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About this mod

This mod is designed to bring more balance and identity/flavor to the weapons in BG3. Ever thought about how some weapons are just plain bad? This mod fixes that while adding NEW abilities and stats to make the weapon choices more unique.

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This Mod brings balance and identity/flavor to the weapons in BG3.

Ever thought about how some weapons are just plain bad? Like Light Hammers vs Hand Axe or something similar? This mod fixes that while adding NEW abilities and stats to make the weapon choices more meaningful.


This mod should be compatible with pretty much everything. Even custom weapons mods and the like, just load this one after theirs. As long as the new weapons reference existing weapons for their default stats, should work just fine.


HOTFIX 1.7.2
First off, I apologize for the delay in this hotfix. I have a job that requires me to sometimes travel the globe repairing aircraft and have been away from home for the past month. Today's hotfix addresses some problem issues with last version

"Nimble Defense" (Rapiers, Shortswords) Bug FIXED - Was applying on random actions like speaking or hiding. Should be resolved now. Please report if you see any new instances of this behavior

"Armor Penetration" (Rapiers, Warpicks, Light Hammers, Daggers) Bug FIXED -  Was applying the bonuses to your ranged weapon if one of these was equipped in melee slot. Should be fixed now.


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**New Abilities/Passives marked with "(NEW)"


- Added "Deep Wounds" (NEW) Passive. Gives 5 extra damage on crit
- Added "Armor Penetration" (NEW) Passive. Provides a +1 bonus to attack rolls and attacks ignore piercing resistance.

Reasoning: Makes daggers more viable when compared to Shortsword/Scimitar, which are just plain better in vanilla. Great for crit dex builds.

- Added "Deep Wounds" (NEW) Passive. Gives 5 extra damage on crit
- Added "Razor Sharp" (NEW) Passive. On a critical hit, applies HEAVY BLEEDING (4dmg/turn) for 3 turns.
- Added Finesse Property
Reasoning: Makes Sickles more viable when compared to dagger, which is better in vanilla pretty much.

- Gave Clubs "Tenacity" from vanilla, as they were one of the few blunt weapons that did not have it.

Light Hammers
- Damage Buff to 1d4+1
- These now get "Tenacity" as they were one of the few blunt weapons that did not have it

- Added "Armor Penetration" (NEW) Passive. Provides a +1 bonus to attack rolls and attacks ignore piercing resistance.
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor
Reasoning: Light Hammers were just plain awful. Piss poor damage with no Shillelagh buff or similar. Hand Axes were just plain superior. Made them great for dual wield strength crit builds.

- Damage Buff to 1d6+1
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor
- These now get "Tenacity" as they were one of the few blunt weapons that did not have it
- These now get "Prepare" to give them a bit better damage potential now and then.
Reasoning: Maces were complete garbage in vanilla BG3/5E D&D. Hand Axes do the same damage whilst being light and throwable. Now Maces get the consistency of Tenacity and Prepare with a +1 to their damage and another +2 versus metal armor.

Hand Axes
- Added "Rending Blows" (NEW) Passive. Applies REND status which reduces AC by 2 until next turn.

- Added Finesse property

- Added Finesse property

- Damage buffed to 2d4+1
- Added "Heavy" property. These now can be used with Great Weapon Feats/Fighting styles
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor
- Gave Greatclubs "Heartstopper" from the Morningstar moveset to give these weapons more utility in fights
- Greatclubs now allow "Shillelagh" and keep their normal damage 2d4+1 when using it
- Unique Greatclubs were buffed for end-game viability and flavor (See 
Reasoning: Greatclubs were really bad in vanilla BG3/5E D&D. They did the same damage as a quarterstaff without polearm master or shillelagh and they are locked into 2 hands and weigh the same as a maul. Now Greatclubs are simple weapon powerhouses.

- Added "Nimble Defense" (NEW) Passive. When you attack, a DC20 DEX check occurs. Passing grants you +2AC for 2 turns.

- Added "Razor Sharp" (NEW) Passive. On a critical hit, applies HEAVY BLEEDING (4dmg/turn) for 3 turns.

- Added "Armor Penetration" (NEW) Passive. Provides a +1 bonus to attack rolls and attacks ignore piercing resistance.
- Added "Nimble Defense" (NEW) Passive. When you attack, a DC20 DEX check occurs. Passing grants you +2AC for 2 turns.

Reasoning: Rapiers don't have the light property and suffer on DPS as a result. This fits thematically with them being thrusting weapons.

- Added "Defensive Parry" (NEW) Passive. Perform a parry (2-turn cooldown) to reduce incoming melee damage by 2d6+ProfBonus
- Added Finesse property

Battle Axes
- Added "Rending Blows" (NEW) Passive. Applies REND status which reduces enemy AC by 2 until next turn.
- Added "Deep Wounds" (NEW) Passive. Gives 5 extra damage on crit
- Added "Thrown" property
Reasoning: For variety and more meaningful differences between similar weapons

- Damage buff to 1d8+1 (1 hand) and 1d10+1 (2 hand)
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor

Reasoning: For variety and more meaningful differences between similar weapons

- Damage changed to 1d4 Pierce + 1d4 Bludgeoning (2d4 total)
- Added "Versatile" property. You can now 2-hand morningstars for a damage increase to 1d6 Piercing + 1d4 Bludgeoning
- Added "Bloody Spikes" (NEW) Passive. On a critical hit, applies HEAVY BLEEDING (4dmg/turn) for 3 turns.
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor

Reasoning: For variety and more meaningful differences between similar weapons

- Added "Unblockable Flail" (NEW) Passive. The flexible head on these weapons make them impossible to block properly. You deal 1d6 damage anyway on a miss
- Added "Disarming Chain" (NEW) Action. Has a chance to disarm opponents by wrapping their weapon with your chain and pulling
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor
- Added "Prepare" Action. This comes over from Greataxes and adds extra strength modifier damage for a turn. 

Reasoning: For variety and uniqueness. Flails now the consistency kings of 1-hand weapons. Great for builds lacking high martial stats, and high potential for those who do

War Picks
- Martial/Piercing big brother to Light Hammers
- Added "Deep Wounds" (NEW) Passive. Gives 5 extra damage on crit
- Added "Armor Penetration" (NEW) Passive. Provides a +1 bonus to attack rolls and attacks ignore piercing resistance.
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor
- Added Light Property
Reasoning: For variety and more meaningful differences between similar weapons. Great for Crit Builds

- Damage buff to 1d10 (1-hand) and 1d12 (2-hand). Now the Piercing equivalent to Greataxe
- Added "Deep Wounds" (NEW) Passive. Gives 5 extra damage on crit
Reasoning: Vanilla tridents are inferior to even simple spears or Qstaffs because they don't get polearm master and require proficiency. Now they are high damage piercing weapons.

- Added "Extremely Long" (NEW) Passive: Now 315 range instead of 250 like Halberds/Glaives (~26% improvement).

Reasoning: Pikes largely worse than other polearms normally due to lack of cleave and same reach. They now have superior attack distance

- Added "Overwhelming Force" (NEW) Passive. Essentially a buffed "Tenacity" from vanilla. Does StrengthMod+2 damage on a miss
- Added "Can Crusher" (NEW) Passive. Provides +2 damage versus enemies in metal armor

Reasoning: BIK SMAK

- Added "Rending Blows" (NEW) Passive. Applies REND status which reduces enemy AC by 2 until next turn
- Added "Deep Wounds" (NEW) Passive. Gives 5 extra damage on crit

Reasoning: For variety and more meaningful differences between similar weapons

- Added "Defensive Parry" (NEW) Passive. Perform a parry (2-turn cooldown) to reduce incoming melee damage by 2d6+ProfBonus
- Increased Reach to 220 units. For reference, Halberd/Glaive are 250 and Pike (in this mod) is 315.
Reasoning: For variety and more meaningful differences between similar weapons

- No Change. These weapons are fine as is.

- Added Finesse property. Now the only polearm/reach weapon with dexterity scaling.
- Damage reduced to 1d8+1
Reasoning: For variety and more meaningful differences between similar weapons


Light/Heavy Crossbow
- "Ease of Use" (NEW Passive) - Crossbows utilize buttstock and trigger assemblies, making them easier to aim than bows. +1 to Attack Roll
- "Marksman's Focus" (NEW Action) - Spend 6m of movement. Next attack has ADVANTAGE and -4 to crit. Once per battle.
- Heavy Crossbow ONLY - Range increased to 22m (from 18m)
Reasoning: Crossbows are the most accurate of the archer weapons, especially at low DEX. Gives identity.

- "Heavy Draw" (NEW Passive) - Attack and Damage rolls both have a (StrengthModifier - 2) value applied. This means at low strength longbows are both inaccurate and low damaging. With high strength and dex, they have very high potential.
- "Mighty Overdraw" (NEW Action) - Draw the bow especially far back for more damage, at the cost of accuracy. Next attack has -2 to attack roll, but deals an extra 1d8+4 FORCE damage. Once per battle.
- Damage buff to 1d10 - Keep in mind "Heavy Draw". Need high stats to take great advantage.
- Range increase to 22m (from 18m)
Reasoning: Makes Longbows unique in that they use BOTH strength and dexterity to be effective. Perfect for combo STR/DEX builds, highest potential damage of all archer weapons but high barrier of entry

- "Skirmisher Tactics" (NEW Passive) - Each successful shot gives you an extra 2m of movement. Useful for getting to a good position and hit-and-run tactics.
- "Rapid Fire" (NEW Action) - Readies your stance and pulls multiple arrows out of your quiver to unleash hell. Spend all 9m of your movement. Fire 3 arrows in rapid succession. Targets can be chosen.
Reasoning: Makes Shortbows the weapon-of-choice if you want to be slippery, hard to reach, and intelligent with positioning/movement. 

Hand Crossbows
- Mobile Shot can now be used once-per-turn. No rest cooldown. Infinite.
- Range reduced - 15m from 18m
- Offhand shots take a -3 penalty to attack rolls
- PLANNED - find a way to keep sharpshooter from applying to offhand
Reasoning: Nerfs to these because of how strong they are dual wielded. Also to let other archer weapons shine

Don't Forget to leave feedback/suggestions in "Posts"!!!



Equalized Armor - Look How You Want! ---
Makes all armors in a tier (light/med/heavy) share the same weight and AC so you don't have to compromise on AC for fashion

Better Blade Ward --
Makes Blade Ward more viable and useful

Throw and Unequip Warlock Pact & Shillelagh Weapons --
This mod allows Pact and Shillelagh weapons to be unequipped, allowing you to easily bind a new weapon without waiting for long rest, or throw your bound weapon if it is capable of doing so.

Greater Greatclubs -
Makes Greatclubs more viable and unique. Buffed more from this mod.




HOTFIX 1.7.1 
"Heavy Draw" on longbows now works properly, was bugged in 1.7

"Nimble Defense" (Rapiers, Shortswords) BUFFED - Now also works on DC20 dex check rather than just on crits. This will be checked on each attack. If this has issues and becomes too strong, let me know. This ability was undertuned before imo.

UPDATE 1.7 - Christmas Update

"Defensive Parry" reworked again (Longswords and Greatswords) - Now costs a reaction, gives a pop-up option to use it or not upon taking damage (you can save it now), and damage reduction is buffed to 2d6+ProficiencyBonus

"Armor Penetration" Reworked (affects Rapiers, Daggers, Warpicks) -  Now only gives +1 to attack roll (from 3) but also lets these weapons ignore piercing resistance. +3 was broken when abused properly

"Ease of Use" on Crossbows nerfed - Now gives +1 to attack instead of 2

Greatsword reach improved slightly - Now 2.2m from 2m previous and 1.5m vanilla. For reference MOST polearms have 2.5m, so greatswords are inbetween normal weapons and polearms. Pikes have 3.15m in this mod.

UPDATE 1.6 - Small Update

Fixed a bug where "Defensive Parry" would not apply the "parried" cooldown in certain situations

Heavy Crossbow / Longbow Range Increase - Range increased to 22m from 18m for these weapons, to give them more of a distinction from the simple weapons and give a small range advantage to Archers over mages.

Shortbow Range Nerf Reverted - Now back to 18m, was a little punishing

Hand Crossbow Range increased to 15m - I still think default 18m is too much, but hand crossbow was buffed from 13m to 15m in this mod. 13 was a little low.

BUGS FIXED: Fixed text typos or misleading descriptions

UPDATE 1.5 - Balancing and Bug Fixes

"Defense Parry" nerfed - Was overtuned, mainly at low levels. Now reduces damage taken by 1d6+ProfBonus, so less reliable. Also has a 2-turn cooldown.
"Mighty Overdraw" buffed - Was a bit underpowered. Now has a -2 attack penalty, and adds 1d8+4 Force damage.
Sickles: Finesse added. "Razor Sharp" passive added. Removed "Armor Penetration" passive. For differentiation from daggers.
Quarterstaffs: Finesse added.
BUGS FIXED: Heavy Draw applying to other attacks, Rapid Fire not costing an Action

ARCHERY REWORKS and other changes (HOTFIXED 1.4.1)

Light/Heavy Crossbow
  • "Ease of Use" (NEW Passive) - Crossbows utilize buttstock and trigger assemblies, making them easier to aim than bows. +2 to Attack Roll
  • "Marksman's Focus" (NEW Action) - Spend 6m of movement. Next attack has ADVANTAGE and -4 to crit. Once per battle.

  • "Heavy Draw" (NEW Passive) - Attack and Damage rolls both have a (StrengthModifier - 2) value applied. This means at low strength longbows are both inaccurate and low damaging. With high strength and dex, they have very high potential.
  • "Mighty Overdraw" (NEW Action) - Draw the bow especially far back for more damage, at the cost of accuracy. Next attack has -3 to attack roll, but deals an extra 1d8 FORCE damage. Once per battle.
  • Damage buff to 1d10 - Keep in mind "Heavy Draw". Need high stats to take great advantage.

  • "Skirmisher Tactics" (NEW Passive) - Each successful shot gives you an extra 2m of movement. Useful for getting to a good position and hit-and-run tactics.
  • "Rapid Fire" (NEW Action) - Readies your stance and pulls multiple arrows out of your quiver to unleash hell. Spend all 9m of your movement. Fire 3 arrows in rapid succession, for 1d4 damage. Targets can not be chosen twice (shoot 3 separate people)
  • Range reduced slightly - From 18m to 13m

Hand Crossbows
  • Mobile Shot can now be used once-per-turn. No rest cooldown. Infinite.
  • Range reduced - From 18m to 10m
  • Offhand shots take a -3 penalty to attack rolls
  • PLANNED - find a way to keep sharpshooter from applying to offhand

Other Changes
  • "Defensive Parry" for Longsword/Greatsword reworked - Functionality unchanged, but now reduces the damage taken by (ProficiencyBonus * 2) so starting out it will reduce 4 dmg, then 6, then 8 dmg taken (once per turn).


  • - NEW PASSIVE "Defensive Parry" for Longswords/Greatswords. This allows you to perform a parry once per turn, that reduces incoming melee damage by 3.
  • - NEW PASSIVE "Nimble Defense" applied to Shortswords and Rapiers. This adds +2 to AC for 3 turns when you do a crit.
  • - NEW PASSIVE "Razor Sharp" applied to Scimitars. This adds HEAVY BLEEDING to targets when you land a crit, for 3 turns.
  • - NEW PASSIVE "Bloody Spikes" applied to Morningstars. This adds HEAVY BLEEDING to targets when you land a crit, for 3 turns.
  • - Light Hammers had 'Deep Wounds' removed, too much
  • - Passive Text added for Pike extra reach: "Extremely Long"
  • NEXT PATCH: Archery Balance, Compatibility Patches

  • Fixed REND bug where it would stack and continuously drain AC. Now only applies once
  • Compatibility patch for visual weapon placement mods, like Visible Shields and Weapons on Hip

  • - "Armor Penetration" (NEW) passive reworked to give +3 to attack rolls, instead of reducing crit roll requirement
  • - "Rending Blows" (NEW) passive reworked to apply "REND" status, which reduces enemy AC by 2 until their next turn. Supports party members
  • - "Deep Wounds" (NEW) passive reworked to give a +5 damage bonus on crits instead of an extra crit die, as that was too powerful with magic buffs
  • - NEW PASSIVE "Can Crusher" applied to most Blunt weapons. This adds +2 damage when hitting an enemy in metal armor
  • - Longsword now has 'Finesse' 
  • - Spear now has 'Finesse'
  • - Glaive damage reduced to 1d8+1, added Finesse (differentiates from Halberd, only finesse reach weapon)
  • - Greatsword now has increased reach: 200 vs Halberd/Glaive 250 and Pike 315 (in this mod).
