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About this mod

This mod adds a collection of spells to the game, usable through Spell Scrolls or learnable through potions, including Cantrips, Spells up to level 4, and Claw and Bite abilities.

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Update 1.26th September 2024 - Fixes & Patch 7


•  Looming Nightmare & Drown up-casting to level 5 now functions as intended
•  Fixed interaction between this mod & Fang & Claw - Dragonborn that nullified damage for Claw and Bite attacks

Patch 7

•  Updated to function correctly alongside patch 7
• Full functionality of optional features (e.g. AV ISF) may vary

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This mod adds a collection of 42 cantrips and spells to the game.
You might recognize some of these spells from some of my existing mods - There have been regular requests for these spells to be made available for other races and/or classes than they were initially intended for.
This was, in myopinion, the best way to do so without requiring Script Extender and/or potentially causing conflicts with other popular mods.

You can obtain the scrolls and potions added by this mod either through the Tutorial Chest, or the AV Item Shipment Framework.
AV ISF is not a hard requirement for this mod - if you don’t want to use it, you don’t need to.

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There are two primary ways for your Tav or Companion of choice to use and/or learn these spells in game.

. ⋆ Spell Scrolls ⋆ .

All spells and cantrips added by this mod, with the exception of Claw and Bite attacks, are available as Spell Scrolls.

You can cast spells using one of these Spell Scrolls, and Spells can be learned from these Scrolls by transcribing.
Wizards can do so by default, but if you’d like to learn these spells this way on another class, using a mod like this one may be an option.

Casting a spell added by this mod using a Scroll doesn’t cost a Spell Slot, but it requires you to be of high enough level.

. ⋆ Spell Potions ⋆ .

Spell Potions are a straight-forward way to learn the Spells added by this mod. You consume your Potion of choice, and
immediately learn the spell associated with it, as long as you are of an appropriate level.

If you are too low level for the level of the Spell you’re attempting to learn via Potion, you will not learn the spell.
But don’t fret - as soon as you hit the required level to learn the respective spell, you’ll unlock it without needing to consume the potion a second time.
But if you do want to drink the potion again, just for fun, you can. :)

There are two types of Spell Potions added by this mod - Standalone Potions that grant you access to a single spell
when consuming them, and Combined Potions that allow you to learn two thematically connected spells with one Potion.

Standalone Potion spells are not available as Combined Potions and vice-versa. The majority of Spell Potions added by this mod
are Standalone Potions - The following Spells are the exception, and are only available via Combined Potions:

. ⋆ Lunar Missile & Lunar Beacon ⋆ .

As these spells are special cases with variants based on Moon Phase, they’ve been combined into a single potion. Drinking any of the
Moon Phase Potions unlocks both the Lunar Missile Cantrip and the Lunar Beacon Spell of the respective type.
Lunar Missile is available at level 1, while Lunar Beacon is available at level 5 - you don’t need to drink the potion again.
You can only unlock one Moon Phase’s spells at a time; drinking another Moon Phase potion will override the previous one.

. ⋆ Claw & Bite ⋆ .

Similarly, Claw & Bite spells are also unlocked via Combined Potion. This is based on damage type, and you’ll unlock both Claw and Bite
attacks/spells of the same type. Claw is available at level 1, while Bite is available at level 5 - you don’t need to drink the potion again.
You can only learn one type of Claw & Bite attacks/spells at a time. Drinking another Fang & Claw Brew will override the previous one.

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Cantrip scrolls and potions are common in rarity, and don’t have a colored border.
Cantrip damage values scale based on your character level.

. ⋆ Ignite ⋆ .

You have the ability to start fires with a mere touch. As a Bonus Action, you can magically ignite an object, weapon, or enemy
creature, causing them to burst into flames. The fire kindles for 2 turns before it extinguishes.

The Aflame status this ability inflicts on enemies deals 1d6/2d6/3d6 Fire damage per turn.
Unlike Burning, enemies set Aflame don’t deal additional Fire damage with their attacks.

Setting your own or an allies’ weapon Aflame causes said weapon to deal an additional 1d4/2d4/3d4 Fire damage.

. ⋆ Dragging Web ⋆ .

Strike at an enemy with a gossamer, skin-adhering Web, pulling them 3m / 10ft towards you and dealing 1d6/2d6/3d6 Force damage.

. ⋆ Mind Sliver ⋆ .

Deliver a searing sliver of pure Psychic energy directly into the mind of a singular Target, dealing 1d6/2d6/3d6 Psychic
damage and afflicting them with Slivered Mind for 1 turn.

Slivered Mind reduces Saving Throw rolls by 1d4.

. ⋆ Lunar Missile ⋆ .

Four variants of this Cantrip are available, each representing a different Moon Phase.

Direct a concentrated burst of pure Moonlight at a target, dealing 1d6/2d6/3d6 Radiant damage and potential additional effects based
on the Moon Phase your Lunar Missile is associated with.

New Moon: Bonus Cold damage & Halved Movement Speed
Waxing Crescent: Pushes the target 4.5m / 14ft away from you
Full Moon: Bonus Radiant damage, doubled if target is Undead
Waning Crescent: Blinds target

. ⋆ Eilistraee’s Moonfire ⋆ .

Call upon the comforting light of the Moon, surrounding yourself with Moonmotes that shed moonlight within 9m / 30ft of you.

. ⋆ Weave Bolt ⋆ .

Tap into your connection to the weave and direct 1/2/3 beam(s) of pure magic at a target, dealing 1d12/2d12/3d12 Force damage each.

Level 1 scrolls and potions are Uncommon in rarity, and have a Green border.

. ⋆ Summon Cluster of Spiders ⋆ .

Summon 2/3/4/5 small Spiders to aid you in your Endeavors.

. ⋆ Guarding Moonmotes ⋆ .

Surround yourself with dancing Moonmotes, granting you 10 Temporary HP and retaliating against melee Attacks with 5 Cold and 5 Radiant damage. Once the Temporary HP has been drained, the Moonmotes disperse.

. ⋆ Luminescent Multiplicity ⋆ .

Call upon the Moon to multiply your form to distract your enemies, summoning 3 uncontrollable duplicates of yourself. Whenever you successfully evade an Attack, one of the duplicates detonates, Blinding nearby enemies and potentially dealing 1d4 Psychic damage.

. ⋆ Phlegethos’ Protection ⋆ .

Surround yourself with hellish flames, gaining 5 Temporary HP and dealing 5 Fire damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack.

. ⋆ Water Whip ⋆ .

Conjure a whip of wild Water and strike a target, dealing 4d6 Bludgeoning damage with a chance of either knocking your target Prone or pulling them 9m / 30ft towards you.

Level 2 scrolls and potions are Rare in rarity, and have a Blue border.

. ⋆ Whispering Ward ⋆ .

Call upon the whispers of the Far Realm to protect yourself, gaining Temporary HP equal to double your Level.
The shield retaliates against melee strikes, dealing 1d6/2d6/3d6 Psychic damage. On expiry, the shield detonates, potentially dealing
1d4/2d4/3d4 Psychic damage to nearby enemies and causing them to become Anxious.

Anxious imposes Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws and Checks, and Disadvantage on Attack Rolls.

. ⋆ Aberrant Rot ⋆ .

Drag forth a drop of Aberrant Essence from the depths of the Far Realm and infuse it into a creature. On a failed save,
the very core of their mind begins to rot away, imposing Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws
and Checks and dealing 1d4/2d4/3d4 Psychic damage every turn.

If they fail a save on their turn, the Aberrant Rot spreads to nearby creatures.

. ⋆ Gravitational Pull ⋆ .

Throw a small Shard of the Moon itself. Upon landing, a strong gravitational force pulls all creatures that fail
their Saving Throw within range 3m / 10ft towards the center, dealing 2d8 Force damage to them.

. ⋆ Moonfire Blade ⋆ .

Call upon the Moon and conjure a Blade of Moonlight and Mithral into your Hand. Its Attacks deal 3d6 Radiant damage,
it sheds bright light within 3m / 10ft, and dim light within 6m / 20ft. While holding the Blade, nearby allies are empowered by Silvery Grace.

Silvery Grace grants a bonus to Movement Speed and allows their Weapon Attacks to deal an additional 1d4 Radiant damage.

. ⋆ Astra’s Scorcher ⋆ .

A line of wild, roaring flame sears and Scorches all creatures in its path.

A Scorched target is vulnerable to Fire damage and takes 1d6 Fire damage per turn.

. ⋆ Minor Mudslide ⋆ .

Call forth a small mudslide. It creates a muddy surface that is considered Difficult Terrain, and Creatures in the area are covered in Mud,
reducing their Movement Speed and AC and imposing -2 to Dexterity Saving Throws.

Level 3 scrolls and potions are Very Rare in rarity, and have a Pink border.

. ⋆ Lunar Beacon ⋆ .

Four variants of this Spell are available, each representing a different Moon Phase.

Call down a luminous beacon of moonlight that damages any creature that enters the beacon or starts its turn in it’s light. Damage values and additional effects depend on the Moon Phase your Lunar Beacon is associated with.

New Moon: 2d10 Radiant & 1d10 Cold. Creates Ice surface in it’s location
Waxing Crescent: 2d10 Radiant & 1d10 Force. Alters gravity in it’s radius, increasing allies’ and lowering enemies’ Movement Speed
Full Moon: 2d10 Radiant. Creates a Holy Fire surface and sears targets, dealing 1d4 Radiant damage per turn
Waning Crescent: 2d10 Radiant & 1d10 Psychic. Blinds targets within it’s radius

. ⋆ Lullaby ⋆ .

Sing a mesmerizing melody, rendering you unable to take Bonus Actions and cast spells that require a verbal component for the duration of the spell. Enemies within 10m / 30ft may fall Asleep.

. ⋆ Dream Lock ⋆ .

Induce a heavy drowsiness in a target, causing them to become Drowsy for 1 turn. Starting on their next turn, they are rendered Dream Locked.

Drowsy targets cannot take Bonus Actions.
Dream Locked targets are trapped inside a waking dream, have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls, Attacks against them
have Advantage, and they receive a -2 penalty to Saving Throws.

. ⋆ Shadow Breath ⋆ .

Unleash a cone of the blackest shadow upon an area, dealing 4d8 Necrotic damage in a 5m / 15ft cone.

Level 4 scrolls and potions are Legendary in rarity, and have a Yellow border.

. ⋆ Looming Nightmare ⋆ .

Curse a creature to be haunted by horrific nightmares. If they enter or start their turn in a Lightly or Heavily Obscured area, they take 5d8 Psychic damage.

. ⋆ Drown ⋆ .

Conjure a sphere of water around a targets head. For the duration of this spell, they are Silenced and cannot move.
If they’re unable to free themselves for 5 turns, they die.

. ⋆ Igniting Spark ⋆ .

Throw a single mote of infernal flame at a target, dealing 6d6 Fire damage and creating a Hellfire surface immediately below them to burn them. Hellfire deals 6d6 Fire damage per turn and ignores Fire Resistance and Immunity.

Claw & Bite potions are Legendary in rarity, and have a Yellow border.

Claw and Bite attacks are used and scale similarly to Cantrips.
Claw attacks don’t apply Unarmed Attack bonuses.

These abilities are learned by consuming the appropriate “Fang & Claw Brew”. Claw abilities are unlocked by this potion
at level 1, whereas Bite attacks become available to you at level 5.
You don’t need to consume this potion again to unlock the appropriate Bite.

You can only learn one type of Claw and Bite abilities at a time. Drinking a second type of “Fang & Claw Brew” will override the first.

. ⋆ Claw Attacks ⋆ .

Strike out at a target using your natural claws, dealing a combination of Slashing and Elemental damage. Which type of Elemental damage is dealt varies based on the type of Claw attack.

Slashing & Elemental damage scale at follows:
Level 1: 1d4 | Level 4: 1d6
Level 7: 2d4 | Level 10: 2d6
For a total of 2d4/2d6/4d4/4d6 damage per level.

Caustic Claws: Acid | Voltaic Claws: Lightning | Fiery Claws: Fire
Noxious Claws: Poison | Frigid Claws: Cold | Corrupting Claws: Necrotic
Extrasensory Claws: Psychic | Forceful Claws: Force
Sacred Claws: Radiant | Roaring Claws: Thunder
Ferocious Claws: No Elemental damage, increased Slashing damage & Bleed

. ⋆ Bite Attacks ⋆ .

Bare your teeth and rip into a target, dealing a combination of Piercing and Elemental damage, and potentially inflicting a Status on the target. Which type of Elemental damage is dealt varies based on the type of Bite attack.

Piercing damage scales at follows:
Level 1: 1d10 | Level 4: 1d12
Level 7: 2d10 | Level 10: 2d12

Elemental damage scales at follows:
Level 1: 1d6 | Level 4: 1d8
Level 7: 2d6| Level 10: 2d8

Caustic Bite: Acid damage & reduces AC by 2
Voltaic Bite: Lightning damage & blocks Bonus Action usage
Fiery Bite: Fire damage & Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws/Checks
Noxious Bite: Poison damage & Poisoned
Frigid Bite: Cold damage & Slow & Disadvantage on Strength rolls
Corrupting Bite: Necrotic damage & can’t regain HP
Extrasensory Bite: Psychic damage & Anxious
Forceful Bite: Increased Force damage bonus
Sacred Bite: Radiant damage & bonus damage to Undead
Roaring Bite: Thunder damage & pushes target 2m / 6ft
Ferocious Bite: Increased Piercing damage & Bleed

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- Download this mod
- Unzip the archive & drag the .pak file into your mods folder
- Launch BG3 Mod Manager
- Drag this Mod from the “Inactive Mods” to the “Active Mods” tab
- Click “Save Load Order to File”
- Click “Export Order to the Game”
- Launch your game and find these items in the locations mentioned further up!

If you are entirely new to modding BG3, have a look at this video guide instead.

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Mod Fixer

Soft Requirement: AV Item Shipment Framework
You don’t need this mod for the Spellbook to function, but it is compatible and will ship the items added directly to your camp.

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This mod should function normally alongside most other mods.

It does not modify vanilla files or entries in any way that would result in obvious points of conflict. If you encounter a
conflict regardless, please feel free to reach out and I will investigate. Should a patch be required, I’m happy to do so.
I’ll only patch for other mods if I have permission from the mod’s creator. If they decline or are unreachable, I won’t patch for their mod.

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Thank you to

Aether for her Container Templates & the Item Shipment Framework
Volitio for the Item Shipment Framework
(Seriously, adding items has never been this easy. Goodbye Tutorial Chest, I will not miss you)

Lumaterian for pointing me in the right direction for Potion & Spell Scroll loot tables