half-Drow, Rare, No Race, Baldurian, Underdark, No Home

Passive • Jungle’s Favored

Selector • Natural Magic
> Options • Acid Splash, Light, Poison Spray, Shillelagh, Thorn Whip



While Half-Lythari inherit certain animalistic traits from their Lythari parent, they frequently lack their parent’s lycanthropic ability.
This distinction can sometimes leave them feeling estranged within the lupine packs they call home, prompting many Half-Lythari to wander
beyond, seeking a place where they can truly find belonging.

Tag Selector: Half-High Elf, Half-Wood Elf, Rare, Beast, No Race, Baldurian, No Home

Passive • Natural Instincts

Passive • Animal Connection

Passive • Canine Ability

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- Download this mod
- Unzip the archive & drag the .pak file into your mods folder
- Launch BG3 Mod Manager
- Drag this Mod from the “Inactive Mods” to the “Active Mods” tab
- Click “Save Load Order to File”
- Click “Export Order to the Game”
- Launch your game and find these subraces under the Elf/Drow/Half-Elf race in CC!

If you are entirely new to modding BG3, have a look at this video guide instead.

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Improved UI &  BG3 Mod Fixer.
Without ImprovedUI, parts of this mod will not function correctly.
ImprovedUI Assets is required for racial icons to appear (pending inclusion).

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